Professor Moritz Kebschull Dr. med. dent., Dr. med. dent. habil., MBA

Professor Moritz Kebschull

School of Dentistry
Chair of Restorative Dentistry

Contact details

The School of Dentistry
5 Mill Pool Way
B5 7EG
United Kingdom

Professor Kebschull is Chair of Restorative Dentistry in the School of Dentistry in the Institute of Clinical Sciences and Honorary Consultant in Periodontics. In addition, he holds an adjunct position at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine.

His award-winning translational research links the clinical features and molecular foundations of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. Moritz is a module lead in the new NIHR Biological Research Centre.

To further develop the translation from basic research to the clinical setting and the market, Moritz acquired critical business skills in a top-ranked Executive MBA program. In line with this, he holds several collaborative research contracts with industry partners.

Professor Kebschull leads the Advanced Clinical Dental Practice Masters programme.

Prof Kebschull is member of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Periodontology and will be President of this largest learned society for periodontology world-wide in 2024. Moritz is currently driving the development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in Europe. In the UK, he is senior author of the S3-level treatment guidelines for periodontitis.

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1863-067

Google Scholar Profile 


Researcher ID: F-7207-2010

LinkedIn Profile 

The Dental School welcomes Professor Moritz Kebschull - read interview 


  • Master in Business Administration, ESCP Europe 2018
  • Habilitation (Post-doctoral lecture qualification with dissertation), Bonn 2014
  • DG PARO Specialist in Periodontology, German Society for Periodontology 2008
  • Board certification (“Fachzahnarzt”) in Periodontology, Muenster 2007
  • Doctor medicinae dentariae in mucosal immunology, Muenster 2004
  • Dentistry, Muenster 2004


  • BDS
  • MSc Rest Dent

Postgraduate supervision

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Other activities

2014 – today

  • Member of the board & Guideline chair, German Society for Periodontology (DG PARO)

 2017 – 2019

  • Junior officer, European Federation for Periodontology. 
  • Moritz is part of the leadership team for the ‘EFP S3 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treating Periodontitis”

 Moritz is an Editorial Board member for the following journals:

  • Journal of Clinical Periodontology
  • Clinical Oral Investigations
  • Current Oral Health Research
  • Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry


Recent publications


Herrera, D, Chapple, I, Jepsen, S, Berglundh, T, Tonetti, MS, Kebschull, M, Sculean, A, Papapanou, PN & Sanz, M 2024, 'Consensus Report of the second European Consensus Workshop on Education in Periodontology', Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

the EFP workshop participants and methodological consultant 2023, 'Prevention and treatment of peri‐implant diseases—The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline', Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

Herrera, D, Sanz, M, Kebschull, M, Jepsen, S, Sculean, A, Berglundh, T, Papapanou, PN, Chapple, I & Tonetti, MS 2022, 'Treatment of stage IV periodontitis: the EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 49, no. S24, pp. 4-71.

Momen-Heravi, F, Friedman, R, Albeshri, S, Sawle, A, Kebschull, M, Kuhn, A & Papapanou, PN 2021, 'Cell type-specific decomposition of gingival tissue transcriptomes', Journal of Dental Research, vol. 100, no. 5, pp. 549-556.

Kim, H, Momen-Heravi, F, Chen, S, Hoffmann, P, Kebschull, M & Papapanou, PN 2021, 'Differential DNA methylation and mRNA transcription in gingival tissues in periodontal health and disease', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1152-1164.

Kroeger, A & Kebschull, M 2020, 'Mikro- und molekularbiologische diagnostik: Grenzen und moglichkeiten bei periimplantitis', Implantologie, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 107-115.

EFP Guideline Group 2020, 'Treatment of stage I–III periodontitis—The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline', Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

Giannobile, WV, Berglundh, T, Al-nawas, B, Araujo, M, Bartold, PM, Bouchard, P, Chapple, I, Gruber, R, Lundberg, P, Sculean, A, Lang, NP, Lyngstadaas, P, Kebschull, M, Galindo-moreno, P, Schwartz, Z, Shapira, L, Stavropoulos, A & Reseland, J 2019, 'Biological factors involved in alveolar bone regeneration: consensus report of Working Group 1 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration ', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 46, no. S21, pp. 6-11.

Papapanou, PN, Sanz, M, Buduneli, N, Dietrich, T, Feres, M, Fine, DH, Flemmig, TF, Garcia, R, Giannobile, WV, Graziani, F, Greenwell, H, Herrera, D, Kao, RT, Kebschull, M, Kinane, DF, Kirkwood, KL, Kocher, T, Kornman, KS, Kumar, PS, Loos, BG, Machtei, E, Meng, H, Mombelli, A, Needleman, I, Offenbacher, S, Seymour, GJ, Teles, R & Tonetti, MS 2018, 'Periodontitis: Consensus report of workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions: Consensus report of workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions', Journal of Periodontology, vol. 89 , no. S 1, pp. S173-S182.

Kroeger, A, Hülsmann, C, Fickl, S, Spinell, T, Huttig, F, Kaufmann, F, Heimbach, A, Hoffmann, P, Enkling, N, Renvert, S, Schwarz, F, Demmer, RT, Papapanou, PN, Jepsen, S & Kebschull, M 2018, 'The severity of human peri-implantitis lesions correlates with the level of submucosal microbial dysbiosis', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 1498-1509.


Kebschull, M, Fittler, MJ, Demmer, RT & Papapanou, PN 2017, Differential Expression and Functional Analysis of High-Throughput -Omics Data Using Open Source Tools. in Oral Biology: Molecular Techniques and Applications. 2nd edn, Methods in molecular biology, vol. 1537, Springer, pp. 327-345.


Dunleavy, G, Kebschull, M, Pitts, N, Chapple, I, Verma, N, Jain, S, Hofmeister, J, Chilikova, K, Cook, R & West, N 2023, 'Inequalities in oral health: The economic burden of dental caries', International dental journal, vol. 73, no. Supplement 1, FC069, pp. S20-S20.

Dawood, H, Kroeger, A, Chavda, V, Chapple, I & Kebschull, M 2022, 'PR146: Under pressure - mechanisms and risk factors for orthodontically-induced inflammatory root resorption: a systematic review', Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 49, no. S23, pp. 203-203.

Review article

the EFP workshop participants and methodological consultant, West, N, Chapple, I, Culshaw, S, Donos, N, Needleman, I, Suvan, J, Nibali, L, Patel, A, Preshaw, PM & Kebschull, M 2024, 'BSP Implementation of Prevention and Treatment of Peri-implant Diseases – The EFP S3 Level Clinical Practice Guideline', Journal of Dentistry.

the ESE Workshop Participants and Methodological Consultant 2023, 'Treatment of pulpal and apical disease: The European Society of Endodontology (ESE) S3‐level clinical practice guideline', International Endodontic Journal.

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