Recent publications
Goodyear, V, Randhawa, A, Adab, P, Al-Janabi, H, Fenton, S, Jones, K, Michail, M, Morrison, B, Patterson, P, Quinlan, J, Sitch, A, Twardochleb, R, Wade, M & Pallan, M 2025, 'School phone policies and their association with mental wellbeing, phone use, and social media use (SMART Schools): a cross-sectional observational study', The Lancet Regional Health - Europe.
Williams, F, Duda, J, Fenton, S, Martin, D, Melikian, C, Milliken, D, Brocklehurst, P, Mehta, S & Armstrong, M 2024, 'Home-based EXercise and motivAtional programme before and after Liver Transplantation (EXALT): study protocol for phase II two-centre, randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open Gastroenterology, vol. 11, no. 1, e001410.
Randhawa, A, Pallan, M, Twardochleb, R, Adab, P, Al-Janabi, H, Fenton, S, Jones, K, Michail, M, Patterson, P, Sitch, A, Wade, M & Goodyear, VA 2024, 'Secondary school smartphone policies in England: a descriptive analysis of how schools rationalize, design, and implement restrictive and permissive phone policies', Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
Spittle, DA, Thomas, M, Stevens, C, Gazwani, A, Fenton, S, De Soyza, J & Turner, AM 2024, 'Symptoms of COPD in the absence of airflow obstruction are more indicative of pre-COPD than overdiagnosis', ERJ Open Research, vol. 10, no. 4, 00264-2024.
Stathi, A, Withall, J, Crone, D, Hawley-Hague, H, Playle, R, Frew, E, Fenton, S, Hillsdon, M, Pugh, C, Todd, C, Jolly, K, Cavill, N, Western, M, Roche, S, Kirby, N, Boulton, E, Thompson, J, Chatwin, K, Davies, A, Szekeres, Z & Greaves, C 2023, 'A peer-volunteer led active ageing programme to prevent decline in physical function in older people at risk of mobility disability (Active, Connected, Engaged [ACE]): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, vol. 24, no. 1, 772.
Brady, SM, Veldhuijzen van Zanten, JJCS, Dinas, PC, Nightingale, TE, Metsios, GS, Elmsmari, SMA, Duda, JL, Kitas, GD & Fenton, SAM 2023, 'Effects of lifestyle physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions on disease activity and patient- and clinician- important health outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review with meta-analysis', BMC Rheumatology, vol. 7, no. 1, 27.
Willett, M, Rushton, A, Stephens, G, Fenton, S, Rich, S, Greig, C & Duda, J 2023, 'Feasibility of a theoretically grounded, multicomponent, physiotherapy intervention aiming to promote autonomous motivation to adopt and maintain physical activity in patients with lower-limb osteoarthritis: protocol for a single-arm trial', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 54.
The BIOFLARE Consortium 2023, 'Number of days required to measure sedentary time and physical activity using accelerometery in rheumatoid arthritis: a reliability study', Rheumatology International, vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 1459-1465.
Wood, G, Goodyear, V, Adab, P, Al-Janabi, H, Fenton, S, Jones, K, Michail, M, Morrison, B, Patterson, P, Sitch, A, Wade, M & Pallan, M 2023, 'Smartphones, social Media and Adolescent mental well-being: the impact of school policies Restricting dayTime use-protocol for a natural experimental observational study using mixed methods at secondary schools in England (SMART Schools Study)', BMJ open, vol. 13, no. 7, e075832.
Brady, SM, Georgopoulos, V, Veldhuijzen van Zanten, JJCS, Duda, JL, Metsios, GS, Kitas, GD, Fenton, SAM, Walsh, DA & McWilliams, DF 2023, 'The interrater and test-retest reliability of 3 modalities of quantitative sensory testing in healthy adults and people with chronic low back pain or rheumatoid arthritis', PAIN Reports, vol. 8, no. 6, e1102.
O'Brien, CM, Duda, JL, Kitas, GD, Veldhuijzen van Zanten, JJCS, Metsios, GS & Fenton, SAM 2022, 'Autonomous motivation to reduce sedentary behaviour is associated with less sedentary time and improved health outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis: a longitudinal study', BMC Rheumatology, vol. 6, no. 1, 58, pp. 12.
Veldhuijzen van Zanten, JJCS, Fenton, SAM, Rouse, PC, Ntoumanis, N, Osailan, A, Yu, C-A, Metsios, GS, Kitas, GD & Duda, JL 2021, 'Autonomous motivation, cardiorespiratory fitness, and exercise in rheumatoid arthritis: Randomised controlled trial', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, vol. 55, 101904.
Rayner, F, Anderson, AE, Baker, KF, Buckley, C, Dyke, B, Fenton, S, Filer, A, Goodyear, CS, Hilkens, C, Hiu, S, Kerrigan, S, Kurowska-Stolarska, M, Matthews, FE, McInnes, IB, Ng, W-F, Pratt, AG, Prichard, J, Raza, K, Siebert, S, Stocken, D, Teare, MD, Young, S & Isaacs, JD 2021, 'BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study', BMC Rheumatology, vol. 5, no. 22, 22.
Review article
Fenton, SAM, O'Brien, CM, Kitas, GD, Duda, JL, Veldhuijzen van Zanten, JJCS & Metsios, GS 2023, 'The behavioural epidemiology of sedentary behaviour in inflammatory arthritis: where are we, and where do we need to go?', Rheumatology Advances in Practice, vol. 7, no. 1, rkac097.
Pulsford, RM, Brocklebank, L, Fenton, SAM, Bakker, E, Mielke, GI, Tsai, L-T, Atkin, AJ, Harvey, DL, Blodgett, JM, Ahmadi, M, Wei, L, Rowlands, A, Doherty, A, Rangul, V, Koster, A, Sherar, LB, Holtermann, A, Hamer, M & Stamatakis, E 2023, 'The impact of selected methodological factors on data collection outcomes in observational studies of device-measured physical behaviour in adults: A systematic review', The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , vol. 20, no. 1, 26.
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