Recent publications
Vieira, M & Grix, J 2016, Challenges to emerging and established Powers: Brazil, the United Kingdom and global order. Routledge, Abingdon.
Vieira, M 2013, Southern Africa's Responses to International HIV/AIDS Norms (1990-2005): The Politics of Assimilation. 1st ed. edn, Alexandre de Gusmao Foundation, Brazil.
Vieira, M 2025, 'Uneven and Combined Desires. A psychological rethinking of societal multiplicity in world politics', Cooperation and Conflict.
Vieira, M & Maitino, M 2024, 'Ontological Security and Climate Policy in Jair Bolsonaro's Brazil: Understanding the Emotional Underpinnings of Environmental Destruction', Global Studies Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 3, ksae079.
Karkour , H & Vieira, M 2023, 'An autoethnography of hybrid IR scholars: De-territorialising the Global IR debate', International Political Sociology, vol. 17, no. 3, olad015.
Menezes, H & Vieira, M 2021, 'Explaining Brazil as a rising state, 2003‒2014: the role of policy diffusion as an international regulatory instrument', Journal of International Relations and Development.
Vieira, M 2019, 'The decolonial subject and the problem of non-Western authenticity', Postcolonial Studies, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 150-167.
Vieira, M 2018, '(Re-) imagining the ‘Self’ of Ontological Security: The Case of Brazil’s Ambivalent Postcolonial Subjectivity', Millennium - Journal of International Studies, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 142-164.
Vieira, M 2016, 'Understanding resilience in international relations: the Non-Aligned Movement and ontological security', International Studies Review, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 290-311.
Vieira, M & Grix, J 2015, 'Challenges to Emerging and Established Powers: Brazil and the UK in the Contemporary Global Order', Global Society, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 281-285.
Vieira, M 2013, 'Brazilian foreign policy in the context of global climate norms', Foreign Policy Analysis, pp. 369-386.
Vieira, M & Dalgaard, K 2013, 'The Energy-Security-Climate Change Nexus in Brazil', Environmental Politics, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 610-626.
Vieira, M 2012, 'Rising States and Distributive Justice: Reforming International Order in the 21st Century', Global Society, vol. 26, no. 3.
Vieira, M & Alden, C 2011, 'India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA): South-South Cooperation and the Paradox of Regional Leadership', Global Governance, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 507-528.
Book/Film/Article review
Vieira, M 2023, 'Book Review - China and Latin America: Development, Agency and Geopolitics', Global Policy. <>
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