Recent publications
Bayliss, A 2022, The Spartans: A very short introduction. Very short introductions, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Bayliss, A 2020, The Spartans. Oxford University Press.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Bayliss, A 2023, Herodotus and Spartan Obedience. in Herodotus and Spartan Austerity. Classical Press of Wales.
Bayliss, A 2023, Plutarch on Tyrtaios and the Great Rhetra. in P Davies & J Mossman (eds), Sparta in Plutarch's Lives. 1 edn, Classical Press of Wales, Swansea. <>
Bayliss, A 2017, Good to slaughter the lives of young men? The role of Tyrtaeus’ poetry in Spartan Society. in LF Bantim (ed.), Esparta: Politica e sociedade. Prismas.
Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
Bayliss, A 2019, agonothetes. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, choregos. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, epimeletai of the Dionysia. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, Androcles. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, Archedicus. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, Demochares. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. I, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, Philippides. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. II, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2019, Stratocles. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. III, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A & Heftner, H 2019, oligarchy. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. vol. II, Wiley-Blackwell.
Bayliss, A 2017, Demetrius (3) Poliorcetes. in AH Sommerstein (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. Wiley-Blackwell.
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