Professor Charalampos (Lambis) Baniotopoulos Dr.-Ing.

Professor Charalampos Baniotopoulos

Department of Civil Engineering
Chair of Sustainable Energy Systems
Director of Resilience Centre

Contact details

Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr.-Ing. C. Baniotopoulos is Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems. His academic activity concerns lecturing in graduate, post-graduate and PhD curricula on steel and aluminium structures, wind energy structures and sustainable design topics. He performed research on the same topics including robustness of metal structures, as well as administration at department, faculty or university level and academic or research oriented national and international organizations. His previous activity in consultancy as structural civil engineer concerned steel, aluminium and glass structures projects including wind energy structures, sustainable design and LC Analyses.


  • 1964-70: Primary school, 40th Primary School of Thessaloniki «Ioannidion»
  • 1970-76: Secondary studies at the Model School (Gymnasium and Lyceum) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1.7.1976 Graduate – Grade 19& 4/13 (97%)
  • 1976-1981: Studies at the Department of Civil Engineering (5 years integrated curriculum), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece.
29.12.1981 Diploma (MSc) (5 years integrated curriculum) in Civil Engineering , Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Grade 9 «Excellent» (90%)
  • During the undergraduate studies, stays abroad for practice (IAESTE):
Gotland, Sweden (29.7.-1.9.78)
Szczecin, Poland (1.8.-30.8.80)
Gdansk, Poland (7.8.-31.8.81)
  • Since 1981: Chartered Civil Engineer, Technical Chamber of Greece
  • 1981-1985: Doctoral studies at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 10.12.1985 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Grade 10 «Excellent unanimously» (100%)
  • 1982-88: Research Associate, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 21.9.85-21.8.87: Military service (Greek Air Forces)
  • 1987-88: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, RWTH (Technical University of Aachen) Aachen, Germany
  • 1988-91: Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 1991-96: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 1993-94: Research Fellowship, Joint Research Center of the EU-Ispra
  • 1996-2000: Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 2000-to date: Professor, Inst. of Steel Structures, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 2004-2012: Director, Inst. of Steel Structures, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH

Positions held

  • Professor at the Structural Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 1999 to date)
  • Chairman, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009-2011)
  • Deputy Chairman, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2007-2009)
  • Director of the Institute of Metal Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 2004-2010, re-elected 2010-2012)
  • Director of the Division of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2004-05, re-elected 2005-06)
  • Member of the Senate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2007-to date)
  • Member of the General Assembly of the Structural Engineering Division, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH (1991 to date).
  • Member of the AUTH Civil Engineering Department General Assembly (1991 to date)
  • Chairman of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics (2005)
  • Member of the Administrative Council of the AHEPA University Hospital (2008-2010)
  • Member of the Administrative Council of the Greek State Scholarships Foundations (IKY) (2010)
  • National Delegate in CEN-TC250-SC9 (EUROCODE 9: ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES) (1998-to date)
  • Chairman of the National (Greek) Committee for Eurocode 9; ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES (1998 to date)
  • Member to the TEMPUS “Structural connections” project –Production of educational material for engineers (2000-2004)
  • Member of the Committee for International Relations of the Faculty of Engineering AUTH (2006-2011 )
  • Member of the Research Council of the Faculty of Engineering AUTH (2006-2010)
  • Member (chairman) of the IKY Committe for CERN (2011)


  • Hellenic Society of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics (HSWE) (2005-to date)


  • Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) (1981 to date)
  • Greek Society of Civil Engineers (1982 to date)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (1983 to date)
  • Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) (1984 to date)
  • International Society for the Interaction between Mathematics and Mechanics (ISIMM) (1989 to date )
  • Greek Society for the Research on Metallic Structures (GSRMS) (1993 to date )
  • Greek Society on Computational Mechanics (GSCM) (1991 to date)
  • European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) (1994 to date)
  • International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (IISMO) (1994 to date)
  • European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH) (1994 to date)
  • European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD) (1996 to date)
  • Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (GSTAM) (1997 to date)
  • Hellenic Society of Earthquake Engineering (ETAM) (2009)


  • 1964-70: Primary school, 40th Primary School of Thessaloniki «Ioannidion»
  • 1970-76: Secondary studies at the Model School (Gymnasium and Lyceum) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1.7.1976 Graduate – Grade 19& 4/13 (97%)
  • 1976-1981: Studies at the Department of Civil Engineering (5 years integrated curriculum), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece.
29.12.1981 Diploma (MSc) (5 years integrated curriculum) in Civil Engineering , Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Grade 9 «Excellent» (90%)
  • During the undergraduate studies, stays abroad for practice (IAESTE):
Gotland, Sweden (29.7.-1.9.78)
Szczecin, Poland (1.8.-30.8.80)
Gdansk, Poland (7.8.-31.8.81)
  • Since 1981: Chartered Civil Engineer, Technical Chamber of Greece
  • 1981-1985: Doctoral studies at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 10.12.1985 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Grade 10 «Excellent unanimously» (100%)
  • 1982-88: Research Associate, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 21.9.85-21.8.87: Military service (Greek Air Forces)
  • 1987-88: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, RWTH (Technical University of Aachen) Aachen, Germany
  • 1988-91: Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 1991-96: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 1993-94: Research Fellowship, Joint Research Center of the EU-Ispra
  • 1996-2000: Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 2000-to date: Professor, Inst. of Steel Structures, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 2004-2012: Director, Inst. of Steel Structures, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH
  • 2011: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Hanover, Germany.

Positions held

  • Professor at the Structural Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2000-2012)
  • Chairman, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009-2011)
  • Deputy Chairman, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2007-2009)
  • Director of the Institute of Metal Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 2004-2012)
  • Director of the Division of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2004-05, re-elected 2005-06)
  • Member of the Senate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2007-2011)
  • Member of the General Assembly of the Structural Engineering Division, Dept. of Civil Engineering AUTH (1991-2012).
  • Member of the AUTH Civil Engineering Department General Assembly (1991-2011)
  • Chairman of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics (2005 to date)
  • Member of the Steel Advisory Group of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) of the European Commission of the European Union (since 2008-2014)
  • Member of the Administrative Council of the AHEPA University Hospital (2008-2010)
  • Member of the Administrative Council of the Greek State Scholarships Foundations (IKY) (2010-2011)
  • Member of the Administrative Council of the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) (1998-2006)
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) (1998-2006)
  • National Delegate in CEN-TC250-SC9 (EUROCODE 9: ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES) (1998-to date)
  • Chairman of the National (Greek) Committee for Eurocode 9; ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES (1998 to date)
  • Member of the Management Committee and WG4 of the COST C1 "Semirigid connections in Civil Engineering structures" (1994-1998)
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST C12 "Improving buildings quality by new technologies" (1999-2004)
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST C14 "Impact of wind and storm in built environment" (1999-2004)
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST C26 "Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events" (2006-2010)
  • Rapporteur and evaluator of the COST C25 "Sustainability of constructions" (2006-2011).
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST TU0905 "Structural Glass" (2010-to date)
  • Member of the Technical Committee of the Domain COST C "Urban Development" (2004-2010)
  • Member to the TEMPUS "Structural connections" project –Production of educational material for engineers (2000-2004)
  • Expert for the EU Framework Programme 6 & 7 (FP6 & FP7) and ERASMUS MUNDUS evaluator (2002 to date)Member of the Committee for International Relations of the Faculty of Engineering AUTH (2006-2011 )
  • Delegate of AUTH at the CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) (since 2000 – to date)
  • Member of the Research Council of the Faculty of Engineering AUTH (2006-2011)


  • of the Hellenic Society of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics (HSWE) (2005-to date)


  • Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) (1981 to date)
  • Greek Society of Civil Engineers (1982 to date)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (1983 to date)
  • Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) (1984 to date)
  • International Society for the Interaction between Mathematics and Mechanics (ISIMM) (1989 to date )
  • Greek Society for the Research on Metallic Structures (GSRMS) (1993 to date )
  • Greek Society on Computational Mechanics (GSCM) (1991 to date)
  • European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) (1994 to date)
  • International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (IISMO) (1994 to date)
  • European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH) (1994 to date)
  • European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD) (1996 to date)
  • Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (GSTAM) (1997 to date)
  • Hellenic Society of Earthquake Engineering (ETAM) (2009 to date)


Invited lectures (indicative list)

  • Charles University of Prague (Prague, Czech Republic) (1984)
  • University of Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovakia) (1984)
  • Technical University of Linkoeping (Linkoeping, Sweden) (1989)
  • Technical University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland) (1990)
  • University of Florence (Florence, Italy) (1993)
  • Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) (1993)
  • Helsinki Technical University (Helsinki, Finland) (1996)
  • Technical Chamber of Cyprus (Limassol, Cyprus) (1996)
  • Technical University of Budapest (Budapest, Hungary)(1997)
  • Intensive courses ICP 1043/06-1998 and ICP 1086/06-1999 (University of Florence, Italy)
  • Jordan University of Science and Technology (Irbid, Jordan) (2000)
  • Technical University of Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovakia) (2002)
  • Technical University of Budapest (Budapest, Hungary) (2003)
  • Jordan University of Science & Technology-JUST (Irbid, Jordan) (2006)
  • Bogacizi University (Istanbul, Turkey) (2007)
  • University “Politecnica” of Timisoara (Timisoara, Romania) (2007)
  • Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) (2007)
  • Jordan University of Science & Technology-JUST (Irbid, Jordan) (2008)
  • Al-Sharja University (Al-Sharja, United Arab Emirates) (2008)
  • Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico city, Mexico) (2008)
  • Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) (2009)
  • Jordan University of Science & Technology-JUST (Irbid, Jordan) (2009)
  • Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico city, Mexico) (2010)
  • Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen (Munich) (2011)
  • University of Marrakesh, Morroco (2012)
  • Jordan University of Science & Technology-JUST (Irbid, Jordan) (2011)

Teaching programme

  • Statics and Mechanics
  • Advanced Structures and Design
  • Sustainable structures and wind energy structures design
  • Civil Engineering research projects
  • Management and research projects

Postgraduate supervision

PhD Dissertations Supervised

  • D. Kaziolas, «Investigation of the behaviour of adhesive connections of composite structures in the framework of the Nonsmooth Mechanics methods», October 2000.
  • Μ. Kontoleon, «Study of metal connections with adhesives exhibiting softening behaviour», Οctober 2000.
  • Th. Nikolaidis, «Propositions for the formation and application of displacement control systems to large span structures using cables», June 2003.
  • Ν. Nanoussis, «Analysis of metal structures with semirigid connections», October 2005.
  • F. Preftitsi, «Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of laminated aluminium profiles by means of computational methods», June 2005.
  • E. Efthymiou, «Development of the yield lines in bolted aluminium connections under tension», Μarch 2005.
  • Ch. Efstathiadis, «Application of the Theory of Artificial Neural Networks to the definition of damage in aluminium curtain-wall systems», Μay 2008.
  • K. Chatzinikos«Development of a Methodology for the Assessment of the Reliable Structural Response of Glass-Aluminium Curtain-Walls», Μay 2008.
  • S. Gerasimidis, "Alternate Load Path Methods for Disproportionate Collapse Analusis of Steel Structures via Direct Methods of Plasticity", June 2011.
  • I. Zygomalas, «Sustainable Metal Buildings, LCA and LCI», December 2011.
  • C. Tsalikis, «Advanced numerical approaches for fire resistant steel buildings», December 2012.
  • O. Cocen, "Sustainability Criteria in the Rehabilitation of Historical Structures and Monuments", August 2014.
  • Y. Hu, "Optimization of wind turbine towers", May 2015.
  • M.Tohidi, "Effect of floor-to-floor joint design on the robustness of precast concrete cross wall buildings", August 2015.
  • F.Wang, "Residual stresses in Cold formed steel S sections and their effect on the structural performance of members", September 2015.
  • M.Gkantou, "High Strength Steel Structural Design", March 2017.
  • N. Stavridou, "Studies on the optimization of the structural response of wind turbine towers - The stiffening rings" (September 2017)
  • H. Zhang, "Cold-formed beam to column connections" (November 2017)
  • Amir Ebrahimi, "Progressive collapse in bluff structures" (October 2017)

(Under preparation)

  • G. Vita, "Turbulence on Wind Turbine towers" (2018)
  • Rana Moheini, "Advanced condition monitoring of the electrical drive in Wind Turbine Towers" (2018)
  • N. Tziavos, "Monopile grouted connections in offshore wind turbine towers" (2018)
  • Yang Ma, "Model to simulate the collapse of onshore wind turbine towers" (2019)
  • Fatma Keskin, "Sustainability analysis of the built processes in Turkey" (2019)


Research projects list (indicative):

Research projects list
Project nameFunding source
Frames with semirigid connections. Software development for static and dynamic analyses. Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Data and images condensation in FEM calculations by means of the fractal codifications Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Prediction of the critical parameters affecting the structural response of welded elements in aluminium structures Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Lab testing on the strength of wooden beams XYLODOMI AVEE (Industry)
Energy transmission steel column collapse Giatagana C. & C.
Development of a mechanical strength standard for aluminium structural products and studies for special structural installations ALUM NET A.E.- GreeK Aluminium Construction Companies Consortium
Measurements of the strength of pinned aluminium bars DIMANT A.B.E.E. (Industry)
Analysis and design and manufacturing recommendations of aluminum curtain-walls with improved strength properties according to Eurocode 9 Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Structural Glazing Systems in Civil Engineering Applications Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Research, development and assessment of an integrated structural aluminium system of large dimensions with incorporated photovoltaic elements of modern technology Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Assessment, ranking and reduction of the national telecommunication network Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Technical support on production subjects of the network of Greek aluminium fabricators ALUMNET S.A. ALUM NET A.E.- Greek Aluminium Construction Companies Consortium
Study of the prototypes of the quality mark RAL "PROTO-RAL" ALUM NET A.E.- Greek Aluminium Construction Companies Consortium
Aluminium curtain-wall system:Reliability control and development of specific applications(SYA) Aluminium Extrusion Industry
Research for the development of production of energy-producer structural elements ALUMYL MYLONAS S.A.
Manufacturing technology transfer and assessment of prototype aluminum structural elements ALUMYL MYLONAS S.A.
Delamination measurements in connection angles in metal structures (GONIES) ALUMYL MYLONAS S.A.
Research, development and assessment of an integrated structural aluminum system of large dimensions with incorporated photovoltaic elements of modern technology ALUMYL MYLONAS S.A.
Development of a methodology for the assessment of the structural reliability of aluminium curtain-walls in earthquake resistant structures. DOMICAL S.A. (Industry)
Sustainable development of historical buildings through their rehabilitation by means of innovative technologies CYPRUS Secretariat of Research & Technology Municipality of Limassol
High-strength steel tower for wind turbines HISTWIN EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Earthquake protection and structural system rehabilitation of R/C structures by using
Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Software development for use
Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Strengthening/rehabilitation of historical building in seismic areas using reversible mixed technologies Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology
Dissemination of Structural Fire Safety EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Advanced Structural Analyses for the Telecommunication Organization of Greece Masts Greek Telecommunication Organisation S.A.
Anchor strength for PhV PROJECTS DYNAMIC S.A
PhotoValue dissemination AUTH Research Committee
Study of the strength and serviceability of aluminum frames for PhV systems ALUMYL MYLONAS S.A. (industry)
MACS+ Fire Resistance Assessment of partially Protected composite Floor Valorisation EUROPEAN COMMISSION
High-strength steel tower for wind turbines HISTWIN 2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION
SB_Steel Sustainable Steel Building EUROPEAN COMMISSION


Recent publications


Amlashi, H & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'A probabilistic approach for the levelized cost of energy of floating offshore wind farms', Discover Energy, vol. 4, no. 1, 15.

Alotaibi, S, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Advancing Circular Economy in Construction Mega-Projects: Awareness, Key Enablers, and Benefits—Case Study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia', Buildings, vol. 14, no. 7, 2215.

Tang, X, Heng, J, Kaewunruen, S, Dai, K & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Artificial Intelligence-Powered Digital Twins for Sustainable and Resilient Engineering Structures', Bauingenieur, vol. 99, no. 9, pp. 270-276.

AlJaber, A, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Circular Economy in the Building Sector: Investigating Awareness, Attitudes, Barriers, and Enablers through a Case Study in Saudi Arabia', Sustainability, vol. 16, no. 3, 1296.

Zhang, J, Heng, J, Dong, Y, Baniotopoulos, C & Yang, Q 2024, 'Coupling multi-physics models to corrosion fatigue prognosis of high-strength bolts in floating offshore wind turbine towers', Engineering Structures, vol. 301, 117309.

AlJaber, A, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Developing Critical Success Factors for Implementing Circular Economy in Building Construction Projects', Buildings, vol. 14, no. 8, 2319.

Li, B, He, P, Wang, J, Pan, X, Wang, Y, Wang, Z & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Mechanical characteristic and stress-strain modelling of friction stir welded 6061-T6 aluminium alloy butt joints', Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 198, 111645.

Alotaibi, S, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Mega-Projects in Construction: Barriers in the Implementation of Circular Economy Concepts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia', Buildings, vol. 14, no. 5, 1298.

Yildiz, N, Hemida, H & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Operation, Maintenance, and Decommissioning Cost in Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Floating Wind Turbines', Energies, vol. 17, no. 6, 1332.

Xie, S, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, 'Wind Flow Characteristics on a Vertical Farm with Potential Use of Energy Harvesting', Buildings, vol. 14, no. 5, 1278.

Conference contribution

Kaewunruen, S, Baniotopoulos, C, Guo, Y, Sengsri, P, Teuffel, P & Bajare, D 2024, 6D-BIM applications to enrich circular value chains and stakeholder engagement within built environments. in V Ungureanu, L Bragança, C Baniotopoulos & KM Abdalla (eds), 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”. 1 edn, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 489, Springer, Romania, pp. 346-356, The 4th International Conference on the COORDINATING ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE, Timisoara, Romania, 29/05/24.

Heng, J, Zhang, J, Kaewunruen, S & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, Artificial intelligence-assisted civil engineering: Digital twins for the wind energy infrastructure. in M Rakočević (ed.), The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering - Science & Practice" : GNP 2024 Proceedings. 1 edn, UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO, Kolasin, pp. 23-31, The Ninth International Conference on Civil Engineering - Science & Practice, KOLAŠIN, Montenegro, 5/03/24. <>

Heng, J, Lai, L, Dong, Y, Kaewunruen, S & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, Digital twin for intelligent maintenance towards sustainable bridges. in JS Jensen, DM Frangopol & JW Schmidt (eds), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Digitalization and Sustainability. 1st edn, CRC Press, London, pp. 693-700, 12th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management , Copenhagen, Denmark, 24/06/24.

Heng, J, Zhang, J, Dong, Y, Kaewunruen, S & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, Influence of adaptive controlling strategies of floating offshore wind turbine on corrosion fatigue deterioration of supporting towers. in V Ungureanu, L Bragança, C Baniotopoulos & KM Abdalla (eds), 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”. 1 edn, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 489, Springer, Romania, pp. 177-186, The 4th International Conference on the COORDINATING ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE, Timisoara, Romania, 29/05/24.

Alotaibi, S, Martinez-Vazquez, P & Baniotopoulos, C 2024, Waste Generation Factors and Waste Minimisation in Construction. in V Ungureanu, L Bragança, C Baniotopoulos & KM Abdalla (eds), 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment” . 1 edn, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 489, Springer, pp. 552-559, The 4th International Conference on the COORDINATING ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE, Timisoara, Romania, 29/05/24.

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