Recent publications
Hemsoll, D 2019, Emulating Antiquity: Renaissance buildings from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. <>
Hemsoll, D & Davies, P 2013, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo, Series A, vol. X, Renaissance and Later Architecture and Ornament. Harvey Miller Publishers, London.
Hemsoll, D 2024, 'Palladio and the “Secrets” of Architectural Proportion', Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 4-38.
Hemsoll, D 2020, 'Drawing on the past: Palladio, his precursors and knowledge of ancient architecture c. 1550', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 82, pp. 195-249. <>
Hemsoll, D 2015, 'Envisaging Michelangelo's Porta Pia', Annali di architettura, vol. 25, pp. 101-16.
Hemsoll, D 2015, 'Palladio's architectural orders: from practice to theory', Architectural History, vol. 58, pp. 1-54.
Hemsoll, D 2014, 'Drawings by Palladio and Others of the Porta dei Leoni in Verona', Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike, vol. 16, pp. 129-60. <>
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Hemsoll, D 2024, Invention, Imitation and Reiteration: The Case of Bramante’s So-Called Palazzo Caprini and its Progeny. in A Hopkins (ed.), Citation and Quotation in Early Modern Architecture: Lost and Found in Translation. De Gruyter, pp. 253-293.
Hemsoll, D 2017, L’idea dell’architettura di Giuliano da Sangallo, 1485-1492. in A Belluzzi, C Elam & FP Fiore (eds), Giuliano da Sangallo. Officina Edizioni, Milan, pp. 121-132.
Davies, P & Hemsoll, D 2016, L’architettura: Verona fidelis. in D Battilotti, G Beltramini, E Demo & W Panciera (eds), Storia dell’architettura nel Veneto: Il Cinquecento. vol. 4, Marsilio, Venice, pp. 188-209.
Hemsoll, D 2015, Michelangelo’s St Peter’s and a neglected early drawing. in N Avcioğlu & A Sherman (eds), Artistic Practices and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Italy: Essays in Honour of Deborah Howard. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 197-220.
Hemsoll, D 2016, Veronese’s painted architecture: vocabulary and application. in B Aikema, T Dalla Costa & P Marini (eds), Paolo Veronese. Giornate di Studio.: Proceedings of the International Conference (Verona, 27-29 September 2014). Lineadacqua, Venice, pp. 175-87.
Hemsoll, D 2014, Consonance, Incoherence and Obscurity: Rhetorical Idealism in the Centrally-Planned Church Schemes of Sebastiano Serlio . in The Gordian Knot. Studi Offerti a Richard Schofield. Saggi di storia dell'arte, vol. 31, Campisano, Rome, pp. 131-48.
Hemsoll, D & Davies, P 2014, Quattro progetti architettonici legati a Giulio Romano. in U Bazzotti (ed.), Giulio Romano e l’arte del Cinquecento. Modena, pp. 185-208.
Other contribution
Davies, P & Hemsoll, D 2024, Codex Coner: Architecture and Antiquarianism in early sixteenth-century Rome, c.1513-15 with seventeenth-century additions (100 folios). Sir John Soane's Museum of London. <>
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