Recent publications
Fontana, G 2016, Education Policy and Power-Sharing in Post-Conflict Societies: Lebanon, Northern Ireland and Macedonia. Palgrave, New York.
Bobo, T, Fontana, G & Kemoklidze, N 2024, 'Exploring Best Practices for User Engagement in Peace and Conflict Research', Global Policy.
Fontana, G & Costantini, G 2024, 'Mapping Disability in War-to-Peace Transitions: Global Patterns and the Lebanese Experience', Disability & Society.
Fontana, G, Kartsonaki, A, Neudorfer, N & Wolff, S 2024, 'The Multi-Stage Mixed Methods Framework: A New Research Design to Combine Hypothesis Development and Hypothesis Testing and to Embed Machine Learning and Practitioner Engagement in the Social Sciences', International Political Science Review.
Fontana, G 2023, 'Security, conflict management and peacebuilding: formal education in intra-state political agreements 1989-2016', Harvard educational review, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 173-201.
Fontana, G & Masiero, I 2022, 'Beyond reassurance: the reputational effect of cultural reforms in peace agreements', Government and Opposition.
Da Silva, RDS, Fontana, G & Armstrong, MA 2022, '‘It’s about keeping children safe, not spying’: a governmentality approach to Prevent in primary education', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 259-276.
Fontana, G, Siewert, M & Yakinthou, C 2020, 'Managing war to peace transitions after intra-state conflicts: configurations of successful peace processes', Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, vol. 2020, pp. 1-23.
Fontana, G, Kartsonaki, A, Neudorfer, N, Walsh, D, Wolff, S & Yakinthou, C 2020, 'The dataset of political agreements in internal conflicts (PAIC)', Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Fontana, G 2019, 'Does Education Help the Transition out of Power-Sharing in Plural Societies? A Comparative Study', Ethnopolitics.
Fontana, G 2018, 'Mapping the relationship between education reform and power-sharing in and after intra-state peace agreements: a multi-methods study', Journal on Education in Emergencies, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 74-113.
Fontana, G 2017, 'Educational Decentralisation in Post-Conflict Societies: Approaches and Constraints', Third World Thematics, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 857-878.
Fontana, G 2015, 'Religious Education after Conflicts: Promoting Social Cohesion or Entrenching Existing Cleavages?', Compare.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Fontana, G, Armstrong, MA & Da Silva, RDS 2020, Enacting the Prevent Duty in Primary Schools. in J Busher & L Jerome (eds), The Prevent Duty in Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99.
Review article
Fontana, G 2023, 'Institutional designs to manage ethnic diversity in conflict-affected states: conceptual, methodological and empirical innovations', Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
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