Sabrina Francis

Mayor of Camden
BA Social Policy, 2006


I am a Digital Engagement Manager at Kanda, a planning communications consultancy, and I’m also a local councillor and the current Mayor of Camden.

After university my career started slowly; graduating into a recession meant I worked in retail for a while and interned in various organisations. Once I did find a job it was clear that my time at Birmingham had shaped my ideas of the kind of roles, I’d be interested in. I’ve worked on political campaigns, for a financial trade body and at a university. My experience as a sabbatical officer at the Guild and working on student campaigns led me to want to work for a company that did good or had charitable aims.

Birmingham gave me time to develop my view of the world and what I wanted to do in it. As a social policy student, you have to grapple with the big issues of the day, be it housing, health care, or crime. The critical thinking I learned on my course plays a part in how I make decisions and understand society today.

To current and prospective students, I'd say '"Try everything”. From sports teams to societies, to cultural events, there is something for everyone at university. You will find your tribe, so don’t worry if things don’t fall in to place straight away. Even if you join a club or society and don’t like it, you’ll have learned something about yourself.

We Are (Third Width)


“Ask questions – You’re not supposed to already be an expert in your course or living away from home, so if you have any queries, ask for help!”