Recent publications
Day, E & Trainor, L 2024, 'Recovery from Addiction on a University Campus – a UK Perspective', Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly.
Day, E, Manitsa, I, Farley, A & Kelly, JF 2024, 'The UK National Recovery Survey: nationally representative survey of people overcoming a drug or alcohol problem', BJPsych Open, vol. 10, no. 2, e67.
Day, E, Manitsa, I, Farley, A & Kelly, JF 2023, 'A UK national study of prevalence and correlates of adopting or not adopting a recovery identity among individuals who have overcome a drug or alcohol problem', Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, vol. 18, no. 1, 68.
Metrebian, N, Carter, B, Eide, D, McDonald, R, Neale, J, Parkin, S, Dascal, T, Mackie, C, Day, E, Guterstam, J, Horsburgh, K, Kåberg, M, Kelleher, M, Smith, J, Thiesen, H & Strang, J 2023, 'A study protocol for a European, mixed methods, prospective, cohort study of the effectiveness of naloxone administration by community members, in reversing opioid overdose: NalPORS', BMC Public Health, vol. 23, no. 1, 1608.
Donoghue, K, Boniface, S, Brobbin, E, Byford, S, Coleman, R, Coulton, S, Day, E, Dhital, R, Farid, A, Hermann, L, Jordan, A, Kimergård, A, Koutsou, ML, Lingford-Hughes, A, Marsden, J, Neale, J, O'Neill, A, Phillips, T, Shearer, J, Sinclair, J, Smith, J, Strang, J, Weinman, J, Whittlesea, C, Widyaratna, K & Drummond, C 2023, 'Adjunctive Medication Management and Contingency Management to enhance adherence to acamprosate for alcohol dependence: the ADAM trial RCT', Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), vol. 27, no. 22, pp. 1-88.
Asquith, E, Bould, K, Catling, JC, Day, EJ & Holt, A 2023, 'Behaviour regulation and the role of mental health in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease', BMC Gastroenterology, vol. 23, no. 1, 306.
Sinclair, JMA, Aslan, B, Agabio, R, Anilkumar, A, Brosnan, M, Day, E, Dowling, NA, Flood, C, Grant, JE, Halliday, R, Hofvander, B, Howes, L, Moseley, R, Myers, B, O'Connor, V, Shaya, G, Thomas, S, Robinson, J & Chamberlain, SR 2023, 'Identifying the most important research, policy and practice questions for substance use, problematic alcohol use and behavioural addictions in autism (SABA-A): A priority setting partnership', Comprehensive Psychiatry, vol. 124, 152393.
Marsden, J, Kelleher, M, Gilvarry, E, Mitcheson, L, Bisla, J, Cape, A, Cowden, F, Day, E, Dewhurst, J, Evans, R, Hardy, W, Hearn, A, Kelly, J, Lowry, N, McCusker, M, Murphy, C, Murray, R, Myton, T, Quarshie, S, Vanderwaal, R, Wareham, A, Hughes, D & Hoare, Z 2023, 'Superiority and cost-effectiveness of monthly extended-release buprenorphine versus daily standard of care medication: a pragmatic, parallel-group, open-label, multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial', EClinicalMedicine, vol. 66, 102311.
Shearer, J, Metrebian, N, Weaver, T, Goldsmith, K, Strang, J, Pilling, S, Mitcheson, L, Day, E, Dunn, J, Glasper, A, Akhtar, S, Bajaria, J, Charles, V, Desai, R, Haque, F, Little, N, McKechnie, H, Mosler, F, Mutz, J, Poovendran, D & Byford, S 2023, 'The Cost-Effectiveness of Financial Incentives to Achieve Heroin Abstinence in Individuals With Heroin Use Disorder Starting New Treatment Episodes: A Cluster Randomized Trial-Based Economic Evaluation', Value in Health, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 658-665.
McDonald, R, Eide, D, Abel-Ollo, K, Barnsdale, L, Carter, BR, Clausen, T, Day, E, Fonseca, F, Holmen, E, Horsburgh, K, Kelleher, M, Kaberg, M, Ladenhauf, M, McAuley, A, Metrebian, N, Neale, J, Parkin, S, Ratcliffe, K, Rintoul, C, Smith, J, Stifanoviciute, V, Torrens, M, Thiesen, H & Strang, J 2022, 'A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision during COVID-19 in Europe', International Journal of Drug Policy, vol. 107, 103787.
Holland, A, Stevens, A, Harris, M, Lewer, D, Sumnall, H, Stewart, D, Gilvarry, E, Wiseman, A, Howkins, J, McManus, J, Shorter, GW, Nicholls, J, Scott, J, Thomas, K, Reid, L, Day, E, Horsley, J, Measham, F, Rae, M, Fenton, K & Hickman, M 2022, 'Analysis of the UK Government's 10-Year Drugs Strategy-a resource for practitioners and policymakers', Journal of Public Health.
Dhital, R, Coleman, R, Day, E, Drummond, C, Lingford-Hughes, A, Marsden, J, Phillips, T, Sinclair, J, Strang, J, Weinman, J, Whittlesea, C, Widyaratna, K & Donoghue, K 2022, 'Correction to: Service Users’ Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? ', Alcohol and Alcoholism, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 642-642.
Humphreys, K, Calder, R, Marsden, J & Day, E 2023, 'How Addiction handles disagreements over potentially harmful terminology', Addiction, vol. 118, no. 10, pp. 1833-1834.
Kuningas, K, Driscoll, J, Mair, R, Day, E & Sharif, A 2023, 'Short-term Healthy Lifestyle Intervention and Long-term Behavior Change After Kidney Transplantation: Findings From the CAVIAR Study', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 249-252.
Review article
Boden, M & Day, E 2023, 'Illicit drug use in university students in the UK and Ireland: a PRISMA-guided scoping review', Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, vol. 18, no. 1, 18.
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