Recent publications
Chibbra, P & Soni, A 2024, 'How multiple identities shape Pakistani mothers’ experiences of working with EPs', Educational and Child Psychology.
Mansfield, E & Soni, A 2024, '‘I have it, so I understand it, I feel it’: The secondary school experiences of adolescent females With ADHD in England', Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, pp. 1-15.
Soni, A 2024, 'Reflections from developing an inclusive set of workshops for parents of children with disabilities in Kenya and applying this to an English context', Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRAP), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-8.
Halton, L & Soni, A 2023, 'Exploration of supervisees’ experiences of a transcultural supervision activity', Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 69-83.
Soni, A & Callicott, K 2023, 'Exploring contracts and contracting within supervisor training', Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 44-55.
Soni, A, Fong, H & Janda, T 2022, 'An exploration of two supervisors’ engagement in a transcultural supervision exercise to support culturally responsive supervision with trainee educational psychologists (TEPs)', Educational Psychology in Practice, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 194-213.
Soni, A, Reyes Soto, M & Lynch, P 2022, 'A review of the factors affecting children with disabilities’ successful transition to early childhood care and primary education in sub-Saharan Africa', Journal of Early Childhood Research, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 59-79.
Fong, H & Soni, A 2022, 'A systematic review on test anxiety in children and young people with learning difficulties', Support for Learning, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 21-43.
Soni, A 2022, 'Coordinating intervention: supporting children with disabilities in Malawi' International Teacher magazine. <>
Soni, A, Moss, A, Townsend, H, Webb, F, James, K & Davis, A 2022, 'Creative uses of video – bringing family and school staff together to problem solve and celebrate', Attuned Interactions, vol. 9, pp. 1-5. <>
Soni, A 2022, 'Transdisciplinary intervention: Supporting children with disabilities in Malawi' International Teacher magazine. <>
Hickinbotham, L & Soni, A 2021, 'A systematic literature review exploring the views and experiences of children and young people of the label Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)', Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 135-150.
Soni, A, Fong, H & Janda, T 2021, 'Culturally responsive supervision: a reflective account on the value of acknowledging and working with difference within supervision', Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 24-34.
Dunsmuir, S, Soni, A & Wright, S 2024, School and Educational Psychology Training: Cultural Considerations, Issues and Future Directions. in C Hatzichristou, BK Nastasi & SR Jimerson (eds), Handbook of School Psychology in a Global Context: Transnational Approaches to Support Children, Families and School Communities. 1 edn, Springer, pp. 379-395.
Barrow, W, Birchwood, J, Callicott, K, Soni, A & Watson, T 2023, 'Editorial', Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 5-6.
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