Professor David N Brown B.Eng.(Hons), Ph.D.

Professor David N Brown

School of Metallurgy and Materials
Professor of Magnetic Materials

Contact details

Metallurgy and Materials
Elms Road
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

David Brown is an Industrial Professor of Magnetic Materials and their manufacturing processes. He has spent over 20 years working in the industry and has a wealth of experience in applying materials science to real manufacturing scenarios and products.

David is actively researching novel compositions and fabrication techniques with the aim of advancing the technology and providing new solutions to material science challenges.

He is enthusiastic about teaching and is keen to help train the next generation of scientists and engineers.  


  • Ph.D. in Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, 2000
  • M.Phil. in Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, 1996
  • B.Eng. in Materials Science, University of Bath, UK, 1994


  • Magnetic Materials
  • Manufacturing of Magnetic components
  • Casting technologies
    • Melt-spinning, planar flow and strip casting
    • Clean melting and alloy refinement
    • Investment casting, directional and single-crystal casting
  • Characterization of functional materials

Postgraduate supervision

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Experience in magnetic materials and their manufacture 


Recent publications


Sahin, U, Campbell, J, Brown, DN & Griffiths, WD 2024, 'Precipitation of Sr-rich and Fe-rich intermetallic compounds in Al alloys', Materials Science and Technology.

Liogas, K, Lau, KB, Wang, Z, Brown, D, Polatidis, E, Wang, P & Korsunski, A 2023, 'Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and magnetic properties of laser powder bed fusion processed equiatomic Co-Fe', Additive Manufacturing, vol. 67, 103499.

Brown, DN 2016, 'Fabrication, Processing Technologies, and New Advances for RE-Fe-B Magnets', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 7, 7426850, pp. 1-9.

Conference contribution

Brown, D 2024, Ramblings through the Rare Earth Magnetics Industry and a Look into the Challenges Ahead. in UK Magnetics Society.

Review article

Dickinson-Lomas, A, Keith, M, Brown, D & Jenkins, M 2025, 'The Removal of Epoxy Resins from NdFeB Magnets for Recycling – A Review', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 215, 108113.

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