Recent publications
González-Zelaya, V, Salas, J, Megías, D & Missier, P 2024, 'Fair and Private Data Preprocessing through Microaggregation', ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, vol. 18, no. 3, 49.
McTeer, M, Henderson, R, Anstee, QM & Missier, P 2024, 'Handling Overlapping Asymmetric Data Sets—A Twice Penalized P-Spline Approach', Mathematics, vol. 12, no. 5, 777.
The ADMISSION Research Collaborative, Lewis, J, Evison, F, Doal, R, Field, J, Gallier, S, Harris, S, le Roux, P, Osman, M, Plummer, C, Sapey, E, Singer, M, Sayer, AA & Witham, MD 2024, 'How far back do we need to look to capture diagnoses in electronic health records? A retrospective observational study of hospital electronic health record data', BMJ open, vol. 14, no. 2, e080678.
LITMUS Consortium Investigators, McTeer, M, Applegate, D, Mesenbrink, P, Ratziu, V, Schattenberg, JM, Bugianesi, E, Geier, A, Romero-Gomez, M, Dufour, J-F, Ekstedt, M, Francque, S, Yki-järvinen, H, Allison, M, Valenti, L, Miele, L, Pavlides, M, Cobbold, J, Papatheodoridis, G, Holleboom, AG, Tiniakos, D, Brass, C, Anstee, QM & Missier, P 2024, 'Machine learning approaches to enhance diagnosis and staging of patients with MASLD using routinely available clinical information', PLOS One, vol. 19, no. 2, e0299487.
Chapman, A, Lauro, L, Missier, P & Torlone, R 2024, 'Supporting Better Insights of Data Science Pipelines with Fine-grained Provenance', ACM Trans. Database Syst.
Schintke, F, Belhajjame, K, De Mecquenem, N, Frantz, D, Guarino, VE, Hilbrich, M, Lehmann, F, Missier, P, Sattler, R, Sparka, JA, Speckhard, DT, Stolte, H, Vu, AD & Leser, U 2024, 'Validity constraints for data analysis workflows', Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 157, pp. 82-97.
Motta, F, Milic, J, Gozzi, L, Belli, M, Sighinolfi, L, Cuomo, G, Carli, F, Dolci, G, Iadisernia, V, Burastero, G, Mussini, C, Missier, P, Mandreoli, F & Guaraldi, G 2023, 'A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Weight Change in ART-Experienced People Living with HIV', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 474-481.
Shao, S, Guan, Y, Zhai, B, Missier, P & Plötz, T 2023, 'ConvBoost: Boosting ConvNets for Sensor-based Activity Recognition', Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, vol. 7, no. 2, 75.
Eto, F, Samuel, M, Henkin, R, Mahesh, M, Ahmad, T, Angdembe, A, Hamish McAllister-Williams, R, Missier, P, Reynolds, NJ, Barnes, MR, Hull, S, Finer, S & Mathur, R 2023, 'Ethnic differences in early onset multimorbidity and associations with health service use, long-term prescribing, years of life lost, and mortality: A cross-sectional study using clustering in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink', PLoS Medicine, vol. 20, no. 10, e1004300.
Evison, F, Cooper, R, Gallier, S, Missier, P, Sayer, AA, Sapey, E & Witham, MD 2023, 'Mapping inpatient care pathways for patients with COPD: an observational study using routinely collected electronic hospital record data', ERJ Open Research, vol. 9, no. 5, 00110-2023.
Conference article
Missier, P & Torlone, R 2024, 'From why-provenance to why+provenance: Towards addressing deep data explanations in Data-Centric AI', CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3741, pp. 508-517. <>
Calvanese, D, Ferro, N, Diamantini, C, Silvello, G, Marchesin, S, Tanca, L, Atzori, M, Bartolini, I, Bellomarini, L, Buccafurri, F, Cabibbo, L, Calí, A, Caruccio, L, Ceci, M, Chiusano, S, Ciaccia, P, Corradini, E, Crescenzi, V, Di Noia, T, Faggioli, G, Fazzinga, B, Ferrara, A, Ferrari, E, Firmani, D, Garza, P, Golfarelli, M, Guerrini, G, Gullo, F, Guzzi, PH, Lanti, D, Leotta, F, Manco, G, Mandreoli, F, Masciari, E, Maurino, A, Melchiori, M, Mircoli, A, Missier, P, Molinaro, C, Montanelli, S, Moscato, V, Papotti, P, Pensa, RG, Piantella, D, Pugliese, A, Quintarelli, E, Renso, C, Rinzivillo, S, Sartiani, C, Savo, DF, Simonini, G, Storti, E, Tagarelli, A, Amato, F, Baralis, E, Castano, S, Catania, B, De Antonellis, V, Greco, S, Lembo, D, Camporese, A, Giachelle, F, Irrera, O, Leoncini, D, Menotti, L, Pasin, A & Quaggio, E 2023, 'Preface of the 31st Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems', CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3478, pp. i-iv. <>
Conference contribution
Gregori, L, Missier, P, Stidolph, M, Torlone, R & Wood, A 2024, Design and Development of a Provenance Capture Platform for Data Science. in Procs. 3rd DATAPLAT workshop, co-located with ICDE 2024. IEEE, Utrecht, NL, 3rd International Workshop on Data Platform Design, Management, and Optimization, Utrecht, Netherlands, 13/05/24.
Calero-Diaz, H, Hamad, RA, Atallah, C, Casement, J, Canoy, D, Reynolds, NJ, Barnes, MR & Missier, P 2024, Interpretable and robust hospital readmission predictions from Electronic Health Records. in J He, T Palpanas, X Hu, A Cuzzocrea, D Dou, D Slezak, W Wang, A Gruca, JC-W Lin & R Agrawal (eds), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData). IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 3679-3687, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023, Sorrento, Italy, 15/12/23.
Shan, S, Guan, Y, Guan, X, Missier, P & Plotz, T 2023, On Training Strategies for LSTMs in Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition. in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2023. IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 653-658, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2023, Atlanta, United States, 13/03/23.
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