Recent publications
Feng, G, Mózes, FE, Ji, D, Treeprasertsuk, S, Okanoue, T, Shima, T, Liang, H, Tsochatzis, E, Chen, J, Schattenberg, JM, Labenz, C, Mahadeva, S, Chan, WK, Chi, X, Delamarre, A, de Lédinghen, V, Petta, S, Bugianesi, E, Hagström, H, Boursier, J, Calleja, JL, Boon-Bee Goh, G, Gallego-Durán, R, Sanyal, AJ, Fan, J-G, Castéra, L, Lai, M, Harrison, SA, Romero-Gomez, M, Kim, SU, Zhu, Y, Ooi, G, Shi, J, Yoneda, M, Nakajima, A, Lupsor-Platon, M, Zhong, B, Cobbold, JFL, Ye, C-Y, Eddowes, PJ, Newsome, P, Li, J, George, J, He, F, Song, MJ, Tang, H, Fan, Y, Jia, J, Xu, L, Lin, S, Li, Y, Lu, Z, Nan, Y, Niu, J, Yan, X, Zhou, Y, Liu, C, Deng, H, Ye, Q, Zeng, Q-L, Li, L, Wang, J, Yang, S, Lin, H, Lee, HW, Cheuk-Fung Yip, T, Fournier-Poizat, C, Lai-Hung Wong, G, Pennisi, G, Armandi, A, Liu, W-Y, Shang, Y, de Saint-Loup, M, Llop, E, Jun Teh, KK, Romero, CL, Asgharpour, A, Mahgoub, S, Sau-Wai Chan, M, Canivet, CM, Ji, F, Xin, Y, Chai, J, Dong, Z, Targher, G, Byrne, CD, He, N, Mi, M, Ye, F, Wai-Sun Wong, V, Pavlides, M, Zheng, M-H & Zhang, J 2024, 'acFibroMASH index for the diagnosis of fibrotic MASH and prediction of liver-related events: An international multicenter study', Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Harrison, SA, Bedossa, P, Guy, CD, Schattenberg, JM, Loomba, R, Taub, R, Labriola, D, Moussa, SE, Neff, GW, Rinella, ME, Anstee, QM, Abdelmalek, MF, Younossi, Z, Baum, S, Francque, S, Charlton, M, Newsome, P, Lanthier, N, Shiefke, I, Mangia, A, Pericas, JM, Patil, R, Sanyal, AJ, Noureddin, M, Bansal, M, Alkhouri, N, Castera, L, Rudraraju, M, Ratziu, V & MAESTRO-NASH Investigators 2024, 'A Phase 3, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Resmetirom in NASH with Liver Fibrosis', The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 390, pp. 497-509.
Khan, R, Salman, S, Harford, L, Sheriff, L, Hazeldine, J, Rajoriya, N, Newsome, PN & Lalor, PF 2024, 'Circulating myeloid populations have prognostic utility in alcohol-related liver disease', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 15, 1330536.
Horn, P, Norlin, J, Almholt, K, Viuff, BM, Galsgaard, ED, Hald, A, Zosel, F, Demuth, H, Poulsen, S, Norby, PL, Rasch, MG, Vyberg, M, Fleckner, J, Werge, MP, Gluud, LL, Rink, MR, Shepherd, E, Northall, E, Lalor, PF, Weston, CJ, Fog-Tonnesen, M & Newsome, PN 2024, 'Evaluation of Gremlin-1 as a therapeutic target in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis', eLife, vol. 13, RP95185.
Newsome, PN, Sanyal, AJ, Engebretsen, KA, Kliers, I, Østergaard, L, Vanni, D, Bugianesi, E, Rinella, ME, Roden, M & Ratziu, V 2024, 'Semaglutide 2.4 mg in Participants With Metabolic Dysfunction‐Associated Steatohepatitis: Baseline Characteristics and Design of the Phase 3 ESSENCE Trial', Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Miller, H, Harman, D, Aithal, GP, Manousou, P, Cobbold, JF, Parker, R, Sheridan, D, Newsome, PN, Karpe, F, Neville, M, Arlt, W, Sitch, AJ, Korbonits, M, Biehl, M, Alazawi, W & Tomlinson, JW 2024, 'Translating the potential of the urine steroid metabolome to stage NAFLD (TrUSt-NAFLD): study protocol for a multicentre, prospective validation study', BMJ open, vol. 14, no. 1, e074918.
Hirschfield, G, Arndtz, K, Kirkham, A, Chen, Y-Y, Fox, R, Rowe, A, Douglas-Pugh, J, Thorburn, D, Barnes, E, Aithal, GP, Hull, D, Bhandal, K, Olsen, K, Woodward, P, Lax, S, Newsome, P, Smith, D, Kallio, A, Adams, D, Homer, V & Weston, C 2024, 'Vascular adhesion protein-1 blockade in primary sclerosing cholangitis: open-label, multi-centre, single arm, phase II trial', Hepatology Communications, vol. 8, no. 5, e0426.
VCTE-Prognosis Study Group, Lin, H, Lee, HW, Yip, TC-F, Tsochatzis, E, Petta, S, Bugianesi, E, Yoneda, M, Zheng, M-H, Hagström, H, Boursier, J, Calleja, JL, Goh, GB-B, Chan, W-K, Gallego-Durán, R, Sanyal, AJ, de Lédinghen, V, Newsome, P, Fan, J-G, Castéra, L, Lai, M, Harrison, SA, Fournier-Poizat, C, Wong, GL-H, Pennisi, G, Armandi, A, Nakajima, A, Liu, W-Y, Shang, Y, de Saint-Loup, M, Llop, E, Teh, KK-J, Lara-Romero, C, Asgharpour, A, Mahgoub, S, Chan, MS-W, Canivet, CM, Romero-Gomez, M, Kim, SU & Wong, VW-S 2024, 'Vibration-Controlled Transient Elastography Scores to Predict Liver-Related Events in Steatotic Liver Disease', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association.
Lazarus, JV, Mark, HE, Allen, AM, Arab, JP, Carrieri, P, Noureddin, M, Alazawi, W, Alkhouri, N, Alqahtani, SA, Anstee, QM, Arrese, M, Bataller, R, Berg, T, Brennan, PN, Burra, P, Castro-Narro, GE, Cortez-Pinto, H, Cusi, K, Dedes, N, Duseja, A, Francque, SM, Gastaldelli, A, Hagström, H, Huang, TTK, Ivancovsky Wajcman, D, Kautz, A, Kopka, CJ, Krag, A, Newsome, PN, Rinella, ME, Romero, D, Sarin, SK, Silva, M, Spearman, CW, Terrault, NA, Tsochatzis, EA, Valenti, L, Villota-Rivas, M, Zelber-Sagi, S, Schattenberg, JM, Wong, VW-S & Younossi, ZM 2023, 'A global action agenda for turning the tide on fatty liver disease', Hepatology.
Healthy Livers, Healthy Lives Collaborators, Lazarus, JV, Mark, HE, Allen, AM, Arab, JP, Carrieri, P, Noureddin, M, Alazawi, W, Alkhouri, N, Alqahtani, SA, Arrese, M, Bataller, R, Berg, T, Brennan, PN, Burra, P, Castro Narro, GE, Cortez-Pinto, H, Cusi, K, Dedes, N, Duseja, A, Francque, SM, Hagström, H, Huang, TT-K, Wajcman, DI, Kautz, A, Kopka, CJ, Krag, A, Miller, V, Newsome, PN, Rinella, ME, Romero, D, Sarin, SK, Silva, M, Spearman, CW, Tsochatzis, EA, Valenti, L, Villota-Rivas, M, Zelber-Sagi, S, Schattenberg, JM, Wong, VW-S & Younossi, ZM 2023, 'A global research priority agenda to advance public health responses to fatty liver disease', Journal of Hepatology, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 618-634.
BI 1467335 NASH Phase IIa trial team 2023, 'A randomised Phase IIa trial of amine oxidase copper-containing 3 (AOC3) inhibitor BI 1467335 in adults with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis', Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, 7151.
Newsome, P, Rinella, ME, Lazarus, JV & Terrault, N 2024, 'Reply: NAFLD, MAFLD, or MASLD? Cut the Gordian knot with "Ludwig disease"', Hepatology, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. E5-E6.
Rinella, ME, Castro Narro, GE, Krag, A, Terrault, N & Newsome, PN 2024, 'Reply: 'From NAFLD to MASLD: Promise and pitfalls of a new definition'†', Hepatology, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. E16-E17.
Review article
Abeysekera, KWM, Valenti, L, Younossi, Z, Dillon, JF, Allen, AM, Nourredin, M, Rinella, ME, Tacke, F, Francque, S, Ginès, P, Thiele, M, Newsome, PN, Guha, IN, Eslam, M, Schattenberg, JM, Alqahtani, SA, Arrese, M, Berzigotti, A, Holleboom, AG, Caussy, C, Cusi, K, Roden, M, Hagström, H, Wong, VWS, Mallet, V, Castera, L, Lazarus, JV & Tsochatzis, EA 2024, 'Implementation of a liver health check in people with type 2 diabetes', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 83-91.
NAFLD Nomenclature consensus group 2023, 'A multisociety Delphi consensus statement on new fatty liver disease nomenclature', Journal of Hepatology, vol. 79, no. 6, pp. 1542-1556.
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