Recent publications
Luiu, C, Wandera, A, Bukachi, V, Kipkemboi, P, Ouko, A, Mulligan, J, Pope, F & Radcliffe, J 2025, 'Assessing the impacts of building road infrastructure on adjacent communities: a case study in Nairobi, Kenya', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 41, no. 3, 101997.
Whelan, I, Luiu, C & Pope, F 2024, 'Assessing the Polarising Impacts of Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods: A Community Perspective from Birmingham, UK', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 21, no. 12, 1638.
Pope, FD, Price, R, Woolley, KE, Luiu, C, Alam, MS, Avis, WR, Bartington, SE, Debebe, D, Getaneh, Z, Green, SM, Howells, R, Khare, M, Weldetinsae, A, Lawson, C, Mishra, SK, Neal, B, Newman, K, Singh, A, Teklu Wodajo, B, Thomas, GN & Wilder, F 2024, 'Light painting photography makes particulate matter air pollution visible', Communication Earth & Environment, vol. 5, 294.
Manshur, T, Luiu, C, Avis, WR, Bukachi, V, Gatari, M, Mulligan, J, Ng'an'ga, D, Radcliffe, J, Singh, A, Waiguru, E, Wandera, A & Pope, FD 2023, 'A citizen science approach for air quality monitoring in a Kenyan informal development', City and Environment Interactions, vol. 19, 100105.
Radcliffe, J, Bryson, JR, Cox, E, Leach, J, Luiu, C & Reardon, L 2022, 'A regional approach to COVID-19 recovery: lessons from the West Midlands', Town Planning Review, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 7-14.
Luiu, C, Wandera, A, Radcliffe, J, Pope, F, Bukachi, V & Mulligan, J 2022, 'COVID-19 impacts on mobility in Kenyan informal settlements: a case study from Kibera, Nairobi', Transport Findings.
Luiu, C & Tight, M 2021, 'Travel difficulties and barriers during later life: evidence from the National Travel Survey in England', Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 91, 102973.
Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'A conceptual framework to assess the unmet travel needs in later life', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 9, pp. 321-331.
Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'An investigation into the factors influencing travel needs during later life', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 11, pp. 86-99.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Kearney, J, Bryson, JR, Broome, M, Leach, JM, Luiu, C, Pope, F & Radcliffe, J 2024, Shocks, recovery processes and cultivating urban plasticity: a neuroplasticity-informed perspective on urban resilience. in L Andres, JR Bryson, A Ersoy & L Reardon (eds), Pandemic Recovery?: Reframing and Rescaling Societal Challenges. 1 edn, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 27-41.
Commissioned report
Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Ngezahayo, E, Avis, W, Luiu, C, Burrow, M & Paterson, J 2023, Social Equity and Social Accessibility. World Road Association. <>
Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
Luiu, C 2021, Pedestrian safety, older people. in R Vickerman (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation. 1st edn, vol. 2, Elsevier, pp. 429-434.
Ngezahayo, E, Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Luiu, C, Avis, W & Obuolloh, OE 2023, 'Assessing social equity and accessibility of transport systems for people with disability in Kenya', Paper presented at XXVII World Road Congress - PIARC, Prague, Czech Republic, 2/10/23 - 6/10/23.
Review article
Singh, A, Pope, FD, Radcliffe, J, Luiu, C, Bakare, H, Bartington, SE, Bonsu, NO, Bryson, JR, Cheeseman, N, Flowe, H, Krause, S, Newbigging, K, Nunan, F, Reardon, L, Rogers, CDF, Rowlingson, K & Thomson, I 2024, 'Delivering sustainable climate action: reframing the sustainable development goals', npj Climate Action, vol. 3, 110.
Luiu, C, Tight, M & Burrow, M 2018, 'Factors preventing the use of alternative transport modes to the car in later life', Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 10, no. 6, 1982.
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