Dr Charlotte Hoole

Dr Charlotte Hoole

The Department of Strategy and International Business
Research Fellow II

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
Ash House
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT

Charlotte Hoole is a Research Fellow at the City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI). Her research broadly considers the geographical and political economy of local and regional development, governance and policy. Her current work focuses on English devolution and public funding allocation in the UK. Prior to this, she has worked on projects looking at the impact of governance structures in the formulation of place-based policies and central-local relations, and their role in shaping regional disparities.


  • PhD, Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield, 2018
  • BA (Hons), Geography, University of Sheffield, 2012


Charlotte received her undergraduate degree in Human Geography from the University of Sheffield in 2012, followed by a PhD in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of Sheffield in 2018. Her doctoral research examined sub-national leadership and governance in England, with a particular focus on city-regionalism, devolution, and austerity politics since 2010.

Throughout her career, Charlotte has carried out research that aims to inform and influence local, regional and national policymaking. For this she has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, local and national government in England, and a number of UK-based charities. Her practical policy experience includes an internship with Sheffield First Partnership in 2015 funded by the ADH Crook Fellowship Scheme, and two years as a Policy and Data Analyst at City-REDI within the Birmingham Business School.

Following her PhD, Charlotte was awarded an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Sheffield to extend her research on city-regions and local governance. Then in 2019, she joined City-REDI as a Co-Investigator on the ESRC-funded LIPSIT project examining the impact of the UK’s governance structures in the formulation of place-based policies and central-local relations. Currently, she leads an ESRC-funded project focused on ways to improve public funding allocation in England to reduce geographical inequalities.


Research interests

  • Local and regional economic development
  • Governance and devolution 
  • Region-building and soft spaces of planning


Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

  • Newman, J., Hoole, C. 2024. The intersection of productivity and governance capacity in spatial inequality: the case of England’s devolution periphery. Contemporary Social Science.
  • Newman, J, Mukherjee, A., & Hoole, C. 2023. Constraints and enablers of regional environmental policy: governance challenges in England and Wales. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-13.
  • Hoole, C., Collinson, S., & Newman, J. 2023. England’s Catch-22: Institutional Limitations to Achieving Balanced Growth through Devolution. Contemporary Social Science, 18(3-4).
  • Newman, J., Collinson, S., Driffield, N., Gilbert, N., & Hoole, C. 2023. Mechanisms of Metagovernance as Structural Challenges to Levelling Up in England. Regional Studies.
  • Tilley, H., Newman, J., Connell, A., Hoole, C., Mukherjee, A. 2023. A place-based system? Regional policy levers and the UK’s productivity challenge. Regional Studies, 1-13.
  • Gherhes, C., Hoole, C., & Vorley, T. 2022. The ‘imaginary’ challenge of remaking subnational governance: regional identity and contested city-region-building in the UK. Regional Studies, 1-15.
  • O’Farrell, L., Hassan, S., & Hoole, C. 2022. The university as a Just anchor: universities, anchor networks and participatory research. Studies in Higher Education, 1-12.
  • Green, A., Parke, C., Hoole, C., & Sevinc, D. 2021. Unlocking inclusive growth by linking micro assets to anchor institutions: The case of skilled overseas migrants and refugees and hospital jobs. European Urban and Regional Studies28(4), 450-465.
  • Dlabac, O., Zwicky, R., Hoole, C., Chu, E., & O’Farrell, L. 2021. The Democratic Foundations of the Just City: Key Insights from a European Comparative Study. The Planning Review57(4), 84-99.
  • Hoole, C., and Hincks, S. 2020. Performing the city-region building: Imagineering, devolution and the search for legitimacy. Environment and Planning A, 52(8).
  • Hoole, C., Hincks, S., and Rae, A. 2019. The Contours of a New Urban World: Population Growth and Density in 30 Megacities since 1975. Town Planning Review, 90(6).

Published policy reports:

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