Recent publications
Dobson, E & Tonks, N 2020, Ancient Egypt in the Modern Imagination: Art, Literature and Culture . 1 edn, Bloomsbury Academic. <>
Olabarria, L & Dobson, E 2024, 'Do Ancient Egyptians Dream of Electric Sheep? The Reception of Ancient Egypt in Science Fiction', Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt, vol. 8, pp. 3–12.
Dobson, E 2020, 'Oscar Wilde, photography, and cultures of spiritualism: ''The most magical of mirrors''', English Literature in Transition 1880-1920, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 139-161. <>
Dobson, E 2024, Ancient Egypt. in S Parker (ed.), Michael Field in Context. Cambridge University Press.
Dobson, E 2024, “Lord Carnarvon was warned”: Tutankhamun in Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals. in J Day & M Mosleth King (eds), The Cult of Tutankhamun. The American University in Cairo Press.
Dobson, E 2024, The Illustrated Mummy: Visualising Beauty and Monstrosity at the Fin de Siècle. in N Reggiani (ed.), Miraggi d'eternità: le mummie egizie dal tempo dei papiri ad oggi. 1 edn, Artegrafica Silva, Parma.
Dobson, E 2023, De Gizeh à Vénus: temps, espace et Égypte antique dans la fiction au tournant du XXe siècle. in M Piperno, B Van Den Bossche & C Zampieri (eds), The Tales of Archaeology: Towards a Literary ‘Memory Map’ of the Mediterranean Space. Peeters.
Dobson, E 2023, Stephen Sommers' The Mummy (1999): Modern Legacies of the Tutankhamun Excavations. in AI Fernández Pichel (ed.), How Pharaohs Became Media Stars: Ancient Egypt and Popular Culture. Archaeopress Egyptology, vol. 48, Archaeopress, pp. 88-109.
Dobson, E 2022, Nineteenth-Century Mummy Fiction. in B Hinson & A Ferrari (eds), Visions of Ancient Egypt. The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.
Dobson, E 2022, Sphinxes of Mars: science, fiction, and nineteenth-century ancient aliens. in B van den Bercken (ed.), Alternative Egyptology: Critical essays on the relation between academic and alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt. Sidestone Press.
Dobson, E 2020, Deciphering the City: Ancient Egypt in Victorian London and Psychogeographical Archaeology. in J Gill, E Lightfoot & C McKenzie (eds), Writing Remains: New Intersections of Archaeology and Literature. Bloomsbury Academic.
Dobson, E 2020, Jack the Ripper and the Mummy's Curse: Ancient Egypt in From Hell. in Ancient Egypt in the Modern Imagination: Art, Literature and Culture. Bloomsbury Academic.
Dobson, E 2020, Perfume, Cigarettes and Gilded Boards: Pharos the Egyptian and Consumer Culture. in E Dobson (ed.), Victorian Literary Culture and Ancient Egypt. Manchester University Press.
Dobson, E & Tonks, N 2020, Introduction. in Ancient Egypt in the Modern Imagination: Art, Literature and Culture. Bloomsbury Academic.
Special issue
Olabarria, L & Dobson, E (eds) 2024, 'Do ancient Egyptians dream of electric sheep? The Reception of Ancient Egypt in Science Fiction', Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt, vol. 8.
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