Professor Julie Allan

Professor Julie Allan

School of Education
Professor of Equity and Inclusion

Contact details

School of Education
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Julie Allan is Professor of Equity and Inclusion and was formerly the Head of the School of Education. Her work encompasses inclusive education, disability studies and children’s rights and is both empirical and theoretical. She has a particular interest in educational theory and the insights offered through poststructural and social capital analyses. Julie has been advisor to the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and the Dutch and Queensland Governments and has worked extensively with the Council of Europe.

Julie is an Honorary Network Member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).


  • PhD (Stirling)
  • BEd (Moray House, Edinburgh)


  • Education BA (Hons)

Postgraduate supervision

Julie is currently supervising doctoral students working on the kinaesthetic in education, curriculum and creativity, parent-teacher consultation and FE cultures.

Prospective doctoral students working in inclusion, disability and children’s rights would be particularly welcome, as would those with a focus on other aspects of education but who wish to engage with educational theory.


Recent publications


Allan, J & Peruzzo, F 2023, Students, teachers, families, and a socially just education: Rewriting the grammar of schooling to unsettle identities. Education Studies, Lived Places Publishing, New York. <>

Allan, J & Harwood, V 2022, On the self: Discourses of mental health and education. The language of mental health, 1 edn, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Allan, J & Harwood, V 2023, 'Approaching the self: alternative perspectives of selfwork in education', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Nieminen, JH, Bagger, A & Allan, J 2023, 'Discourses of risk and hope in research on mathematical learning difficulties', Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 337-357.

Osterborg, S, Bertilsdotter Rosquvist, H, Bagger, A & Allan, J 2023, 'Waiting for discovery and support? Divergent subjectivities in the Swedish education landscape', European Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15-29.

Allan, J & Omarova, T 2022, 'Disability and inclusion in Kazakhstan', Disability and Society, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1067-1084.

Jørgensen, CR & Allan, J 2022, 'Our school: our space–inclusion and young people’s experiences of space within an English secondary free school', International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Peruzzo, F & Allan, J 2022, 'Rethinking inclusive (digital) education: lessons from the pandemic to reconceptualise inclusion through convivial technologies', Learning, Media and Technology.

Jørgensen, C & Allan, J 2021, 'Free and comprehensive? Admissions and mixed attainment teaching in an English free school', Forum: for promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 29-38.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Jørgensen, CR & Allan, J 2022, Free schools, inclusion and social capital of children with special educational needs and disabilities. in C Kulz, K Morrin & R McGinity (eds), Inside the English Education Lab: Critical Qualitative and Ethnographic Perspectives on the Academies Experiment. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 89-108.


Allan, J 2022, Challenges and dilemmas in inclusive education: What we can learn from children. in J Banks (ed.), The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating Issues, Challenges and Tension with Global Experts. 1st edn, Routledge, pp. 23-35.

Allan, J 2022, Disability Studies, Disability Arts and Students' Perspectives: New Critical Tools for Inclusive Education. in B Amrhein & S Naraian (eds), Reading Inclusion Divergently: Articulations from Around the World. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, vol. 19, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 63-74.

Allan, J 2022, Foucault and his acolytes: Discourse, power and ethics. in M Murphy (ed.), Social Theory and Education Research: Understanding Foucault, Habermas, Bourdieu and Derrida. 2nd edn, Routledge, pp. 47-64.


Peruzzo, F, Joiko, S, Allan, J & Rojas, MT 2023, 'Other sociologies of education: providing critical perspectives from the Global South and North', British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 44.

Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Migliarini, V, Allan, J, Van Hove , G & De Schauwer , E 2022, Legislation and Policy in Europe. in R Tierney, F Rizvi & K Ercikan (eds), International Encyclopedia of Education. 4th edn, Elsevier, pp. 58-67.

View all publications in research portal



Disability in education and special educational needs; all aspects of diversity and education policy.

Policy experience

Expert adviser to Council of Europe on educational policy; organised several European ministerial conferences and high level meetings relating to educational policy; adviser to the Scottish Parliament on special educational needs; adviser to the Welsh Assembly on special educational needs; adviser to the Queensland Government on education and inclusion.

Other information: School Governor.