Dr Li Lin

Dr Li Lin

The Department of Accounting
Lecturer in Accounting

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
116 Edgbaston Park Road
B15 2TY

Li is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Accounting at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. He joined the Department of Accounting in April 2017 after his completion of his PhD at University of Leicester.


  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK, 2019
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, University of Birmingham, UK, 2019
  • CPA Australia, 2017
  • PhD (Social and Environmental Accounting), University of Leicester, UK, 2017
  • Master of Business (Accounting), The Australian National University, Australia, 2011
  • Bachelor of Management (Accounting), Sichuan University, P.R.China, 2010


Before joining the department of accounting in Birmingham Business School, Li worked as a part-time teaching fellow and associate tutor in various accounting modules during his PhD at the University of Leicester School of Management. His PhD thesis investigates the role of professional accounting firms in climate change and sustainability in China.

Li has presented his works at several international conferences and doctoral colloquiums, especially for those regularly organised by CSEAR (Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research) and BAFA (British Accounting and Finance Association). Li was also a member of organising committee for the 2022 AAE (Alternative Accounts Europe) Conference.


  • Decision Making and Control (Yr1, BSc Accounting & Finance)
  • Management Accounting (Yr2, BSc Accounting & Finance)
  • Accounting, Management and Accountability (Yr2, BSc Business Management)
  • Social and Environmental Accounting (Yr3, BSc Accounting & Finance, MSc Accounting & Finance)
  • BSc Extended Essay Supervision (BSc Accounting & Finance)
  • MSc Dissertation Supervision (MSc Accounting & Finance)

Postgraduate supervision

Li is currently co-supervising a final year PhD student with Dr Florian Gebreiter, on a project that examines the hospital accounting in China.

Li welcomes potential PhD applicants with qualitative research interests in social and environmental accounting (SEA), particularly in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Sustainability accounting and assurance
  • Carbon accounting in China
  • Biodiversity accounting in China
  • Chinese cultures and accounting practices
  • Professional accountancy firms and SEA
  • SEA in higher education


Li is a qualitative researcher who looks at broad aspects of SEA in China, starting from his PhD project on the role of Chinese local professional accounting firms in driving and shaping climate change and sustainable transformation. Li is also interested in understanding the role of traditional Chinese cultures (e.g. Confucianism, Daoism) in shaping accounting practices. Li is currently developing his research in Chinese biodiversity accounting by looking at certain endangered species to develop accounting frameworks that aim to reduce the risk of extinction.

Li’s ongoing research projects are broadly in the following areas of SEA:

  • Biodiversity accounting in China
  • Carbon accounting in China
  • Implementation and disclosure of UN SDGs in emerging economies
  • The glocalisation of multinational professional accountancy firms in non-western contexts (especially China)
  • SEA in higher education
  • The role of culture(s) in shaping contemporary accounting practices


Recent publications


Zhou, Z, Zhang, L, Lin, A, Zeng, H & Chen, X 2020, 'Carbon risk management and corporate competitive advantages: “differential promotion” or “cost hindrance”?', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2468

Lin, L 2015, 'Sustainability of Accounting Practices: Institutional Problems in Current Chinese Environmental Accounting', International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 17-31. https://doi.org/10.18848/2324-7649/CGP/v10i04/53408

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