Presentation of COVID-19 in pregnant and postnatal women

What are the clinical symptoms, laboratory and radiological findings for COVID-19 during pregnancy/postpartum?

Is the presentation different in pregnant/postpartum women than non-pregnant individuals?

COVID-19 presentation in pregnancy and postpartum

Version 6: updated 27 April 2021

  • The common symptoms of COVID-19 in pregnancy and postpartum were cough (36%) and fever (36%).
  • Breathlessness and muscle ache were reported in 19% and 17% of women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, respectively. 
  • The common laboratory findings were lymphopaenia (33%), raised white cell count (28%), and raised C reactive protein levels (51%).
  • Studies included pregnant or postpartum women admitted to the hospitals and not all pregnant women.

The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in pregnancy and postpartum appears to be broadly similar to the general population.

(v6.0 last search update on 27 April 2021; findings may change as new evidence emerges)

Disclaimer: The findings have not yet been peer reviewed and the sources cited should be checked. Any views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of their institutions and organisations.


Previous versions

Structured research question (PICO)

COVID-19 presentation in pregnancy and postpartum
Population Pregnant/postpartum women All individuals with COVID-19
Exposure COVID-19 Pregnancy and postpartum
Comparator - Non-pregnant and reproductive aged (women, all)
Outcomes Symptoms and signs:
Cough, fever, breathlessness, sputum, myalgia, fatigue, diarrhoea, headache, sore throat,  rigor, anosmia, vomiting, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), Quick SOFA (qSOFA)

haematological,renal, liver function, C-reactive protein, Creatine kinase, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin, Interleukin-6, procalcitonin

Consolidation, Ground-glass opacity, Bilateral pulmonary infiltration
Study Design Observational studies


Full details to be published shortly. Currently undergoing peer review.