Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM)

Working towards a society where everyone has the financial security they need to thrive.

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  • Our Work

    We research the causes and consequences of financial risk and insecurity, and promote policies to foster financial wellbeing.

  • Our People

    We are an interdisciplinary research centre covering a range of specialisms, including social policy, accounting and finance, economics and sociology.



Cash is back but who should pay for it in a digital banking world?

The cost of living crisis has encouraged an increase in the usage of cash for household payments. Emeritus Professor Andrew Mullineux looks at the rise of bank branch closures, making handling cash more difficult for retailers.

Read the CHASM Blog

An array of five and ten pound notes strewn with pound coins

Latest news

27 October 2023

The Ben Pattison Memorial PhD Prize

Dr Ben Pattison sadly passed away at the age of 40 in March 2020. Ben was an exceptional ESRC funded CHASM Doctoral Researcher at Birmingham from 2012-2015.

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