Professor Thomas Dietrich Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., MPH, FDS RCPS

Thomas Dietrich

School of Dentistry
Professor of Oral Surgery

Contact details

The School of Dentistry
5 Mill Pool Way
B5 7EG
United Kingdom

Thomas Dietrich is Head of the Department of Oral Surgery in the School of Dentistry in the Institute of Clinical Sciences.

Thomas is a clinical researcher/epidemiologist in Dental Medicine, particularly in the fields of Oral Surgery and Periodontology, and has received research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH/USA), the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR/UK) and the European Union.

He is a member of the European Centres for Dental Implantology and is an NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Advisory Panel member.


  • Honorary Fellowship in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, 2008.
  • Doctor medicinae, Charité, Humboldt University, 2003.
  • Master in Public Health, Harvard University, 2002.
  • Medicine, Charité, Humboldt University, 2001.
  • Doctor medicinae dentariae, Charité, Humboldt University, 1997.
  • Dentistry, Charité, Humboldt University, 1995.


  • Dental Surgery BDS

Postgraduate supervision

Professor Dietrich is interested in supervising doctoral researchers in the following areas:

Clinical outcomes in dentoalveolar surgery and implantology, in particular in methods to reduce morbidity after lower third molar surgery
Links between oral disease/interventions (in particular in periodontology and oral surgery) and systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis


Highlight publications

Gorecki, P, Rainsford, KD, Taneja, P, Bulsara, Y, Pearson, D, Saund, D, Ahmed, B & Dietrich, T 2018, 'Submucosal diclofenac for acute postoperative pain in third molar surgery: a randomized, controlled clinical trial', Journal of Dental Research, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 381-387.

Gorecki, P, Burke, D, Chapple, I, Hemming, K, Saund, D, Pearson, D, Stahl, W, Lello, R & Dietrich, T 2018, 'Perioperative supplementation with a fruit and vegetable juice powder concentrate and postsurgical morbidity: a double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled clinical trial', Clinical Nutrition, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1448-1455.

Heaton, B, Garcia, RI & Dietrich, T 2018, 'Simulation study of misclassification bias in association studies employing partial-mouth protocols', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1034-1044.

Recent publications


Rimmer, P, Cheesbrough, J, Harris, J, Love, M, Tull, S, Iqbal, A, Regan-Komito, D, Cooney, R, Hazel, K, Sharma, N, Dietrich, T, Chapple, I, Quraishi, MN & Iqbal, TH 2024, 'Optimising triage of urgent referrals for suspected IBD: results from the Birmingham IBD inception study', Frontline Gastroenterology.

Wagner, SK, Patel, PJ, Huemer, J, Khalid, H, Stuart, K, Chu, C, Williamson, DJ, Struyven, RR, Romero-Bascones, D, Foster, P, Khawaja, A, Petzold, A, Balaskas, K, Cortina-Borja, M, Chapple, I, Dietrich, T, Rahi, JS, Denniston, A & Keane, PA 2024, 'Periodontitis and outer retinal thickness: A cross-sectional analysis of the UK Biobank cohort', Ophthalmology Science.

Li, X, Kristunas, C, Landini, G, Kroeger, A & Dietrich, T 2023, 'A novel method for the remote measurement of trismus in clinical trials using mobile phone cameras', Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 7231-7236.

Yonel, Z, Kocher, T, Chapple, I, Dietrich, T, Völzke, H, Nauck, M, Collins, G, Gray, LJ & Holtfreter, B 2023, 'Development and External Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model to Identify Nondiabetic Hyperglycemia and Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Risk Assessment in Dentistry Score (DDS)', Journal of Dental Research, vol. 102, no. 2, pp. 170-177.

Sharma, P, Kristunas, C, Chapple, I & Dietrich, T 2023, 'Periodontal health and patient reported outcomes: A longitudinal analysis of data from non-specialist practice settings', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 50, no. 5, 13776, pp. 582-590.

Yonel, Z, Kuningas, K, Sharma, P, Dutton, M, Jalal, Z, Cockwell, P, Webber, J, Narendran, P, Dietrich, T & Chapple, I 2022, 'Concordance of three point of care testing devices with clinical chemistry laboratory standard assays and patient-reported outcomes of blood sampling methods', BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, vol. 22, no. 1, 248.

Alshihayb, T, Sharma, P, Dietrich, T & Heaton, B 2022, 'Exploring periodontitis misclassification mechanisms under partial-mouth protocols', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 448-457.

De Pablo, P, Serban, S, Lopez-Oliva, I, Rooney, J, Hill, K, Raza, K, Filer, A, Chapple, I & Dietrich, T 2022, 'Outcomes of periodontal therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: the OPERA feasibility randomized trial', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 295-306.

Lamerton, R, Marcial-Juarez, E, Faustini, S, Perez-Toledo, M, Goodall, M, Jossi, S, Newby, ML, Chapple, I, Dietrich, T, Veenith, T, Shields, A, Harper, L, Henderson, I, Rayes, J, Wraith, D, Watson, S, Crispin, M, Drayson, M, Richter, A & Cunningham, A 2022, 'SARS-CoV-2 spike- and nucleoprotein-specific antibodies induced after vaccination or infection promote classical complement activation', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 13, 838780.

Shields, A, Faustini, S, Kristunas, C, Cook, A, Backhouse, C, Dunbar, L, Ebanks, D, Emmanuel, B, Crouch, E, Kroeger, A, Hirschfeld, J, Sharma, P, Jaffery, R, Nowak, S, Gee, S, Drayson, M, Richter, A, Dietrich, T & Chapple, I 2021, 'COVID-19: Seroprevalence and vaccine responses in UK dental care professionals', Journal of Dental Research, vol. 100, no. 11, pp. 1220-1227.

Sharma, P, Fenton, A, Dias, IH, Heaton, B, Brown, CLR, Sidhu, A, Rahman, M, Griffiths, HR, Cockwell, P, Ferro, CJ, Chapple, IL & Dietrich, T 2021, 'Oxidative stress links periodontal inflammation and renal function', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 357-367.

Yonel, Z, Yahyouche, A, Jalal, Z, James, A, Dietrich, T & Chapple, I 2021, 'Patient acceptability of targeted risk-based detection of non-communicable diseases in a dental and pharmacy setting', BMC Public Health, vol. 20, no. 1, 1576.


Lamerton, RE, Juarez, EM, Faustini, SE, Perez-Toledo, ME, Goodall, M, Jossi, SE, Newby, ML, Chapple, I, Dietrich, T, Veenith, T, Shields, AM, Harper, L, Henderson, IR, Rayes, J, Wraith, DC, Watson, SP, Crispin, M, Drayson, MT, Richter, AG & Cunningham, AF 2021 'In vitro, classical complement activation differs by disease severity and between SARS-CoV-2 antigens' medRxiv.

Review article

Chapple, I, Hirschfeld, J, Cockwell, P, Dietrich, T & Sharma, P 2024, 'Death by co-morbidity: is there a role for periodontitis in chronic kidney disease?', Nature Reviews. Nephrology.

Chapple, ILC, Hirschfeld, J, Cockwell, P, Dietrich, T & Sharma, P 2024, 'Interplay between periodontitis and chronic kidney disease', Nature Reviews. Nephrology.

View all publications in research portal


Periodontal Diseases