Professor Fang Gao

Fang Gao

Department of Inflammation and Ageing
Professor in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain

Contact details

Birmingham Acute Care Research Centre
Department of Inflammation and Ageing
Centre of Translational Inflammation Research
University of Birmingham Research Laboratories, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Birmingham, B15 2WB

Fang is a Professor of anaesthesia, critical care, and pain at the College of Medicine and Health, University of Birmingham, and an Honorary Consultant in anaesthesia, critical and perioperative care at the University Hospitals of Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

Fang graduated from Beijing University in China with a degree in Medicine and Surgery. She trained clinically and academically as an Anaesthetist and Intensivist at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital, London. She completed her MPhil, MD research programmes and the Certificate Clinical Training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Cardiff and London.

Fang is a leading researcher in critical and perioperative care focusing on clinical effectiveness, influencing policy and decision-making to improve patient care, with expertise in translation, clinical trials and data science research. Her pioneering work on “street fit” led to national and international guidelines for when it is safe to discharge day surgery patients. Her scientific accuracy and desire have played a major role in timely infection control, preventing the progression of severe sepsis and increasing NHS cost-saving in ICU settings. Her seminal clinical trials won the 2016 Trials and Evaluation Award Winner, Academic Health Science Network AHSN WM, and contributed to the international guidelines in the treatment of sepsis-induced ARDS.

Fang demonstrates significant leadership in her discipline and a passion for mentoring the next generation of clinicians and researchers in the UK and overseas, several of whom have gone on to the top leading clinical and academic positions nationally and internationally. In 2021, she was awarded the Dudley Buxton Medal by the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) for her meritorious work in anaesthesia and critical care. 2015-2023, Fang was appointed for the maximum full terms of the NIHR Senior Investigator for her outstanding leadership contributions. In 2024, she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the 1st female anaesthetist with FMedSci recognised for outstanding contribution to UK biomedical and health research.


  • FFICM 2010 (London)
  • MD 2005 (Cardiff)
  • FRCA 1993 (London)
  • MPhil 1990 (Cardiff)
  • MB BS 1983 (Beijing)


Fang is Professor of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain, Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist based at University of Birmingham and Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT).

She was instrumental to form the Perioperative, Critical Care and Trauma Trials Group (PACCT) at the University of Birmingham, and to establish the Academic Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care, Pain and Resuscitation at HEFT.

She completed two terms of NIHR RfPB WM Board, and currently at the NIHR Coordinate Training Centre Doctoral Research Fellowship Panel. She has completed the NIHR Leadership Programme and currently on NIHR Leadership Forum. Fang is NIHR CRN West Midlands Specialty Lead for Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. Fang was awarded NIHR Senior Investigator in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine in 2015.


  • Medicine and Surgery MBChB - Clinical teaching of 4th and 5th year MB students.

Postgraduate supervision

Fang is Academic Supervisor/Mentor of NIHR Clinician Scientist, NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship, NIHR Clinical Lecturer and NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Anaesthesia. She is an active supervisor for postgraduate high degrees of PhD, MD and MS, projects including those examining clinical aspects of ARDS, Hospital Infection and Sepsis, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Chronic Pain through to basic mechanisms involved in these research areas.


Fang has mainly focused on clinical research, and she has been Chief Investigator/Principal Investigator/Lead Supervisor in a number of major clinical trials, for example:

  • Two-centre randomized, single-blind controlled trial to evaluate paravertebral blockade on severity of Chronic Post-Thoracotomy Pain compared with thoracic epidural blockade (TOPIC-pilot).
  • Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Imams in Mosques Supporting Blood Donation Sadaqa (CRISMON Sadaqa).
  • A multi-centre randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the effect of intravenous infusions of Salbutamol vs placebo on 28-day mortality in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (BALTI 2).
  • International seven day study of standards of care and clinical outcomes for patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery (EuSOS Trial).
  • A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of early, goal-directed, protocolised resuscitation for emerging septic shock (ProMISe).
  • A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness use of non-invasive ventilation for weaning from mechanical ventilation (BREATH).
  • A multi-centre prospective observational cohort study on the UK pneumonectomy outcomes (UKPOS 2005).
  • A multi-centre prospective observational cohort study on variations in determining time ‘0’ in Sepsis Care Bundles amongst staff involved in acute care of patients with severe sepsis (TIME ZERO).
  • A single-centre randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial of 40mg/day of atorvastatin on reduction in severity of sepsis in emergency and ward patients (ASEPSIS).
  • A single-centre randomised, open, controlled trial of non-invasive ventilation vs conventional weaning from mechanical ventilation (BREATH-pilot).
  • A multi-centre randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the effect of perioperative Salmeterol vs placebo on incidence of Post-oesophagectomy Acute Lung Injury (BALTI-prevention).
  • A multi-centre randomised, open, controlled trial of cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality improvement initiative.
  • A single-centre randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial of magnesium for prevention of post-thoracotomy arrhythmias (MAGNET).

Other activities

  • Consultant Anaesthetist/Intensivist, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
  • Member Clinical Academic Training Committee, University of Birmingham
  • Member the NIHR Coordinate Training Centre Doctoral Research Fellowship Panel
  • NIHR CRN West Midlands Specialty Lead for Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • NIHR Senior Investigator
