Recent publications
Kelsall-Knight, L 2021, Courtney goes to the hospital. Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd. <>
Kelsall-Knight, L, Mulveen, J, Clarke, A, Cripps, M & Bradbury-Jones, C 2025, 'Understanding Resistance Among Survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Co-Produced Study in the United Kingdom', Violence against Women.
Kelsall-Knight, L & Stevens, R 2024, 'Exploring the implementation of person-centred care in nursing practice', Nursing Standard, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 70-75.
Stevens, R & Kelsall-Knight, L 2022, 'Clinical assessment and management of children with bronchiolitis', Nursing Children and Young People, vol. 34, no. 1, e1430, pp. 13-21.
Kelsall-Knight, L 2022, 'Practising cultural humility to promote person and family-centred care', Nursing Standard, vol. 37, no. 1.
Kelsall-Knight, L 2021, 'Qualitative exploration of lesbian parents' experiences of accessing healthcare for their adopted children in England', BMJ open, vol. 11, no. 10, e053710.
Kelsall-Knight, L & Sudron, C 2020, 'Non-biological lesbian mothers’ experiences of accessing healthcare for their children.', Nursing Children and Young People.
Kelsall-Knight, L & Diegnan, L 2015, 'Effect of technology on undertaking nursing observations', Nursing Standard, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 38-41.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Kelsall-Knight, L & Sudron, C 2023, Disenfranchisement in British Healthcare: Being a Lesbian Non-Biological Mother. in P Behrens & S Becker (eds), Justice After Stonewall: LGBT Life Between Challenge and Change. 1st edn, Routledge, London.
Kelsall-Knight, L 2014, Feed calculations at a glance. in A Glasper (ed.), Children and Young People’s Nursing at a glance. Wiley.
Doctoral Thesis
Kelsall-Knight, L 2020, 'Different Constellation and Shining Stars: Lesbian parents’ experiences of accessing healthcare for their adopted children in England', ???, University of Wolverhampton.
Other contribution
Kelsall-Knight, L 2022, ‘We’re her real mum’: lesbian parents face healthcare challenges. The Conversation . <>
Kelsall-Knight, L & Hatchett, R 2021, Nursing Standard podcast: inclusive communication and how to avoid making assumptions. RCN Publishing (RCNi). <>
Review article
Kelsall-Knight, L & Bradbury-Jones, C 2024, 'An international scoping review of empirical research in relation to the recruitment and assessment of LGBTQ+ communities in the adoption process', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2024, no. 1, 5451383.
Kelsall-Knight, L 2021, 'Experiences of LGBT parents when accessing healthcare for their children: a literature review', Nursing Children and Young People, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 17-24.
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