Recent publications
Mergental, H, Laing, RW, Kirkham, AJ, Clarke, G, Boteon, YL, Barton, D, Neil, DAH, Isaac, JR, Roberts, KJ, Abradelo, M, Schlegel, A, Dasari, BVM, Ferguson, JW, Cilliers, H, Morris, C, Friend, PJ, Yap, C, Afford, SC, Perera, MTPR & Mirza, DF 2024, 'Discarded livers tested by normothermic machine perfusion in the VITTAL trial: Secondary end points and 5-year outcomes', Liver Transplantation, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 30-45.
Clarke, G, Mao, J, Fan, Y, Hann, A, Gupta, A, Nutu, A, Buckel, E, Kayani, K, Murphy, N, Bangash, MN, Casey, AL, Wootton, I, Lawson, AJ, Dasari, BVM, Perera, MTPR, Mergental, H & Afford, SC 2023, 'N-acetylcysteine: a novel approach to methaemoglobinaemia in normothermic liver machine perfusion', Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 19022.
Attard, JA, Osei-Bordom, D-C, Boteon, Y, Wallace, L, Ronca, V, Reynolds, G, Perera, MTPR, Oo, YH, Mergental, H, Mirza, DF & Afford, SC 2021, 'Ex situ Normothermic Split Liver Machine Perfusion: Protocol for Robust Comparative Controls in Liver Function Assessment Suitable for Evaluation of Novel Therapeutic Interventions in the Pre-clinical Setting', Frontiers in Surgery, vol. 8, 627332.
Mergental, H, Laing, RW, Hodson, J, Boteon, YL, Attard, JA, Walace, LL, Neil, DAH, Barton, D, Schlegel, A, Muiesan, P, Abradelo, M, Isaac, JR, Roberts, K, Perera, MTPR, Afford, SC & Mirza, DF 2021, 'Introduction of the Concept of Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity of Normothermic Perfusion Protocols to Assess High‐Risk Donor Livers', Liver Transplantation.
Kitchen, P, Lee, KY, Clark, DJ, Lau, N, Lertsuwan, J, Sawasdichai, A, Satayavivad, J, Oltean, S, Afford, S, Gaston, K & Jayaraman, P-S 2020, 'A Runaway PRH/HHEX-Notch3-Positive Feedback Loop Drives Cholangiocarcinoma and Determines Response to CDK4/6 Inhibition', Cancer Research, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 757-770.
Laing, RW, Stubblefield, S, Wallace, L, Roobrouck, VD, Bhogal, RH, Schlegel, A, Boteon, YL, Reynolds, GM, Ting, AE, Mirza, DF, Newsome, PN, Mergental, H & Afford, SC 2020, 'The Delivery of Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells to Extended Criteria Human Donor Livers Using Normothermic Machine Perfusion', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 11, 1226.
Mergental, H, Laing, RW, Kirkham, AJ, Perera, MTPR, Boteon, YL, Attard, J, Barton, D, Curbishley, S, Wilkhu, M, Neil, DAH, Hübscher, SG, Muiesan, P, Isaac, JR, Roberts, KJ, Abradelo, M, Schlegel, A, Ferguson, J, Cilliers, H, Bion, J, Adams, DH, Morris, C, Friend, PJ, Yap, C, Afford, SC & Mirza, DF 2020, 'Transplantation of discarded livers following viability testing with normothermic machine perfusion', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2939.
Jeffery, HC, Hunter, S, Humphreys, EH, Bhogal, R, Wawman, RE, Birtwistle, J, Atif, M, Bagnal, CJ, Rodriguez Blanco, G, Richardson, N, Warner, S, Dunn, WB, Afford, SC, Adams, DH & Oo, YH 2019, 'Bidirectional Cross-Talk between Biliary Epithelium and Th17 Cells Promotes Local Th17 Expansion and Bile Duct Proliferation in Biliary Liver Diseases', Journal of Immunology, vol. 203, no. 5, pp. 1151-1159.
Boteon, YL, Attard, J, Boteon, APCS, Wallace, L, Reynolds, G, Hubscher, S, Mirza, DF, Mergental, H, Bhogal, RH & Afford, SC 2019, 'Manipulation of Lipid Metabolism During Normothermic Machine Perfusion: Effect of Defatting Therapies on Donor Liver Functional Recovery', Liver Transplantation, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1007-1022.
Attard, JA, Dunn, WB, Mergental, H, Mirza, DF, Afford, SC & Perera, MTPR 2019, 'Systematic Review: Clinical Metabolomics to Forecast Outcomes in Liver Transplantation Surgery', OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 463-476.
Boteon, YL, Laing, RW, Schlegel, A, Wallace, L, Smith, A, Attard, J, Bhogal, RH, Reynolds, G, Pr Perera, MT, Muiesan, P, Mirza, DF, Mergental, H & Afford, SC 2019, 'The impact on the bioenergetic status and oxidative-mediated tissue injury of a combined protocol of hypothermic and normothermic machine perfusion using an acellular haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier: The cold-to-warm machine perfusion of the liver', PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 10, e0224066.
Longatto Boteon, Y, Wallace, L, Pinter Carvalheiro da Silva Boteon, A, Mirza, D, Mergentel, H, Bhogal, R & Afford, S 2018, 'An effective protocol for Pharmacological Defatting of Primary Human Hepatocytes which is non-toxic to Cholangiocytes or Intrahepatic endothelial cells', PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 7, e0201419.
Lertsuwan, J, Lertsuwan, K, Sawasdichai, A, Tasnawijitwong, N, Lee, KY, Kitchen, P, Afford, S, Gaston, K, Jayaraman, P-S & Satayavivad, J 2018, 'CX-4945 Induces Methuosis in Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines by a CK2-Independent Mechanism', Cancers, vol. 10, no. 9, 283.
Boteon, YL, Laing, RW, Schlegel, A, Wallace, L, Smith, A, Attard, J, Bhogal, RH, Neil, DAH, Hübscher, S, Perera, MTPR, Mirza, DF, Afford, SC & Mergental, H 2018, 'Combined Hypothermic and Normothermic Machine Perfusion Improves Functional Recovery of Extended Criteria Donor Livers', Liver Transplantation, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1699-1715.
Mergental, H, Stephenson, BTF, Laing, RW, Kirkham, AJ, Neil, DAH, Wallace, LL, Boteon, YL, Widmer, J, Bhogal, RH, Perera, MTPR, Smith, A, Reynolds, GM, Yap, C, Hübscher, SG, Mirza, DF & Afford, SC 2018, 'Development of Clinical Criteria for Functional Assessment to Predict Primary Nonfunction of High-Risk Livers Using Normothermic Machine Perfusion', Liver Transplantation, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1453-1469.
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