Professor Elena Giovannoni

Professor Elena Giovannoni

The Department of Accounting
Professor of Accounting
Head of the Department of Accounting

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Elena Giovannoni is Professor of Accounting at Birmingham Business School, Department of Accounting, where she is Head of the Department of Accounting.

Elena’s research bridges critical and historical perspectives in accounting and organization studies. She is interested in exploring the design and implementation of performance measurements and management control systems in different settings (recently, the space sector, the food industry, and knowledge-intensive organizations, and arts), ranging from global to medium-sized and small enterprises, particularly as they face the challenges coming from organizational change and sustainable development. Elena is also interested in exploring the multiplicity of calculative practices in relation to climate change and sustainability, also through temporal perspectives. Her research approaches draw on case-study methods, archival and other historical research methods and multimodal approaches. 

She led a number of projects funded by international bodies and organizations, leading to publications in top academic journals as well as in professional journals. 

She serves in the editorial boards of a number of international journals such as Accounting Forum, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Accounting History, Family Business Review and Organization Studies.


  • Professor of Accounting 2018 
  • Higher Education Academy Fellowship 2017 
  • PhD in Economia Aziendale (Business Administration/Accounting) 2004


  • Management Accounting 
  • Accounting, Management and Accountability
  • Advanced Management Accounting and Control (Singapore)


Recent publications


Decker, S, Foster, WM & Giovannoni, E (eds) 2023, Handbook of Historical Methods for Management. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Giovannoni, E, Begkos, C, Mouritsen, J & Kornberger, M 2025, 'Why and how counting counts: perspectives on calculative practices for organization studies', Organization Studies.

Decker, S, Giovannoni, E & Plakoyiannaki, E 2024, 'A microhistory of architecture historical imagination and the Bauhaus', Management and Organizational History.

Busco, C, Giovannoni, E, Riccaboni, A & Frigo, M 2024, 'The micro-foundations of Corporate Purpose: Performance management in dynamic environments', Management Accounting Research.

Granà, F, Achilli, G, Giovannoni, E & Busco, C 2024, 'Towards a future-oriented accountability: Accounting for the future through Earth Observation data', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, vol. 37, no. 5.

Giovannoni, E & Giorgino, MC 2023, 'Accountability and music: accounting, emotions and responses to the 1913 concert for Giuseppe Verdi', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 135-160.

Achilli, G, Busco, C, Giovannoni, E & Grana', F 2023, 'Exploring the craft of visual accounts through arts: Fear, voids and illusion in corporate reporting practices', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, vol. 94, 102464.

Giovannoni, E & Napier, CJ 2023, 'Multimodality and the Messy Object: Exploring how rhetoric and materiality engage', Organization Studies, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 401-425.

Achilli, G, Busco, C & Giovannoni, E 2022, 'Accounting for the “transcendent self”: spirituality, narcissism, testimony and gift', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 492-517.

Davison, J & Giovannoni, E 2022, 'City governance and visual impression management: Visual semiotics and the Biccherna panels of Siena', Human Relations.

Busco, C, Frigo, M, Giovannoni, E, Pavlovic, A & Riccaboni, A 2022, 'When strategy meets purpose' Strategic Finance, no. November 2022, pp. 27-33.

Napier, CJ & Giovannoni, E 2020, 'Accounting for heritage assets: Thomas Holloway's picture collection, 1881–2019', The British Accounting Review.

Giovannoni, E & Siena, U 2018, 'Exploring the generative power of performance measurement systems design', The British Accounting Review, vol. 51, no. 2, 51(2), pp. 211.


Giovannoni, E & Ruggiero, P 2023, Exploring organisational identity through historical research methods. in S Decker, W Foster & E Giovannoni (eds), Handbook of Historical Methods for Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 344-360.

Decker, S, Foster, WM & Giovannoni, E 2023, Introduction: Why historical methods in management? in S Decker, WM Foster & E Giovannoni (eds), Handbook of Historical Methods for Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 1-15.

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