Dr Samantha Schnobel

Dr Samantha Schnobel

Birmingham Law School
Associate Professor in Tort Law
Deputy Head of Education

Contact details

Birmingham Law School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Samantha’s primary teaching and research interests lie in the fields of tort and professional ethics, specifically those areas which bear upon the construction of human and nonhuman health-related negligence claims.

In the past, Samantha has written on professional duties and standards of care, and has consulted on the creation of professional guidance and competency standards for various national and international regulators.


  • BA cum laude in History (Concentrations in Classical and Renaissance History) and Ethics, University of Northern Iowa
  • LLB (Hon.) (University of Birmingham)
  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • PhD (University of Birmingham)


Samantha joined Birmingham Law School as a Lecturer in September 2017. Whilst completing her thesis (entitled, ‘Prioritising the Best Interests of the Animal and Re-Framing Veterinary Negligence’), she also worked as a Visiting Lecturer at King’s College London and a Postgraduate Teaching Associate at Birmingham Law School.

Samantha graduated from Birmingham Law School with an Honours LLB in 2011 and returned to Canada where she worked in a Toronto law firm as a legal researcher, contributing quarterly updates and written additions to the text “Damages for Breach of Contract” by Harvin D. Pitch and Ronald M. Snyder.


  • Tort (Module Lead)
  • Legal Issues in Health Care
  • Advanced Property
  • Advanced Tort
  • Land


Samantha’s research interests lie in the fields of professional negligence and ethics, specifically in the areas of human and nonhuman medicine.  Her research focuses on the legal and ethical considerations pertaining to the duty of care in human and non-human health-related negligence claims.     

Other activities

Deputy Director of Education (Specialised Programmes and LLB Graduates)



  • (with Judith Skillen), 'Known unknowns: loss of a chance and intractable connections' in Uncertainty in Comparative Law and Legal History: Known Unknowns (Routledge, 2025)
  • Samantha Schnobel, Brady v Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 158: 'Pure Diagnosis' Claims and Setting the Professional Standard of Care,’ (2021) 29(2) Medical Law Review 373
  • Samantha Schnobel, ‘Regulating the Veterinary Profession: taking seriously the best interests of the animal,’ (2017) 33(4) Professional Negligence 239
  • Harvin D. Pitch and Samantha Schnobel, ‘Contract and Tort: Some Recent Developments’ (2012) Law Society of Upper Canada


  • Samantha Schnobel, (2018) Consultation on the draft Animal Welfare (Sentencing and Recognition of Sentience) Bill
  • Samantha Schnobel, (2015) DEFRA Proposals to amend the governance structure of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Book reviews

  • Samantha Schnobel, Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law, by Stephen W. Smith, John Coggon, et al. (eds.) (2017) King’s Law Journal

Papers and Lectures

  • “Extending the Thread: Vulnerability-based Reasoning and the Law of Negligence” – SLS Dublin – September 2017
  • “Assessing Breach of Duty: Utilising the Human Medical Context to Establish a Veterinary Standard of Care” – Keele University Royal Institute of Philosophy – December 2016
  • “Tails Wagging Dogs and Putting Carts before Horses: The Importance of Actionable Damage in Veterinary Negligence”- HEAL Seminar Series, University of Southampton- September 2015
  • ‘Veterinary Negligence and Animal Law Discourse: Theories on Damage and Harm’- Perspectives on Non-Human Bodies: Regulating and Contemplating the Vulnerable, University of Birmingham- November 2014
  • ‘Veterinary Negligence and Judicial Incertitude’- SLS Nottingham- September 2014
  • ‘Spot Goes to the Vet: Veterinary Negligence and Judicial Incertitude’- PGR Conference: Transcending the Boundaries in the Law- June 2014
  • ‘Navigating the NCA: Obtaining Legal Accreditation in Canada’ – Birmingham Law School- November 2013
  • Veterinary Negligence: Bioethical and Tortious Implications'- PGR Research Conference: Crossing Boundaries in Legal Research- May 2013

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