Dr Owen Forster BSc, DClinPsy, CPsychol, FHEA

Dr Owen Forster

School of Psychology
Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology
Programme Director, Forensic Clinical Psychology Doctorate

Dr Owen Forster is a qualified Clinical Psychologist who has specialized in the provision of clinical work in forensic settings, including prison, probation and the courts.


Psychology BSc

Doctorate In Clinical Psychology DClinPsy

Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education PGCHE


Dr Forster graduated from the University of Hull in 2012. He has worked in a variety of Clinical Forensic settings since then, including secure hospitals, probation, prisons and in the private sector. He began work at the University of Birmingham in 2019 and took up his current role as Programme Director in 2021. In addition to his University work, Dr Forster provides expert witness testimony to family, criminal and prison courts.


Dr Forster teaches across the Post-Graduate Psychology programmes on topics including Power Threat Meaning, the Therapeutic Alliance, Risk Assessment, Youth Offending, Schema Therapy and Lived-Experience of Mental Health in Psychologist. He has also been developing and delivering sessions on Race and Racism in Psychology in conjunction with Shola Apena Rogers.

Postgraduate supervision

Supervision for taught doctoral research on the ForenClinPsyD and ClinPsyD programmes


Experiences of lived mental health in practitioners, experiences of race and racism in practitioners, self-injury, youth offending (including gang offending), trauma informed care, adverse childhood experiences.


Recent publications

Commissioned report

Woodhams, J, Evans, E, Davies, K, Hardiman, M, Abramovaite, J, Banerjee, A, Bandyopadhyay, S, Moreton, C & Forster, O 2021, Evaluation of using the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) v3 and the Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM) tools to assess and manage risk: Full technical report. Vulnerability and violent crime programme, College of Policing, London. <https://assets.college.police.uk/s3fs-public/2021-07/vvcp-evaluation-of-sara-sam.pdf>

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