Professor Wolfgang Vondey MA, MDiv, PhD

Professor Wolfgang Vondey

Department of Theology and Religion
Professor of Christian Theology and Pentecostal Studies
Director, Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies

Contact details

European Research Institute
Department of Theology and Religion
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom

I am a classically trained systematic theologian with a PhD in the field of systematic theology and ethics. I teach and research in the area of Contemporary Christianity and Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies with concentration on the theology of those movements. This focus in integrated in my larger concerns for pneumatology, ecclesiology, ecumenical theology, and the intersection of theology and science. I teach in the Master of Arts programme in Evangelical and Charismatic Studies and direct the Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies with teaching and supervision in the Department of Theology and Religion.


  • MA, Philipps University Marburg, Germany (1994)
  • MDIV, Pentecostal Theological Seminary, USA (1999)
  • PhD, Marquette University, USA (2003)


I was born and raised in Germany completing my higher education and degree in Japanese Studies, Japanese Linguistics, and Media Science at Philipps University, Marburg. During the 1990s I lived in Tokyo, studying at Keio University, and in Okinawa, as Coordinator for International Relations, until moving to the United States in 1996 to begin theological studies. I graduated from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Cleveland, TN) in 1999 and received my PhD in systematic theology and ethics from Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI) in 2003. Following a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Boston College, I joined the Regent University Divinity School in 2005. I founded and directed the Regent Center for Renewal Studies from 2009-2015. I became associate professor in 2010 and was awarded a Chair in 2015. I am a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, the American Academy of Religion, and have conducted several large-scale conferences on interdisciplinary themes with relation to Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies. I am also the founding chair of the ecumenical studies group of the Society for Pentecostal Studies.


  • Themes in Christian Theology
  • Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology
  • Research Methods
  • Contemporary Theology of the Holy Spirit

Postgraduate supervision

I welcome research in a diverse range of fields and disciplines. I am a classically trained systematic theologian with background in philosophy, linguistics, and ethics. My primary expertise is in Pentecostal and Charismatic theology, trinitarian theology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, ecumenical theology, and the intersection of theology and science. Over the last 20 years I have supervised various themes of research including theological method, Christology, soteriology, election, justification, ethics, spirituality, social justice, spiritual discernment, political theology, public theology, diverse Pentecostal doctrines, and studies of individual figures.

I have also served as external reader of theses on different contextual studies (countries, denominations, people groups) and other constructive arguments (aesthetics, media, law, government, immigration, science etc.) as well as various theological concentrations (e.g., liberation theology, Catholic theology, postcolonialism). My early research was on Catholic themes (my dissertation is on the Catholic systematician Heribert Mühlen) with focus on ecclesiology, pneumatology, evangelization, and sacramental theology. I have been a consultant to the Luther Academy (U.S.) for ten years and welcome research on the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. I have also done some work on nineteenth-century German theology and German idealism (from Schlegel to Feuerbach), liberal theology (particularly Schleiermacher and Tillich), and French post-structuralism (Saussure, Baudrillard, Lacan).

I have consistent interest in ritual, sacrament, and liturgy. And I am coeditor of a book series with interdisciplinary focus (CHARIS). I can help with research in a variety of languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese.

I look forward to learning about your interests and welcome conversations on any theological topic.

Current PhD students (lead supervisor):

Leif Patterson. “Pentecostal Orality in Denmark.”
Mikael Stenhammar. “A Critical Engagement with the Metanarrative of Word of Faith Theology.”
Timothy Ryan Davis. “Simple Church: A Pneumatological Ecclesiology of Participation.”
Jang Yob Kim. “Passion for Intimacy with Jesus Christ: An Evaluation of the Central Pentecostal Affection.”
Daniel Ortiz. “Syncretism and Secularization: The Development of Pentecostalism in Bolivia.”
Christopher Anthony. “The Theology of the Word of Faith Movement: A Re-evaluation from a British Perspective.”
Joshua Rhone. “Pentecostal/Charismatic, Emerging, and Missional Church Ecclesiologies.”
Joseph Dutko. “Eschatology and Gender in Classical Pentecostalism.”
William Clukey. “Being Affected: A Pentecostal Proposal for the Integration of Metaphysics, the Affections, and the Spirit.”
Monte Lee Rice. “Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Epiclesis.”
Volker Krüger. “Towards a New Leadership Model in Christianity: The Apostolic-Prophetic Role in the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement.”

Current PhD students (co-supervisor):

J. Fincham. “Quaker Business: A Spiritual and Theological Study.”
Songkon Lee. “Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies of Diakonia.”
Bernard Sallah. “Charismatic Movements in Ghana.”
Adhurim Xhemajli. ”The Significance of the Supernatural in the Methodist Circuit Rider Movement.”
Babatunde O. E. Ajayi. “African Traditional Religion and the Christian Faith.”
Harper, A R. “Current Economic Policy in the Methodist Church.”
Denise Ross. “Contextualization of the Chin tribe in Myanmar.”
Justin Paul Fred. “Pentecostal Localizations in the African Contexts.”

Find out more - our PhD Theology and Religion  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


Professor Vondey's inaugural lecture - 30 September 2019

My research interests include:

  • Pentecostal and Charismatic theology
  • Theological method and hermeneutics
  • Pneumatology
  • Ecclesiology
  • Ecumenical studies
  • Theology and Science
  • Ritual and Liturgical Studies

Other activities

I am co-editor of the series Christianity and Renewal – Interdisciplinary Studies with Amos Yong and published by Palgrave Macmillan.


Recent publications


Vondey, W 2023, The Scandal of Pentecost: A Theology of the Public Church. 1st edn, Bloomsbury Publishing, London.


Vondey, W 2024, 'A Political Theology of Glossolalia: Reconciling the Tongues of Babel, Jerusalem, and Corinth', Journal of Pentecostal Theology.

Vondey, W 2024, 'Corporate Embodiment as the Pedagogical Foundation of the Pentecostal Tradition', Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 136–146.

Vondey, W 2024, 'Synodality and Charisms: A Pentecostal Perspective on Hierarchical and Spiritual Gifts in the Life and Mission of the Church', Theological Studies, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 464-489.

Frestadius, S, Oliverio Jr., LW, Urvas, S & Vondey, W 2023, 'Are We Still Perplexed by Pentecostalism? A Roundtable Discussion of Wolfgang Vondey’s Pentecostalism: A Guide for the Perplexed a Decade after Publication', Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 209-224.


Vondey, W 2022, In der Macht seiner Stärke: Charisma und Amt aus pfingstkirchlicher Perspektive. in Gemeinschaft der Gleichen oder hierarchische Struktur. Freikirchenforschung , Verein für Freikirchenforschung e.V., Münster, pp. 75-85, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Freikirchenforschung 2021, 23/04/21.

Vondey, W 2021, Tele-Evangelismus. in EKID (ed.), Pfingstbewegung und Charismatisierung: Zugänge – Impulse – Perspektiven. Eine Orientierungshilfe der Kammer für Weltweite Ökumene der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 273-274. <>

Vondey, W 2021, Was uns eint: Pfingstkirchen und Ökumene. in EKID (ed.), Pfingstbewegung und Charismatisierung: Zugänge – Impulse – Perspektiven. Eine Orientierungshilfe der Kammer für Weltweite Ökumene der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 152-167. <>


Vondey, W 2022, 'Editorial', Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 91-92.

Vondey, W 2022, 'Editorial', Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 1-1.

Vondey, W 2021, 'Editorial', Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 91-92.

Vondey, W 2021, 'Editorial', Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-3.

Vondey, W 2020, 'Editorial', Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1-2.

Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Vondey, W 2020, Baptism in the Holy Spirit. in The Brill Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism. Leiden, pp. 121.

Other contribution

Vondey, W 2023, Pentecostal Theology. University of St Andrews. <>

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