Dr Rosina Pendrous MRes, PhD

Ms Rosina Pendrous

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Rosie Pendrous is a Research Fellow specialising in mixed methods eating disorders and suicide research. She currently works on the MRC-funded “Rethinking Eating Disorders through Anthropology” project. Rosie is interested in employing mixed methods to explore mental health, focusing on risk and protective factors for suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders. She has a background in psychometrics and experimental methods, particularly in testing the acceptability and efficacy of (e)mental-health interventions.


  • PhD in Psychology, 2024
  • MRes in Psychology, 2018
  • BSc (Hons) in Psychology, 2017


Dr Rosie Pendrous is currently a Research Fellow on several mixed methods projects in the fields of eating disorders and suicide and self-harm research. Her main role is working on the ‘Rethinking Eating Disorders through Anthropology’ project, an MRC-funded initiative led by Dr Anna Lavis, which aims to co-produce a sustainable research agenda with and for groups previously left out of mainstream eating disorder research.

Previously, Rosie worked on an NIHR-funded project employing mixed methods, including smartphone ecological momentary assessment and qualitative interviews, to understand self-harm in people with eating disorders in outpatient NHS settings.

Rosie recently completed a PhD in Psychology (2024). In her PhD, she explored whether several third-wave psychotherapeutic mechanisms were modifiable protective factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviours in the online general population. She examined the acceptability and feasibility of several novel methodologies, including a large three-wave longitudinal study, a single case experimental design (SCED) to test an online brief mental health intervention, and smartphone ecological momentary assessment to monitor changes in protective factors and self-harm.

Rosie has also worked as a Senior Research Assistant on a funded clinical trial testing the efficacy of an e-intervention on mental health outcomes for patients with cancer. She recently completed a three-year Honorary Research Associate position at the University of Chester, related to this post.


Rosie supports several modules in the DAHS, including small group teaching sessions on medical ethics, the Introduction to Mixed Methods lecture in the Qualitative Research Methods module (MPH), and (co-)supervise student dissertation projects at the undergraduate and master’s levels. She has also supported research methods teaching across the university, including the School of Education.

Postgraduate supervision

Rosie is interested in supervising mixed methods PhD projects aimed at understanding and evaluating interventions related to mental health, particularly focusing on eating disorders and/or suicide and self-harm research. She is also interested in supervising PhD projects that explore and evaluate novel methodological approaches for understanding mental health in clinical and community settings, ranging from ecological momentary assessment and SCED to qualitative co-production work. Those wishing to apply to work with Dr Pendrous are encouraged to contact her directly by email.


Current projects

  • Rethinking Eating Disorders Through Anthropology (MRC-funded; Role: Named Co-Researcher)
  • Self-Harm in Eating Disorders: A Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study (SHINE Study; NIHR-funded; Role: Research Fellow)

Other activities

Currently at UoB, Rosie serves on the STEM ethics committee and is a member of the Suicide and Self-harm Research Group in the School of Psychology. Rosie has also been a member of the netECR research community for early career suicide and self-harm researchers since 2018.


Recent publications


McLoughlin, S, Stapleton, A, Pendrous, R, Oldham, P & Hochard, KD 2025, 'A multi-study paper on the development and validation of the Value Clarity Questionnaire in adults and adolescents', Counselling Psychology Quarterly.

McLoughlin, S, Pendrous, R, Henderson, E & Kristjansson, K 2023, 'Moral Reasoning Strategies and Wise Career Decision Making at School and University: Findings from a UK-Representative Sample', British Journal of Educational Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2023.2210653

Pittelkow , M-M, Field, SM, Isager, PM, van ’t Veer, AE, Anderson, T, Cole, SN, Dominik, T, Giner-Sorolla, R, Gok, S, Heyman, T, Jekel, M, Luke, TJ, Mitchell, DB, Peels, R, Pendrous, R, Sarrazin, S, Schauer, JM, Specker, E, Tran, US, Vranka, MA, Wicherts, JM, Yoshimura, N, Zwaan, RA & van Ravenzwaaij, D 2023, 'The Process of Replication Target Selection in Psychology: What to Consider?', Royal Society Open Science, vol. 10, no. 2, 210586. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210586

Lavis, A, McNeil, S, Bould, H, Winston, A, Reid, K, Easter, CL, Pendrous, R & Michail, M 2022, 'Self-Harm in Eating Disorders (SHINE): a mixed-methods exploratory study', BMJ open, vol. 12, no. 7, e065065. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065065

Troya, MI, Spittal, MJ, Pendrous, R, Crowley, G, Gorton, HC, Russell, K, Byrne, S, Musgrove, R, Hannah-Swain, S, Kapur, N & Knipe, D 2022, 'Suicide rates amongst individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds: a systematic review and meta-analysis', EClinicalMedicine, vol. 47, 101399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101399

Other contribution

McLoughlin, S, Pendrous, R, Henderson, E & Kristjansson, K 2023, Building Your Best Life: A Workbook for Character and Career Development.. https://doi.org/10.48352/bybl0001


McLoughlin, S, Stapleton, A, Pendrous, R, Oldham, P & Hochard, KD 2023 'Development and preliminary validation of the value clarity questionnaire in adults and adolescents' PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u97q3

Review article

Finding My Way UK Trial Steering Group 2022, 'Web-based psychological interventions for people living with and beyond cancer: meta-review of what works and what does not for maximizing recruitment, engagement, and efficacy', JMIR cancer, vol. 8, no. 3, e36255, pp. e36255. https://doi.org/10.2196/36255

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