Nafsika Afentou

Nafsika Afentou

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

Centre for Economics of Obesity
Health Economics Unit
Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Nafsika’s research interests are in the Economics of Obesity and the use of health economics methods to support a systems approach to obesity policy. She is particularly interested in the application of economic evaluation and decision-analytic modelling to direct decision making in the realm of obesity. 

Nafsika joined the Centre for Economics of Obesity led by Professor Emma Frew in 2021, where she is involved in research to tackle the wider determinants of disease including the impact of green and blue space and transport.


  • Master’s in Public Health (MPH), Lund University, 2018
  • BSc in Economics, University of Thessaly, 2012


Recent publications


Afentou, N, Jackson, L, Andrade, LF, Elliott, S, Hull, K, Shepherd, J & Frew, E 2024, 'Valuing Blue Spaces for Health and Wellbeing from the Community Perspective', Sustainability, vol. 16, no. 12, 5222.

PREDNOS Collaborative Group, NIHR Medicines for Children Research Network Nephrology Clinical Studies Group, Afentou, N, Frew, E, Mehta, S, Rowland, N, Woolley, R, Brettell, E, Khan, A, Milford, D, Bockenhauer, D, Saleem , MA, Hall, AS, Koziell, A, Maxwell, H, Hegde , S, Finlay, ER, Gilbert, RD, Jones, C, McKeever, K, Cook, W, Webb, NJA & Christian, MT 2022, 'Economic evaluation of using daily prednisolone versus placebo at the time of an upper respiratory tract infection for the management of children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: a model-based analysis', PharmacoEconomics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 605-617.

Afentou, N, Moore, P, Hull, K, Shepherd, J, Elliott, S & Frew, E 2022, 'Inland waterways and population health and wellbeing: a cross‐sectional study of waterway users in the UK', The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 19, no. 21, 13809.

Frew, E, Afentou, N, Mohtashami Borzadaran, H, Candio, P & Pokhilenko, I 2022, 'Using economics to impact local obesity policy: introducing the UK Centre for Economics of Obesity (CEO)', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 629-635.

Kinghorn, P & Afentou, N 2021, 'Eliciting a monetary threshold for a year of sufficient capability to inform resource allocation decisions in public health and social care', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 279, 113977.

Christian, M, Webb, NJA, Mehta, S, Woolley, R, Afentou, N, Frew, E, Brettell, E, Khan, A, Milford, D, Bockenhauer, D, Saleem , MA, Hall, AS, Koziell, A, Maxwell, H, Hegde , S, Prajapati , H, Gilbert, RD, Jones, C, McKeever, K, Cook, W & Rowland, N 2021, 'Evaluation of daily low-dose prednisolone during upper respiratory tract infection to prevent relapse in children with relapsing steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: the PREDNOS 2 randomized clinical trial', JAMA Pediatrics.

Afentou, N & Kinghorn, P 2020, 'A Systematic Review of the Feasibility and Psychometric Properties of the ICECAP-A Capability Instrument and Its Use So Far in Economic Evaluation', Value in Health.

Kinghorn, P & Afentou, N 2020, 'Proxy responses to ICECAP-A: Exploring variation across multiple proxy assessments of capability well-being for the same individuals', PLoSONE, vol. 15, no. 7, e0236584.

Afentou, N, Jarl, J, Gerdtham, U-G & Saha, S 2019, 'Economic evaluation of interventions in Parkinson's disease: a systematic literature review', Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 282-290.

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