Highlight publications
Mcloughlin, C 2024, 'Public services as carriers of ideas that (de-) legitimise the state: The illustrative case of free education in Sri Lanka', World Development, vol. 173, 106439. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106439
Mcloughlin, C 2014, 'When Does Service Delivery Improve the Legitimacy of a Fragile or Conflict-Affected State?', Governance, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 341-356. https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12091
Mcloughlin, C (ed.), Ali, SAM (ed.), Xie, K, Cheeseman, N (ed.) & Hudson, D (ed.) 2023, The Politics of Development: Institutions, Incentives, and Ideas. SAGE Publications, London.
Batley, R & Mcloughlin, C 2015, 'The politics of public services : a service characteristics approach', World Development, vol. 74, pp. 275-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.05.018
Hudson, D, Lemay-hébert, N, Mcloughlin, C & Roche, C 2020, 'Leadership and Change in Asia-Pacific: Where Does Political Will Come From?', Politics and Governance, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 131-135. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v8i4.3831
Recent publications
Nhim, T & Mcloughlin, C 2022, 'Local leadership development and WASH system strengthening: insights from Cambodia', H2Open Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 469-489. https://doi.org/10.2166/h2oj.2022.129
Hudson, D, Mcloughlin, C, Margret, A & Pandjaitan, Y 2020, 'Leadership, Identity and Performance: The Nature and Effect of ‘Prototypicality’ in Indonesia', Politics and Governance, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 201-213. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v8i4.3553
Mcloughlin, C 2018, 'When the Virtuous Circle Unravels: Unfair Service Provision and State De-legitimation in Divided Societies', Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. https://doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2018.1482126
Scott, Z, Mcloughlin, C & Marquette, H 2012, 'Marrying Fragile States and Aid Policy: Civil Partnership or Irreconcilable Differences?', Crime, Law and Social Change.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Mcloughlin, C 2014, The Politics of What Works in Service Delivery. in S Hickey, K Sen & B Bukenya (eds), The Politics of Inclusive Development: Interrogating the Evidence. Oxford University Press.
Commissioned report
Wales, J, Aslam, M, Hine, S, Rawal, S, Wild, L, Day-Ashley, L, Batley, R, Mcloughlin, C, Nicolai , S & Rose, P 2015, The role and impact of philanthropic and religious schools in developing countries. Education Rigorous Literature Review, DFID. <https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/482337/role-impact-philanthropic-schools.pdf>
Day-Ashley, L, Mcloughlin, C, Aslam, M, Engel, J, Wales, J, Rawal, S, Batley, R, Kingdon, G, Nicolai , S & Rose, P 2015, The role and impact of private schools in developing countries: a rigorous review of the evidence: Final report. Education Rigorous Literature Review, DFID. <https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/439702/private-schools-full-report.pdf>
Day-Ashley, L, Mcloughlin, C, Aslam, M, Engel, J, Rawal, S, Wales, J, Batley, R, Kingdon, G, Nicolai, S & Rose, P 2014, Evidence Brief: The role and impact of private schools in developing countries: a rigorous review of the evidence. DFID.
Wales, J, Aslam, M, Hine, S, Rawal, S, Wild, L, Batley, R, Day-Ashley, L, Mcloughlin, C, Nicolai, S & Rose, P 2014, Evidence brief: The role and impact of philanthropic and religious schools in developing countries. DFID.
Batley, R, Mccourt, W & Mcloughlin, C 2012, 'The Politics and Governance of Public Services in Developing Countries', Public Management Review, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 131-144. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2012.657840
Other report
Mcloughlin, C, Hiriasia, T, Nanau, G, Hudson, D, Krishna, U & Roche, C 2022, Inclusive development in Solomon Islands: unlocking the potential of developmental leadership. University of Birmingham. <https://res.cloudinary.com/dlprog/image/upload/inclusive-development-in-solomon-islands-unlocking-the-potential-of-developmental-leadership>
Working paper
Hudson, D & Mcloughlin, C 2019 'How is leadership understood in different contexts?' Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham. https://doi.org/https://res.cloudinary.com/dlprog/image/upload/how-is-leadership-understood-in-different-contexts
Hudson, D, Mcloughlin, C, Marget, A, Ardiansa, D, Panjaitan, Y & Novitasari, M 2019 'Identity matters: Unpacking the effects of prototypicality on perceptions of leadership in Indonesia' Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham. <https://res.cloudinary.com/dlprog/image/upload/identity-matters-prototypicality>
Hudson, D, Mcloughlin, C, Marquette, H & Roche, C 2018 'Inside the black box of political will: 10 years of findings from the Developmental Leadership Program' Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham, Birmingham. <http://publications.dlprog.org/DLPsynthesis.pdf>
Batley, R & Mcloughlin, C 2012 'The politics of what works in service delivery: an evidence-based review' ESID Working Papers, no. 6, Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre, Manchester. <http://www.effective-states.org/_assets/documents/esid_wp_06_mcloughlin-batley.pdf>
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