Culture, Migration and Superdiversity

This theme brings together researchers from the Department of Social Policy, Sociology & Criminology who seek to consider the role and impact of ethnicity and religion across a range of different social, political and cultural settings. 

Approaching our subject matter from a range of different disciplinary and methodological start points, our collective endeavours intersect and overlap with a number of other departmental themes including inequality, exclusion, migration and social harm. This is evident in our shared research interests which encompass discrimination, hate crime, celebrity culture, media representation, identity, the far-right, heterogeneity, urban planning and superdiversity.

Current and recent research

  • Integrated intersectional and socioecological approach: Engaging with religion to strengthen protection from violence against women in forced displacement

    This project is led by Dr Sandra Pertek. It explores how intersectional and socioecological approaches could be strengthened to account for socio-cultural and religious factors in preventing and responding to violence against women in forced displacement, humanitarian and migration settings.

  • Protecting forcibly displaced women and girls in the Muslim world

    This policy-oriented research project explores the motivations, opportunities and challenges for protecting displaced women and girls in the Muslim majority countries. It aims to develop an evidence base and conceptual resources for integrating the protection of forcibly displaced women and girls from violence, discrimination and exclusion into humanitarian policy and diplomacy in the Muslim world. The project lead is Dr Sandra Pertek

  • Pathways to socio-economic and civic-political inclusion of ethnic minorities in Britain and Canada

    This project was funded by the ESRC under the Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (Phase 3 – project ES/N011635/1). The aim of the project was to investigate the patterns of ethnic minority inclusion within British and Canadian socio-economic and civic-political institutions over time and assess the role that family capital, here understood as an aggregation of family resources, plays in determining the inclusion trajectories of individuals. The research team included investigators at the University of Manchester, McGill University and the Runnymede Trust.

Selected publications


Bennett, M. R.,Einolf. C. (2017). Religion, Altruism, and Helping Strangers: A Multilevel Analysis of 123 Countries.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 56(2):323;341.

Gonzales, R. G. and Sigona, N. (eds) (2017) Within and beyond citizenship: Borders, membership and belonging. (BSA Sociological Futures Series) London and New York: Routledge

Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. & Phillimore, J. (2017) Introduction: rethinking integration.  New perspectives on adaption and settlement in the era of superdiversity.  Journal and Ethnic and Migration studies.

Phillimore, J., Humphris, R. & Khan, K. (2017) Reciprocity for new migrant integration: resource conservation, investment and exchange.  Journal of Ethnic and Migration

Picker, G. (2017). Racial Cities: Governance and the Segregation of Romani People in Urban Europe. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Picker, G. (2017) ‘Post-Socialist Europe and its “Constitutive Outside”: Ethnographic Resemblances for a Comparative Research Agenda’. In J. Krase and Z. Uherek (eds), The Local Context of DiversityBasingstoke: Palgrave, 39-53.


Cheung, S. & Phillimore, J. (2016) Gender and refugee integration: a quantitative analysis of integration and social policy outcomes.  Journal of Social Policy.

Picker, G. (2016). ‘“That neighbourhood is an ethnic bomb!” The emergence of an urban governance apparatus in Western Europe’, European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(2): 136-148.

Lessard-Phillips, L. (2016). Richard Alba & Nancy Foner, Strangers No More: Immigration and the Challenges of Integration in North America and Western Europe. European Sociological Review, 32(2), pp. 321-323.

Phillimore, J. & Bradby, H. (2016). In Raphael, D. Ed. Public Policy, Immigrant Experiences and Health Outcomes in the UK.   In Immigration, Public Policy, and health: newcomer experiences in developed nations. Newcomer experiences in developed nations.  Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press pp133-156.

Sigona, N (2016) ‘Everyday statelessness: status, rights and camps’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (2): 263-279.

Members of the Migration, diversity and religion theme

Dr Jennifer Allsopp

Dr Jennifer Allsopp

Birmingham Fellow
Founder and Co-Chair, University of Birmingham University of Sanctuary
Co-Founder and Birmingham Lead, Transatlantic Fellows Program

School of Social Policy and Society

Jennifer’s work centres on how people move and mobilize to support what they perceive to be viable futures for themselves, their families and their societies in the context of migration. She is drawn to interdisciplinarity and often incorporates the humanities to inform the content and practice of her research. She is passionate about comparative studies in international migration and the ...


Dr Gëzim Alpion

Dr Gëzim Alpion

Associate Professor of Sociology
Director of Employability for the School of Social Policy and Society

School of Social Policy and Society

Educated at Cairo University and Durham University, Gëzim Alpion lectured at the Universities of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam, and Newman prior to his appointment in 2002 in the Department of Sociology at the University of Birmingham. He joined the Department of Political Science and International Studies in 2010 and the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology in ...

+44 (0)121 414 3241

Dr Rachel Ayrton

Dr Rachel Ayrton

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

School of Social Policy and Society

Rachel Ayrton is a sociologist with expertise in research methodology and migration.  She is currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity here at Birmingham.

Rachel’s work centres around questions of power and agency, and how these are expressed and constrained in communities that are marginalised and oppressed.  She is particularly ...


Dr Lisa Goodson

Dr Lisa Goodson


School of Social Policy and Society

Lisa Goodson is a lecturer in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology where she co-ordinates social policy research modules at post graduate level as well as teaching and tutoring on undergraduate modules in new migration. Lisa has been at the forefront of research exploring the experiences and consequences of migration in the UK and Europe. Common themes that cut across ...

+44 (0)121 414 4993

Professor Rana Jawad

Professor Rana Jawad

Professor of Global Social Policy

School of Social Policy and Society

Rana Jawad specialises in the social policies and welfare systems of the Middle East and North Africa region, focusing on broad questions about institutional and political change, programme design and the impact of these on poverty and inequality. She is especially interested in the policy and political dynamics (including policy transfer issues) among international actors and the donor ...


Dr Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Dr Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Senior Research Fellow, IRiS

School of Social Policy and Society

Laurence Lessard-Phillips is a Senior Research Fellow who joined the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) in May 2016. Her main research interests lie in the perceptions, measurement, and dimensionality of immigrant adaptation; ethnic inequalities in education and the labour market; the transnational behaviour across immigrant generations; and social inequalities and social mobility. ...


Dr Rodolfo Leyva

Dr Rodolfo Leyva

Lecturer Quantitative Methods

School of Social Policy and Society

Rodolfo (Rudy) Leyva joined the School of Social Policy and Society in September 2021, as a Lecturer in Quantitative Methods.

Rodolfo is a behavioural-social scientist, with specialisms in cognitive sociology, political-economy, and media psychology. His primary and interdisciplinary research draws on leading theories of ideological hegemony, neurocognition, and enculturation, and employs online ...


Dr Angelo Martins Junior

Dr Angelo Martins Junior

Assistant Professor in Sociology

School of Social Policy and Society

Angelo Martins Jr is an Assistant Professor in Sociology. He undertakes ethnographic research in the areas of difference, intersectionality, social inequalities and decolonial sociological approaches to contribute to debates on Migration, as well as on ‘Modern Slavery’. 

Angelo has carried out extensive research on how differences of ‘race’, class and gender, rooted ...


Dr Özlem Ögtem-Young

Dr Özlem Ögtem-Young

Research Fellow
Research Lead (Poverty, Precarity, Saving and Debt)

School of Social Policy and Society

Özlem Ögtem-Young is a Research Fellow and Research Theme Lead (Poverty, Precarity, Savings and Debt) for  the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) within the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology, developing and undertaking research into issues of poverty, precarity and financial insecurity amongst socially and economically ...


Dr Sandra Pertek

Dr Sandra Pertek

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the School of Government and School of Social Policy and Society
Senior Research Fellow

International Development Department

Dr Sandra Pertek is UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the School of Government and School of Social Policy, and Senior Research Fellow at the International Development Department (IDD) and the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham. She was previously Lecturer at the Institute for Global Health and Development, Queen Margaret ...

0121 414 7232

Professor Jenny Phillimore

Professor Jenny Phillimore

Professor of Migration and Superdiversity

School of Social Policy and Society

Jenny Phillimore is Professor of Migration and Superdiversity. She is a world leading scholar in refugee integration, superdiversity and access to social welfare with a particular focus on public health.  Jenny is also an expert on Community Sponsorship.

She managers teams of researchers focusing on access to health, education, employment, training, and housing integration with a particular ...

+44(0)121 414 7822

Professor Nando Sigona

Professor Nando Sigona

Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement
Director of IRiS

School of Social Policy and Society

Professor Nando Sigona has over twenty years of research experience in the field of migration and forced displacement.

He is Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement at the University of Birmingham, UK where he teaches sociology of migration, displacement and citizenship. He is the Director of the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity(IRIS). ...

+44(0)121 415 8030