Recent publications
McLoughlin, S, Stapleton, A, Pendrous, R, Oldham, P & Hochard, KD 2025, 'A multi-study paper on the development and validation of the Value Clarity Questionnaire in adults and adolescents', Counselling Psychology Quarterly.
McLoughlin, S, Pendrous, R, Henderson, E & Kristjansson, K 2023, 'Moral Reasoning Strategies and Wise Career Decision Making at School and University: Findings from a UK-Representative Sample', British Journal of Educational Studies.
Pittelkow , M-M, Field, SM, Isager, PM, van ’t Veer, AE, Anderson, T, Cole, SN, Dominik, T, Giner-Sorolla, R, Gok, S, Heyman, T, Jekel, M, Luke, TJ, Mitchell, DB, Peels, R, Pendrous, R, Sarrazin, S, Schauer, JM, Specker, E, Tran, US, Vranka, MA, Wicherts, JM, Yoshimura, N, Zwaan, RA & van Ravenzwaaij, D 2023, 'The Process of Replication Target Selection in Psychology: What to Consider?', Royal Society Open Science, vol. 10, no. 2, 210586.
Lavis, A, McNeil, S, Bould, H, Winston, A, Reid, K, Easter, CL, Pendrous, R & Michail, M 2022, 'Self-Harm in Eating Disorders (SHINE): a mixed-methods exploratory study', BMJ open, vol. 12, no. 7, e065065.
Troya, MI, Spittal, MJ, Pendrous, R, Crowley, G, Gorton, HC, Russell, K, Byrne, S, Musgrove, R, Hannah-Swain, S, Kapur, N & Knipe, D 2022, 'Suicide rates amongst individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds: a systematic review and meta-analysis', EClinicalMedicine, vol. 47, 101399.
Other contribution
McLoughlin, S, Pendrous, R, Henderson, E & Kristjansson, K 2023, Building Your Best Life: A Workbook for Character and Career Development..
McLoughlin, S, Stapleton, A, Pendrous, R, Oldham, P & Hochard, KD 2023 'Development and preliminary validation of the value clarity questionnaire in adults and adolescents' PsyArXiv.
Review article
Finding My Way UK Trial Steering Group 2022, 'Web-based psychological interventions for people living with and beyond cancer: meta-review of what works and what does not for maximizing recruitment, engagement, and efficacy', JMIR cancer, vol. 8, no. 3, e36255, pp. e36255.
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