Faccia, A., Pandey, V., & Banga, C. (2022). Is permissioned blockchain the key to support the external audit shift to entirely open innovation paradigm?. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(2), 85.
Beebeejaun, Z., & Faccia, A. (2022). Electronic Alternative Dispute Resolution, smart contracts and equity in the energy sector. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 15(2), 97-113.
Gilani, S. A. M., & Faccia, A. (2022). Broadband connectivity, government policies, and open innovation: The crucial IT infrastructure contribution in Scotland. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(1), 1.
Faccia, A., Manni, F., & Capitanio, F. (2021). Mandatory ESG Reporting and XBRL Taxonomies Combination: ESG Ratings and Income Statement, a Sustainable Value-Added Disclosure. Sustainability, 13(16), 8876.
Faccia, A., & Petratos, P. (2021). Blockchain, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Accounting Information Systems (AIS): Research on e-Procurement and System Integration. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 6792.
Mosteanu, N. R., & Faccia, A. (2021). Fintech frontiers in quantum computing, fractals, and blockchain distributed ledger: Paradigm shifts and open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 19.
Faccia, A., & Cavaliere, L. P. L. (2021). Online Banking in Italy.“Widiba Bank” Case Study, PESTLE and DEA Analysis. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 5 (1), 87–97.
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