Recent publications
Llibre, A, Siddiqui, H, Pillaye, J, Burel, JG, Jones, C, Hill, H, Faustini, SE, Windle, E, Karim, H, Sherry, E, Green, C, Dedicoat, MJ, Stamataki, Z, Cunningham, AF & O'Shea, MK 2024 'Differential control of mycobacteria among COVID-19 patients is associated with CD28+ CD8+ T cells' bioRxiv.
Review article
Certo, M, Llibre, A, Lee, W & Mauro, C 2022, 'Understanding lactate sensing and signalling', Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 722-735.
Llibre, A, Dedicoat, M, Burel, JG, Demangel, C, O'Shea, MK & Mauro, C 2021, 'Host immune-metabolic adaptations upon mycobacterial infections and associated co-morbidities', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 12, 747387.
Llibre, A, Grudzinska, FS, O'Shea, MK, Duffy, D, Thickett, DR, Mauro, C & Scott, A 2021, 'Lactate cross-talk in host-pathogen interactions', The Biochemical journal, vol. 478, no. 17, pp. 3157-3178.
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