Recent publications
Tang, C-W, Zich, C, Quinn, AJ, Woolrich, MW, Juan, C-H & Stagg, CJ 2024, 'Post-stroke upper limb recovery is correlated with dynamic resting-state network connectivity', Brain Communications.
Coleman, SC, Seedat, ZA, Pakenham, DO, Quinn, AJ, Brookes, MJ, Woolrich, MW & Mullinger, KJ 2024, 'Post‐task responses following working memory and movement are driven by transient spectral bursts with similar characteristics', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 45, no. 7, e26700.
Jafarian, A, Assem, MK, Kocagoncu, E, Lanskey, JH, Williams, R, Cheng, YJ, Quinn, AJ, Pitt, J, Raymont, V, Lowe, S, Singh, KD, Woolrich, M, Nobre, AC, Henson, RN, Friston, KJ & Rowe, JB 2024, 'Reliability of dynamic causal modelling of resting‐state magnetoencephalography', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 45, no. 10, e26782.
Quinn, AJ, Atkinson, LZ, Gohil, C, Kohl, O, Pitt, J, Zich, C, Nobre, AC & Woolrich, MW 2024, 'The GLM-spectrum: A multilevel framework for spectrum analysis with covariate and confound modelling', Imaging Neuroscience, vol. 2, pp. 1-26.
Gohil, C, Huang, R, Roberts, E, van Es, MWJ, Quinn, AJ, Vidaurre, D, Woolrich, MW & de Lange, FP 2024, 'osl-dynamics, a toolbox for modeling fast dynamic brain activity', eLife, vol. 12, RP91949.
Seedat, ZA, Rier, L, Gascoyne, LE, Cook, H, Woolrich, MW, Quinn, AJ, Roberts, TPL, Furlong, PL, Armstrong, C, St Pier, K, Mullinger, KJ, Marsh, ED, Brookes, MJ & Gaetz, W 2023, 'Mapping Interictal activity in epilepsy using a hidden Markov model: a magnetoencephalography study', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 66-81.
Zich, C, Quinn, AJ, Bonaiuto, JJ, O'Neill, G, Mardell, LC, Ward, NS & Bestmann, S 2023, 'Spatiotemporal organisation of human sensorimotor beta burst activity', eLife, vol. 12, e80160.
Lanskey, JH, Kocagoncu, E, Quinn, AJ, Cheng, Y-J, Karadag, M, Pitt, J, Lowe, S, Perkinton, M, Raymont, V, Singh, KD, Woolrich, M, Nobre, AC, Henson, RN & Rowe, JB 2022, 'New Therapeutics in Alzheimer’s Disease Longitudinal Cohort study (NTAD): study protocol', BMJ open, vol. 12, no. 12, e055135.
Higgins, C, van Es, MWJ, Quinn, AJ, Vidaurre, D & Woolrich, MW 2022, 'The relationship between frequency content and representational dynamics in the decoding of neurophysiological data', NeuroImage, vol. 260, 119462.
Echeverria-Altuna, I, Quinn, AJ, Zokaei, N, Woolrich, MW, Nobre, AC & van Ede, F 2022, 'Transient beta activity and cortico-muscular connectivity during sustained motor behaviour', Progress in neurobiology, vol. 214, 102281.
Fabus, MS, Woolrich, MW, Warnaby, CW & Quinn, AJ 2022, 'Understanding harmonic structures through instantaneous frequency', IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 320-334.
Fabus, MS, Quinn, AJ, Warnaby, CE & Woolrich, MW 2021, 'Automatic decomposition of electrophysiological data into distinct nonsinusoidal oscillatory modes', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 126, no. 5, pp. 1670-1684.
Khawaldeh, S, Tinkhauser, G, Torrecillos, F, He, S, Foltynie, T, Limousin, P, Zrinzo, L, Oswal, A, Quinn, AJ, Vidaurre, D, Tan, H, Litvak, V, Kühn, A, Woolrich, M & Brown, P 2021, 'Balance between competing spectral states in subthalamic nucleus is linked to motor impairment in Parkinson's disease', Brain, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 237-250.
Quinn, AJ, Green, GGR & Hymers, M 2021, 'Delineating between-subject heterogeneity in alpha networks with Spatio-Spectral Eigenmodes', NeuroImage, vol. 240, 118330.
Quinn, AJ, Atkinson, LZ, Gohil, C, Kohl, O, Pitt, J, Zich, C, Nobre, AC & Woolrich, MW 2022 'The GLM-Spectrum: a multilevel framework for spectrum analysis with covariate and confound modelling' bioRxiv.
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