Food and Drink

For information regarding food on the University of Birmingham campus, and outlet opening times, please visit the "Food and drink on campus" page

Local restaurants

Please find below a list of just some of the restaurants in the vicinity of the campus. Please note that there are many other options in the area, these are just a small selection.

If you are looking for places to eat in the city of Birmingham, the Tripadvisor 'Places to eat in Birmingham' website has many recommendations and ratings. For more inspiration on exciting independents, check the Independent Birmingham website. 


 Please note: If you wish to enquire about bookings at any of the restaurants listed above, please contact venues directly. Aside from the University of Birmingham outlets, the university is in no way affiliated with any of the venues listed above. We merely present the list as suggestions but do not accept responsibility or liability for the venues or the services they offer. Any bookings will be made by individual delegates, and any queries or complaints should be discussed with the outlets directly. The organisers will not be responsible for any travel between the University and your chosen restaurant venues.