Since 2011 the School of Pharmacy at Birmingham has paved the way for pharmacy professionals through innovative teaching and fundamental research. Our dedication and investment into Pharmacy has had substantial impact in areas such as prescribing, medicines optimisation and research, whilst developing our pharmacists of the future.
The School of Pharmacy is situated at the heart of one of the largest healthcare regions in the UK. With a diverse population of over 5 million, and the University’s strong relationships with the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB NHS FT), we are proud to provide our students with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in world class facilities.
Our commitment to delivering high quality teaching was highlighted through our award of full accreditation from the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) in 2017, with no recommendations or conditions.
Research in Pharmacy focuses on three main scientific disciplines; pharmacy practice, pharmaceuticals and medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. Our staff work in partnership with UHB NHS FT to share clinical and research excellence through our Birmingham Health Partners agreement.