Recent publications
Tait, L, Staniaszek, LE, Galizia, E, Martin‐Lopez, D, Walker, MC, Azeez, AAA, Meiklejohn, K, Allen, D, Price, C, Georgiou, S, Bagary, M, Khalsa, S, Manfredonia, F, Tittensor, P, Lawthom, C, Howes, BB, Shankar, R, Terry, JR & Woldman, W 2024, 'Estimating the likelihood of epilepsy from clinically noncontributory electroencephalograms using computational analysis: A retrospective, multisite case–control study', Epilepsia.
Junges, L, Galvis, D, Winsor, A, Treadwell, G, Richards, C, Seri, S, Johnson, S, Terry, JR & Bagshaw, AP 2024, 'The impact of paediatric epilepsy and co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders on functional brain networks in wake and sleep', PLOS One, vol. 19, no. 8, e0309243.
Harrington, E, Kissack, P, Terry, J, Woldman, W & Junges, L 2024, 'Treatment effects in epilepsy: a mathematical framework for understanding response over time', Frontiers in network physiology, vol. 4, 1308501.
Marinelli, I, Walker, JJ, Seneviratne, U, D’Souza, W, Cook, MJ, Anderson, C, Bagshaw, A, Lightman, SL, Woldman, W & Terry, J 2023, 'Circadian distribution of epileptiform discharges in epilepsy: candidate mechanisms of variability', PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 19, no. 10, e1010508.
Mason, SL, Junges, L, Woldman, W, Facer-Childs, ER, Campos, BMD, Bagshaw, AP & Terry, JR 2023, 'Classification of human chronotype based on fMRI network-based statistics', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 17, 1147219.
Grant, AD, Upton, TJ, Terry, J, Smarr, BL & Zavala, E 2022, 'Analysis of wearable time series data in endocrine and metabolic research', Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research, vol. 25, 100380.
Cook, B, Peterson, A, Woldman, W & Terry, J 2022, 'Neural field models: a mathematical overview and unifying framework', Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications, vol. 2, 2.
Cao, M, Galvis, D, Vogrin, SJ, Woods, WP, Vogrin, S, Wang, F, Woldman, W, Terry, JR, Peterson, A, Plummer, C & Cook, MJ 2022, 'Virtual intracranial EEG signals reconstructed from MEG with potential for epilepsy surgery', Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, 994.
Lopes, MA, Junges, L, Tait, L, Terry, JR, Abela, E, Richardson, MP & Goodfellow, M 2020, 'Computational modelling in source space from scalp EEG to inform presurgical evaluation of epilepsy', Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 225-234.
Zavala, E, Voliotis, M, Zerenner, T, Tabak, J, Walker, JJ, Feng Li, X, Terry, J, Lightman, SL, O'Byrne, K & Tsaneva-Atanasova, K 2020, 'Dynamic hormone control of stress and fertility', Frontiers in Physiology.
Woldman, W, Schmidt, H, Abela, E, Chowdhury, FA, Pawley, AD, Jewell, S, Richardson, MP & Terry, JR 2020, 'Dynamic network properties of the interictal brain determine whether seizures appear focal or generalised', Scientific Reports, vol. 10, 7043.
Junges, L, Woldman, W, Benjamin, O & Terry, J 2020, 'Epilepsy surgery: Evaluating robustness using dynamic network models', Chaos, vol. 30, no. 113106.
Lopes, MA, Goodfellow, M & Terry, JR 2019, 'A model-based assessment of the seizure onset zone predictive power to inform the epileptogenic zone', Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 13, 25.
Słowiński, P, Sheybani, L, Michel, CM, Richardson, MP, Quairiaux, C, Terry, JR & Goodfellow, M 2019, 'Background EEG connectivity captures the time-course of epileptogenesis in a mouse model of epilepsy', eNeuro, vol. 6, no. 4.
Kamaraj, AK, Szuromi, MP, Galvis, D, Stacey, W, Skeldon, AC & Terry, J 2023 'Using compartmental models to understand excitation-inhibition imbalance in epilepsy' bioRxiv.
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