Dr Carlo Luiu BSc, MSc, PhD

Dr Carlo Luiu

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Carlo Luiu is a Research Fellow at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. He is an interdisciplinary researcher focusing on the intersectionality between transport and mobility, environment, health and wellbeing. His research covers a broad range of topics, including transport and health, air quality, e-mobility, transport inequalities, mobility needs and barriers of vulnerable groups, especially older people.


  • PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, 2019
  • MSc in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, Sapienza – University of Rome, Italy, 2013
  • BSc in Regional, Urban and Environmental Planning, University of Sassari, Italy, 2008


Dr Carlo Luiu studied Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning at Sapienza - University of Rome, before moving to the University of Birmingham for his PhD in Civil Engineering, looking at the factors affecting the fulfilment of travel needs among older people. Between 2018-2022 he worked as a Research Fellow for the Resilient Cities programme at the Institute for Global Innovation (UoB), investigating drivers of urban distress and the conditions for securing city resilience, with a focus on Global South cities. In 2023, he joined the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences to work on the Air Pollution Citizen Science (APoCS) project.


Research interests

  • Transport and health
  • Transport inequalities
  • Transport justice
  • Travel needs
  • Travel barriers
  • Mobilities
  • Transport sustainability
  • Air pollution
  • Urban resilience
  • Citizen science 

Current projects

Air Pollution Citizen Science (APoCS) (EUniWell):

Carlo is part of a team led by Prof. Francis Pope (University of Birmingham) using citizen sciences approaches to improve public sensitization and understanding of the causes and effects of air pollution on individuals and communities. Through the collaboration between academic and citizen scientists, digital artists, and local communities, APoCS will generate open-sourced techniques from low-cost ground-based sensors and publicly available space datasets to measure and monitor air quality, and provide air pollution narratives in European and African settings.

Previous projects

  • EUniWell Virtual Online International Collaborative Exchange (VOICE)
  • PIARC Social equity and social accessibility
  • Exploring solutions to reduce emissions from motorcycle taxis in Kenya
  • Investigating the transformative adaptation of Kenyan infrastructure
  • Urban Transport Resilience of the Kenyan Older Population living in informal settlements
  • Investigating WMCA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Other activities

  • Associate Member of the Centre for Urban Wellbeing
  • Member of the British Society of Gerontology Transport & Mobility Special Interest Group
  • Member of the Transport and Health Integrated research NetworK (THINK)
  • Member of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCRTS).


Recent publications


Pope, FD, Price, R, Woolley, KE, Luiu, C, Alam, MS, Avis, WR, Bartington, SE, Debebe, D, Getaneh, Z, Green, SM, Howells, R, Khare, M, Weldetinsae, A, Lawson, C, Mishra, SK, Neal, B, Newman, K, Singh, A, Teklu Wodajo, B, Thomas, GN & Wilder, F 2024, 'Light painting photography makes particulate matter air pollution visible', Communication Earth & Environment, vol. 5, 294. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01409-4

Manshur, T, Luiu, C, Avis, WR, Bukachi, V, Gatari, M, Mulligan, J, Ng'an'ga, D, Radcliffe, J, Singh, A, Waiguru, E, Wandera, A & Pope, FD 2023, 'A citizen science approach for air quality monitoring in a Kenyan informal development', City and Environment Interactions, vol. 19, 100105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cacint.2023.100105

Radcliffe, J, Bryson, JR, Cox, E, Leach, J, Luiu, C & Reardon, L 2022, 'A regional approach to COVID-19 recovery: lessons from the West Midlands', Town Planning Review, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 7-14. https://doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2021.40

Luiu, C, Wandera, A, Radcliffe, J, Pope, F, Bukachi, V & Mulligan, J 2022, 'COVID-19 impacts on mobility in Kenyan informal settlements: a case study from Kibera, Nairobi', Transport Findings. https://doi.org/10.32866/001c.37571

Luiu, C & Tight, M 2021, 'Travel difficulties and barriers during later life: evidence from the National Travel Survey in England', Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 91, 102973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.102973

Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'A conceptual framework to assess the unmet travel needs in later life', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 9, pp. 321-331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2018.04.002

Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'An investigation into the factors influencing travel needs during later life', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 11, pp. 86-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2018.10.005

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Kearney, J, Bryson, JR, Broome, M, Leach, JM, Luiu, C, Pope, F & Radcliffe, J 2024, Shocks, recovery processes and cultivating urban plasticity: a neuroplasticity-informed perspective on urban resilience. in L Andres, JR Bryson, A Ersoy & L Reardon (eds), Pandemic Recovery?: Reframing and Rescaling Societal Challenges. 1 edn, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 27-41. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802201116.00010

Commissioned report

Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Ngezahayo, E, Avis, W, Luiu, C, Burrow, M & Paterson, J 2023, Social Equity and Social Accessibility. World Road Association. <https://www.piarc.org/en/order-library/44918-en-Social%20Equity%20and%20Social%20Accessibility>

Luiu, C, Eskandari Torbaghan, M & Burrow, M 2018, Rates of return for railway infrastructure investments in Africa. <https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/14214>

Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Luiu, C & Burrow, M 2017, Applications of digital and innovative construction techniques in lower-income countries. DFID. <https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/13436>

Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Luiu, C 2021, Pedestrian safety, older people. in R Vickerman (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation. 1st edn, vol. 2, Elsevier, pp. 429-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102671-7.10163-0


Ngezahayo, E, Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Luiu, C, Avis, W & Obuolloh, OE 2023, 'Assessing social equity and accessibility of transport systems for people with disability in Kenya', Paper presented at XXVII World Road Congress - PIARC, Prague, Czech Republic, 2/10/23 - 6/10/23.

Review article

Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'Factors preventing the use of alternative transport modes to the car in later life', Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 10, no. 6, 1982. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10061982

Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2016, 'The unmet travel needs of the older population: a review of the literature', Transport Reviews , vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 488-506. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2016.1252447

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