We look forward to welcoming you to study with us in the School of Biosciences next academic year.
To support your transition to university study, we have collated some resources and preparatory materials which we hope you will find of interest.
Reading Lists
Let’s start with the list of standard texts. We often recommend that students consult text books, but the course rarely follows one particular text book in any given area. Still, the benefit of a text book is that you hear the ‘story’ from different perspectives or view points, and for many this helps understand the subject more readily.
Because the modules do not follow one particular text book, we stress that the list does not express an expectation that you buy the books mentioned. Many of you will have preferences for material that is available as an e-book for display on tablets. Some of you prefer working with a print copy and you should be aware that the Library holds multiple copies of the key texts. So, don’t be rushed into buying particular books. If you are keen to obtain your own copy, peruse sample texts first to find out what style suits you.
Of course, there is always NCBI's Bookshelf (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/) which is free, but one has to comply with the licence (shouldn't read books as books, e.g. cover-to-cover, should only use as a search tool through the books), but can access whole sections/paragraphs and sometimes chapters.
Highly recommended
Biochemistry (9th Ed): Berg, Stryer, Tymoczko, Gatto* (WH Freeman & Co)
Becker’s World of the Cell: Hardin, Bertoni, Kleinsmith (Pearson)
Chemistry - An Introduction to Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry: Housecroft, Constable (Pearson)
Introduction to Genetic Analysis: Griffiths, Wessler, Carroll, Doebley (WH Freeman & Co)
Additional reading
Principles of Biochemistry (5th ed): Moran, Horton, Scrimgeour, Perry, Rawn (Pearson)
Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences: Atkins, de Paula (Oxford University Press)
Mathematics for Biological Scientists: Aitken, Broadhurst, Hladky (Garland Science)
Biology: Campbell, Reece (Pearson)
Biological Sciences
Highly recommended
Biology: A Global Approach: Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky & Reece (Pearson)
Becker’s World of the Cell: Hardin, Bertoni, Kleinsmith (Pearson)
Brock Biology of Microorganisms: Madigan, Bender, Buckley; Sattley & Stahl (Pearson)
Introduction to Genetic Analysis: Griffiths, Wessler, Carroll, Doebley (WH Freeman & Co)
Additional reading
Principles of Biochemistry (5th ed): Moran, Horton, Scrimgeour, Perry, Rawn (Pearson)
Eckert Animal Physiology: Randall*
Biochemistry (9th Ed): Berg, Stryer, Tymoczko, Gatto* (WH Freeman & Co)
Mathematics for Biological Scientists: Aitken, Broadhurst, Hladky (Garland Science)
Other Resources
Other University Resources
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Studying at university requires you to pay for your tuition and cover your living expenses. However, financial support is available. Learn more about the loans and grants available from the government and other providers for UK, EU and international students; plus the wide variety of scholarships available at the University.
Student Finance England Video: Click Here
This state-of-the-art facility, along with it's sister laboratories CTL Biolabs and CTL Engineering, is designed to support the latest methods in laboratory teaching in STEM subjects across the University. Collectively, these laboratories will allow you to benefit from transformational teaching in spaces designed to encourage and facilitate collaborative and inter-disciplinary working.
The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR)
BIFoR aims to provide fundamental science, social science and cultural research of direct relevance to forested landscapes anywhere in the world. We make the evidence-based case for forests as part of one-planet living
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Birmingham City
Cadbury’s chocolate, The Bullring, Peaky Blinders, the Balti – all things synonymous with our city. Yet Birmingham has so much more to offer than this. As one of the original pioneering cities Birmingham has developed into a melting pot for shopping, food and drink, nightlife, sport, culture, and industry.
Further info
School of Biosciences