Focusing on major challenges of trauma, disease, and inactivity.

The theme focuses on major challenges of trauma, disease, and inactivity; and it includes research spanning the natural science disciplines and promotes cross-fertilisation of research, including with the social sciences, to create new techniques, robust findings, and socially relevant outcomes. For example, research is concerned with studying how the brain controls movement and how it allows us to - seemingly effortlessly - learn new motor skills, understanding how the brain transforms vestibular signals into appropriate responses for balance, exploring how to optimise the management of musculoskeletal conditions like neck pain and low back pain, and developing rehabilitative strategies to help people, including from the military, manage or overcome trauma.
The theme unites international expertise across a number of areas including:
- Musculoskeletal science
- Sensorimotor neuroscience and learning
- Human motion analysis
- Educational rehabilitation strategies
Arm cycling exercise for improving trunk function after spinal cord injury
Research Areas:
Centre of Precision Rehabilitation for Spinal Pain (CPR Spine)
Research case studies: