Professor Amanda Daley

Professor Amanda Daley

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Honorary Professor in Behavioural Medicine

Contact details

Primary Care Clinical Sciences
Institute of Applied Health Research
College of Medical and Dental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT

Amanda Daley is a reader in behavioural medicine and leads the behavioural medicine team in primary care.  Her work is focused on investigating the effects of lifestyle interventions on health outcomes, particularly around women’s health.  She is the principal investigator on several on-going trials that are examining the effectiveness of physical activity and weight control interventions.  She is also an applicant on several other funded trials in these areas.  She has published extensively in the field of physical activity and health.  


Teaching Programmes

  • Medicine and Surgery MBChB years 1, 2 and 3

Postgraduate supervision

Amanda currently supervises several PhDs in the area of physical activity and health and weight management.



Clinical trials, primary care and physical activity and health 

Other activities

  • Yorkshire Cancer Research Fund. Research Advisory Panel Member.  (2017-2020).
  • French ARC Foundation. “Tertiary prevention in oncology: Developing a prevention strategy for patients with cancer”. Scientific committee member for special call for project research grants.  October 2016.
  • BMC Public Health (Section Editor, Energy Balance Related Behaviours Division)
  • International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (Editorial Board)
  • The Physician and Sports Medicine (Editorial Board)
  • Psychology of Sport and Exercise Review (Editorial Board)


Daley AJ, Jolly, K, Adab, P, Pallan M, Bryant M, Clifford, S, Cheng, KK, Roalfe, AK.  Are babies conceived during Ramadan born smaller and sooner than babies conceived at other times of the year?  A Born in Bradford Cohort study.  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.  In press.

Aveyard P, Lewis A, Tearne S, Hood K, Christian-Brown A, Adab P, Begh R, Jolly K, Daley AJ, Farley, Lycett L, Nickless A, Yu MU, Retat L, Webber L, Pimpin L, Jebb S. Screening and brief intervention for obesity in primary care: a parallel, two-arm, randomised trial. Lancet 2016; 388: 2492–500.

Sidhu MS, Daley, AJ, Jolly K. Evaluation of a text supported weight maintenance programme “Lighten Up Plus” following a weight reduction programme: randomised controlled trial. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016;13:19

Buffart LM, Kalter J, Sweegers MG, Courneya KS, Newton RU, Aaronson NK, et al (Daley AJ).  Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer:  an individual patient data meta-analysis of 34 RCTs. Cancer Treatment Reviews in press.

Adab P, Fitzmaurice DA, Dickens AP, Ayres J, Buni H, Cheng KK, Cooper BG, Daley AJ, Enocson A, Greenfield S, Jolly K, Jowett S, Kalirai K, Marsh JL, Miller MR, Riley R, Siebert W, Stockley RA, Turner AM, Jordan R.  Cohort profile: The Birmingham COPD Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology in press. 

Jordan, RE, Adab P, Sitch A, Enocson A, Blissett D, Jowett S, Marsh J, Riley RD, Miller MR, Cooper BG, Turner AM, Jolly K, Ayres JG, Haroon S, Stockley R, Greenfield S, Siebert S, Daley AJ, Cheng KK, Fitzmaurice D. Targeted case finding for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease versus routine practice in primary care (TargetCOPD): a cluster-randomised controlled trial.  The Lancet Respiratory Medicine; 4: 720-3011.

Daley AJ, Jolly K, Jebb SA, Roalfe AK, Mackillop L, Lewis AL, Clifford S, Kenyon S, MacArthur C, Aveyard P.  Effectiveness of regular weighing, weight target setting and feedback by community midwives within routine antenatal care in preventing excessive gestational weight gain: randomised controlled trial.  BMC Obesity 2016;3:7.

Baxter S, Johnson M, Payne N, Buckley-Woods, H, Blank L, Hock E, Daley AJ, Taylor A, Pavey T, Mountain G, Goyder E.  Promoting and maintaining physical activity in the transition to retirement: a systematic review of interventions for adults around retirement age International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016; 1;13:12.

Sidhu M, Alyegbusi O, Daley AJ, Jolly K.  Older mean’s experience of weight loss and weight loss maintenance interventions: qualitative findings from the Lighten Up Plus Trial.  Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss 2016;1:003.

Madigan CM, Daley AJ, Kabir E, Aveyard P, Brown W.  Cluster analysis of behavioural weight management strategies and
associations with weight change in young women: a longitudinal analysis. International Journal of Obesity 2015 Jun 22. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2015.116. [Epub ahead of print].

McCahon D, Daley AJ, Jones J, Haslop R, Shajpal A, Taylor A, Wilson S, Dowswell G.  Enhancing adherence in trials promoting change in diet and physical activity in individuals with a diagnosis of colorectal adenoma: a systematic review of behavioural intervention approaches. BMC Cancer 2015;15:505.

Parretti H, AveyardP, BlaninA, CliffordSJ, ColemanSJ, RoalfeAK, DaleyAJ, Efficacy of water preloading before main meals as a strategy for weight loss in obese primary care patients: RCT.  Obesity in press.

Ussher M, Lewis S, Aveyard P, Manyonda I, West R, Lewis B, Marcus B, Riaz M, Taylor A, DaleyAJ, Coleman T.  A randomised controlled trial of physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy.  BMJ 2015;350:h2145.

Daley AJ, Blamey RV, Jolly K, Roalfe A, Turner K, Coleman S, McGuinness M, Jones I, Sharp DJ, MacArthur, C. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a facilitated exercise intervention as a treatment for postnatal depression: the PAM-PeRS trial.  Psychological Medicine in press.

Daley AJ, Thomas, A, Roalfe, A, Stokes-Lampard, Coleman S, Rees M, Hunter MS, MacArthur. C  The effectiveness of exercise as treatment for vasomotor menopausal symptoms: Randomised controlled trial.  British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015;22:565-575.

Daley AJ, Foster L, Long G, Palmer C, Robinson O, Walmsley H, Ward R. The effectiveness of exercise in the prevention and treatment of antenatal depression: Systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014;122:5762.

Daley AJ, Stokes-Lampard H, Thomas A, MacArthur C. Exercise for vasomotor menopausal symptoms. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD006108. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006108.pub4.

Madigan C, Aveyard P, Jolly K, DenleyJ, Lewis A, Daley AJ. Regular self-weighing to promote weight maintenance after intentional weight loss: a quasi randomised controlled trial. Journal of Public Health 2014;36:259-67.

Madigan C, Daley AJ, Lewis AL, Jolly K, Aveyard P. Which weight loss programmes are as effective as Weight Watchers: non  inferiority analysis.  British Journal of General Practice 2014;64(620) e126-136.

Madigan C, Jolly K, Lewis A, Aveyard P, Daley AJ. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of self-weighing as an isolated weight loss intervention (SCALE DOWN). International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 2014; 2014, 11:125.

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