Dr Fiona Scheibl

Dr Fiona Scheibl

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

Department of Applied Health Sciences
College of Medicine and Health
University of Birmingham

Fiona is a sociologist with expertise in qualitative research methodologies she is leading on WP1 of the Quantifying, Understanding and Enhancing Relational Continuity of Care (QUERCC) study.

ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-9115-1247

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Nottingham Systematic Review Course, University of Nottingham, 2019    

PhD, Economics, University of Hertfordshire, 1997

B.A., (Hons) Sociology with Research Methods 1st Class, University of East London, 1991


Fiona is a sociologist with a breadth of experience in the fields of public health and primary care. She has expertise in qualitative research methodologies and is interested to use these skills to advance the improvement of transitions in care within and across organisational boundaries. Fiona has contributed to research programmes addressing the challenges GP’s face de-prescribing medication among older people, the roll out of diagnostic tests to improve early cancer detection and older people’s lived experience of making a transition into residential care toward the end of life. 


Research interests: Transitions in care within and across organisational boundaries.

Current projects: Fiona is coordinating qualitative data collection in the Quantifying, Understanding and Enhancing Relational Continuity of Care (QUERCC) study. RCC is the extent to which patients see the same clinicians over time. Considered a core feature of general practice, it is linked to patient satisfaction and better health outcomes, especially for older patients, those with long-term conditions and the vulnerable. Although current NHS policy is to maintain continuity for patients with long-term conditions, it has been declining for at least a decade. Contributing factors are thought to include growth in practice size, more part-time working, greater staff and patient turnover. It may also be because practice policies have focused on access, rather than continuity. The QUERCC study aims to understand how to optimise relational continuity of care (RCC) in primary care.

Other activities

Fiona has wide experience of working with patient and public representatives and supporting their engagement in research. For example, while in post at UEA Fiona collaborated with the East Anglian artist Rebecca Goss who used the media of poetry to expand the breadth of data communication strategies for an end of project event at the close of the PEFECTED study.

Fiona has wide research experience including:

  • Qualitative lead in mixed methods teams on clinical trials at the University of Cambridge.
  • Regional case studies of failing hospitals in post at LSHTM.
  • Survey and review of models of inter-professional working in post at the University of Hertfordshire.
  • Evidence Based Co-design working closely with lay members and patient representatives on the CareCoach study led by the Norwich Clinical Trials Unit (uea.ac.uk). Fiona used co-design methods to adapt the Dutch partner in balance Caregiver Balance - Homepage (partnerinbalans.nl) for the UK context. Fiona was awarded the UEA Special Merit in Research Award (2022) in recognition of her leadership and outstanding creative, sociological, academic and collaborative skills in leading this phase of the CareCoach project.

Fiona leads seminars in medical sociology and ethics as a supervisor of Medical Tripos graduates on the Social and Ethical Context of Health and Illness paper, University of Cambridge. She has been active in this role since 2017.

Fiona is active in fundraising for local charities and recently helped to organise an art exhibition to raise funds for the upkeep of local community buildings in Suffolk where she is currently based.


Jane L Cross, Tamara Backhouse, Simon P Hammond, Bridget Penhale, Fiona Scheibl, Nigel Lambert, Anna Varley, Chris Fox, Fiona M Poland. Disjunctures in practice: ethnographic observations of orthopaedic ward practices in the care of older adults with hip fracture and presumed cognitive impairment | Ageing & Society | Cambridge Core

Fenwick, G, Scheibl F, et al 2022, “If you want to know the road ahead ask those coming back.”: Reflections on PPI input into the CareCoach Study and open call for carers with lived experience of dementia care to join the PPI team. – Journal of Dementia Care

Maroni R, Barnes J, Offman J, Scheibl F, et al 2022 Patient-reported experiences and views on the Cytosponge test: a mixed-methods analysis from the BEST3 trial | BMJ Open ;12:e054258. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054258

Stephanie Archer, Chantal Babb de Villiers, Fiona Scheibl, Tim Carver, Simon Hartley, Andrew Lee, Alex P. Cunningham, Douglas F. Easton, Jennifer G. McIntosh, Jon Emery, Marc Tischkowitz, Antonis C. Antoniou & Fiona M. Walter. 2020 Evaluating clinician acceptability of the prototype CanRisk tool for predicting risk of breast and ovarian cancer: A multi-methods study. PLOS ONE. e0229999. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229999

Karolina Kuberska, Fiona Scheibl, Carol Sinnott, James P Sheppard, Mark Lown, Marney Williams, Rupert A Payne, Jonathan Mant, Richard J McManus, Jenni Burt. GPs’ mindlines around deprescribing antihypertensives in older patients with multimorbidity: qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice 22 December 2020; bjgp21X714305. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp21X714305

Scheibl F, Fleming J, Buck J, Barclay J, Brayne C, Cambridge City over-75s Cohort (CC75C) study collaboration and Farquhar M. The experience of transitions in care in very old age: implications for general practice. Family Practice, Volume 36, Issue 6, December 2019, Pages 778–784, https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmz014

Scheibl F, Farquhar M, Buck J, Barclay S, Brayne C, Fleming J, on behalf of the Cambridge City over-75s Cohort (CC75C) study collaboration. 2019, When frail older people relocate who makes the decision? Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue 4, August 2019, igz030, https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igz030

Fleming, J, Eastment, J, Johnston, H, Tunster, H, Riglin, J, Hill, M, Jalal H, Scheibl, F, Mavrodaris, A., What is needed to implement and evaluate falls prevention most effectively?Age and Ageing, Volume 46, Issue suppl_2, 1 July 2017, Pages ii1–ii6, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afx115.18

Fleming, J., Evans, R, Scheibl, F., Buck, J., Barclay, S., Farquhar, M., Brayne, C. (2016) Very old people dying – what would relatives like to have seen managed differently? In BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 6 (3). https://spcare.bmj.com/content/bmjspcare/6/3/392.1.full.pdf

Trivedi, D., Goodman, C., Gage, H., Baron, N., Scheibl, F., Iliffe, S., Manthorpe, J., Bunn, F. & Drennan, V. 2013 The effectiveness of inter-professional working for older people living in the community: A systematic review: Health and Social care in the Community. 21, 2, p. 113-128. doi/10.1111/j.1365-2524.2012.01067.

Goodman, C., Drennan, V., Scheibl, F., Shah, D., Manthorpe, J., Gage, H. & Iliffe, S. 2011, Models of Inter Professional Working for older people living at home: a survey and review of the local strategies of English health and social care statutory organisations: BMC Health Services Research. 11, 1, 337. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-11-337

Dex S. and Scheibl F. 2001. Flexible and family friendly arrangements in UK-based SMEs.  British Journal of Industrial Relations Vol 39. No. 3. pp 411-431. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8543.00207/full

Dex S. and Scheibl F. 1999. ‘Business performance and family friendly policies’. Journal of General Management Vol. 24. No. 4. pp.22-37. https://doi.org/10.1177/030630709902400402

Scheibl F. 1999. ‘Self-made women, agency and work commitment’. Community Work and Family, Vol. 2. No. 2. pp. 117-131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13668809908413936

Scheibl F. and Dex S. 1998. ‘Should we have more family-friendly policies?’ European Management Journal, Vo.16,No.5 pp.586-99.

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