Dr Shivan Sivakumar PhD FRCP

Dr Shivan Sivakumar

Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy
Associate Professor in Oncology
Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology

Contact details

Dr Shivan Sivakumar is a research active oncologist with an interest in improving the survival of patients with pancreatic cancer through finding better opportunities to diagnose the disease earlier, running clinical trials and informing new targets by studying the biology of the disease. He also treats patients with pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and biliary tract cancer and has an active trials programme in this area.

Google Scholar Profile - Dr Sivakumar


  • 2014 PhD in Biochemistry, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • 2008 MBBS (Medical Degree), Queen Mary’s, University of London
  • 2007 BMedSci (2.1) in Molecular Therapeutics, Queen Mary’s, University of London


  • 2023-present: Associate Professor in Oncology, University of Birmingham. Honorary consultant in medical oncology, University Hospitals of Birmingham NHS Trust.
  • 2019-2023: Clinical career development fellow, University of Oxford. Bristol Myers Squibb Translational fellow. Honorary consultant in medical oncology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.
  • 2015- 2019: NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Medical Oncology, University of Oxford
  • 2013-2015: NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Medical Oncology, University of Leeds/Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust with a rotation in Wales
  • 2010-2013: CRUK Clinical Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
  • 2008-2010: Academic Foundation Programme, University of Leeds/Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  • 2002-2008: Undergraduate Medical Student, Queen Mary’s, University of London