News from the School of English, Drama and Creative Studies

Science, storytelling and prehistory

Professor John Holmes recreating J.R.R.Tolkien’s lecture on dragons at Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Literary scholars from the University are working with Oxford University Museum of Natural History to explore fantasy fiction and the science of the deep past.

Aboutness in Shakespeare's poetry

Professor Stephen Guy-Bray (University of British Columbia) gives the Thursday Seminar at The Shakespeare Institute in Stratford upon Avon.

George Orwell’s Gandhi

Composite image of George Orwell side by side with a photograph of Ghandi

Professor Douglas Kerr spoke at the Centre for Modernist Cultures in November on Orwell’s response to the life and politics of anti-colonial campaigner Gandhi.

Innovation in the arts at Birmingham

A seminar taking place in the College of Arts and Law

Exciting new degree programmes have launched in Law, English and History at the University’s campuses in Birmingham and Dubai.

Alumna faith leader returns to campus

Shermara Fletcher speaking

Alumna Shermara Fletcher (BA Drama and English Literature) was one of the faith leaders who spoke at HM The Queen’s funeral. She reflects on her recent visit.

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