Professor Catherine Needham

Professor Catherine Needham

Health Services Management Centre
Professor of Public Policy and Public Management

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society, HSMC
Park House
University of Birmingham
B15 2RT

Catherine Needham is Professor of Public Policy and Public Management. She is based at the Health Services Management Centre, developing research around social care and new approaches to public service workforce development.

Catherine’s areas of special interest include:

  • Personalisation and coproduction within public services
  • Social care reform
  • Workforce change in public services
  • Interpretive approaches to public policy


  • DPhil Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford (2004)
  • MSc Politics Research, Nuffield College, Oxford (1999)
  • BA (Hons) in Politics and Parliamentary Studies, University of Leeds (1996)


Catherine Needham graduated from the University of Leeds in 1996, and worked for political strategist Philip Gould prior to undertaking an MSc (1999) and DPhil (2004) at Nuffield College, Oxford. She worked in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary, University of London from 2003 to 2012. She joined the University of Birmingham in 2012 as a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Public Management.

Catherine’s research focuses on reform of public services, with particular emphasis on the introduction of consumerist models of service delivery. She is interested in the relative role of quasi-markets and consumer-centred models of decision-making compared to those based on notions of citizenship and publicness. Taking an interpretive approach to policy analysis, she has examined the different ‘narratives of consumerism' contained within recent welfare reforms in the UK , drawing on content analysis of government documents and interviews with policy makers, service users and staff.

Her most recent work has focused on the personalisation of public services, with a particular interest in social care services, examining the relationship between the meta-narrative of personalisation and the frontline practice of service redesign. She is also interested in individualised budgets within public services, and the dynamics through which they reshape service provision. She is also exploring how policy ideas and mechanisms spread across different service sectors, using theories of policy transfer and translation.

Catherine also has an interest in public service workforce change, exploring how the roles, skills and values of public service workers are changing. Her research on the 21st Century Public Servant has been widely used within training for the public service workforce. 

Postgraduate supervision

Catherine would welcome PhD students interested in aspects of the following: 

  • Social care systems
  • Personalisation and coproduction in social care
  • Public service reform, focused on the UK, or putting the UK in comparative perspective. 


Catherine is involved in the following research:

Previous projects (since joining University of Birmingham)

  • Does Smaller Mean Better? Evaluating micro-enterprises in adult social care (2013)
  • AHRC Connected Communities Policy Review – ‘Connecting research with communities: redefining service delivery’ (2012-13)
  • Social Care Institute for Excellence: commissioned to undertake an evidence review and prepare evidence tables for a Research Briefing on co-production in adult social care (2013)
  • Care Watch: Evaluating lay inspectors for home care (2012)


Recent publications


Needham, C & Hall, P 2023, Social Care in the UK's Four Nations: Between two paradigms . Sustainable Care, Policy Press. <>


Needham, C & Burn, E 2025, ''Law but not law': explaining unenacted policy as a type of policy failure', Policy and politics.

Needham, C, Waring, J & Gale, N 2025, 'System diplomacy – an alternative to system leadership', Public Money & Management.

Mangan, C, Needham, C, McKenna, D & Lowther, J 2024, 'Making a difference? Attracting new generations into local government ', Local Government Studies.

Rutter, S & Needham, C 2024, 'Where can care workers go to the toilet? The right to working conditions that “respect health, safety and dignity”', Perspectives in Public Health.

Burn, E, Needham, C, Redgate, S & Peckham, S 2023, 'Implementing England's Care Act 2014: Was the Act a success and when will we know?', International Journal of Care and Caring. <>

Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C & Needham, C 2023, '‘They Made an Excellent Start…but After a While, It Started to Die Out’, Tensions in Combining Personalisation and Integration in English Adult Social Care', Social Policy and Society, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 172-186.

Hummell, E, Borg, S, Foster, M, Fisher, K & Needham, C 2022, 'Breaking up is risky business: personalisation and collaboration in a marketised disability sector', Social Policy and Society.

Hummell, E, Foster, M, Fisher, K, Needham, C, Borg , S & Venning, A 2022, 'Challenges and adaptations of an intermediary: an exploration of support coordination in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme', International Journal of Care and Caring.


Needham, C & Glasby, J 2023, Forgotten, neglected and a poor relation? Reflecting on the 75th anniversary of adult social care. in M Exworthy, R Mannion & M Powell (eds), The NHS at 75: The State of UK Health Policy. Bristol University Press, pp. 197-215. <>

Book/Film/Article review

Needham, C 2022, 'Clients, Consumers or Citizens? The Privatisation of Adult Social Care in England by Hudson, Bob Bristol: Policy Press, 2021. ISBN: 9781447355700; £24.99 (pbk)', Social Policy and Administration.


Needham, C, Morris, H, Miller, R, Ayton, D, O'Connor, M, Hall, K & Skouteris, H 2024, 'Social care: Time for a name change?', International Journal of Care and Caring, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 553–558.


Glasby, J, Farquharson, C, Needham, C & Hamblin, K 2025, 'Adult social care reform cannot afford to wait', British Medical Journal, vol. 388, no. 8455, r63.

Other contribution

Glasby, J & Needham, C 2023, Adult social care: 3 steps to achieve ‘a gloriously ordinary life’. Academy of Social Sciences. <>

Review article

Goodwin, VA, Low, MSA, Quinn, TJ, Cockcroft, EJ, Shepherd, V, Evans, PH, Henderson, EJ, Mahmood, F, Ni Lochlainn, M, Needham, C, Underwood, BR, Arora, A & Witham, MD 2023, 'Including older people in health and social care research: best practice recommendations based on the INCLUDE framework', Age and Ageing, vol. 52, no. 6, afad082.

View all publications in research portal


  • Social care reform
  • Personalisation/personal budgets
  • Coproduction and citizen involvement in public services Public service workforce

Media experience


Health and Social care

Social care in the UK for older people and people with disabilities