Recent publications
Harris, N 2020, The Thirteenth-Century Animal Turn: Medieval and Twenty-First-Century Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Harris, N & Stace, C 2016, "Gesta Romanorum". A New Translation by Christopher Stace with an Introduction by Nigel Harris. Manchester Medieval Studies, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Harris, N & Love, J 2013, Dialogue and Disputation in the Zurich Reformation: Utz Eckstein's "Concilium" and "Rychsztag". Peter Lang, Oxford.
Harris, N 2013, The Shorter Works of Ulrich Putsch: "Diarium'", "Oraciones super missam" and "Manuale simplicium sacerdotum". Peter Lang, Oxford.
Harris, N 2022, 'Pride, Popes and Vows: Some Medieval Representations of the Peacock', Modern Language Review, vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 145-163.
Harris, N 2021, 'The Lion in Medieval Western Europe: Toward an Interpretive History', Traditio, vol. 76, pp. 185-213.
Harris, N 2013, '‘Das es teutsche zung vernimpt’: Zur Übersetzungsliteratur Tirols um 1400', German Life and Letters, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 233-253.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Harris, N 2023, Man, Monster, Animal? Virgil’s Cacus in the Middle Ages and Sixteenth Century. in B van den Abeele (ed.), Figurer la nature: Les Métamorphoses de l’allégorie, (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles). Publications de l’Institut d’Études Médiévales — Textes, Études, Congrès, vol. 34, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 125-140.
Harris, N 2018, "Der Seele Rat" in komparatistischer Sicht: Heinrich von Burgeis, "L'Omme Pecheur" und "Everyman". in E De Felip-Jaud & M Siller (eds), Heinrich von Burgeis: 'Der Seele Rat': Symposium zu einem hochmittelalterlichen Predigermönch. Schlern-Schriften, Wagner, Innsbruck , pp. 199-212.
Harris, N 2017, Lehren und Bilden in den Schriften eines mittelalterlichen 'Machtmenschen'. Bischof Ulrich II Putsch von Brixen. in H Lähnemann, N McLelland & N Miedema (eds), Lernen, Lehren und Bilden in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: XXIII. Anglo-German Colloquium, Nottingham, 2013. Narr Francke Attempto, Tübingen, pp. 139-49.
Harris, N 2016, Salzburg. in D Wallace (ed.), Europe: A Literary History, 1348-1418. vol. 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 589-602.
Harris, N 2015, Hans Vintler, Ulrich Putsch, Michel Velser und die Tiroler Übersetzungsliteratur um 1400. in M Siller (ed.), Hans Vintler: ‘Die Blumen der Tugend’ (1411): Symposium nach 600 Jahren. Schlern-Schriften, Wagner, Innsbruck, pp. 165-186.
Harris, N 2013, Monsters, Pictures and Translations. Some Observations on the Reception of Virgil in the Sixteenth Century. in A Simon & K Fleming (eds), The Reception of Classical Antiquity in German Literature. London German Studies, vol. 14, Iudicium, Munich, pp. 36-63.
Book/Film/Article review
Harris, N 2024, 'Review of Jan Glück, ‘Animal homificans’. Normativität von Natur und Autorisierung des Politischen in der europäischen Tierepik des Mittelalters, Beihefte zur Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift 104 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2021).', Medium Aevum, vol. 93, pp. 216-218.
Harris, N 2024, 'Review of Sara Petrosillo, Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture', Modern Language Review, vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 132-133.
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