This month Professor Jon Rowe is leading an open IAS Workshop to bring together University of Birmingham researchers with an interest in Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence to network and identify potential new avenues for research, and to discuss how colleagues can get involved in the development of the University’s partnership with the Alan Turing Institute. If you would like to join us on the afternoon of 29th June, please email Lauren Rawlins with 1 – 5 keywords that describe your research interests.
Alan Turing Institute
Institute of Advanced Studies Internal Funding Programmes
IAS has a range of funding programmes designed to support and develop colleagues’ cross-disciplinary research ideas, longer term projects and collaborations with world-leading academics. If you are interested in making proposals, or have any questions, please visit our website for more information about all our programmes and support.
IAS Workshops
Distinguished Visiting Fellows Programme
IAS Vanguard Fellowship programme
Research Investment Scheme
Konstanz University UBIAS Network Fellowships
Early career researchers from any member of the UBIAS network [including the University of Birmingham] are invited to apply for a Research Visit at the Zukunftskolleg. The aim is to engage in a research project at the University of Konstanz for up to three months, ideally in collaboration with a Zukunftskolleg fellow. No limitation is placed on the area of research and interdisciplinary study is encouraged.
ZiF Cooperation Groups 2019/20 Fellowships
Zif logo
ZiF, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany ZiF Cooperation Groups (CGs) are concerned with interdisciplinary research projects and spend a short to medium period of time for one continuous or several compact research visits to the ZiF. Read more about the Cooperation Group fellowships and how to apply
Upcoming Workshops and Events
21 June

Adversities, Trauma and Resilience in Periods of Transition

Workshop Leader: Prof Janine Natalya Clark Birmingham Law School

‘Periods of transition’ has been broadly defined to cover: societies who are in transition from conflict to peace; communities who are in transition after natural disasters; and individuals who are in transition after having experienced trauma. This workshop aims to foster an inter-disciplinary discussion on the concept of resilience and its meaning in these different contexts
29 June afternoon

Data Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and the Turing Institute

Workshop Leader: Prof Jon Rowe School of Computer Science

This workshop aims to find out more about how Data Science and AI feature in research around the campus, identify potential new collaborative projects and to discuss the development of the Birmingham Institute for Data Science and AI.
6 July

Suicide and self-harm in children and young people: An interdisciplinary approach to prevention

Workshop Leaders: Drs Maria Michail, Rachel Upthegrove and Anna Lavis

Suicide is a global public health concern and despite national and international preventative efforts, suicide rates are on the rise with detrimental social, psychological and economic consequences. This IAS workshop will identify the “big questions” around suicidology and highlight challenges in the current understanding of the multiple drivers of suicide, as well as discuss strategies to tackle and prevent this tragic outcome.
27–28 August

Brain stimulation and its applications to memory: best practice

Workshop Leaders: Prof Kim Shapiro and Dr Sara Assecondi School of Psychology

Brain stimulators are safe, internet enabled for both stimulation and transfer of data, inexpensive and easy to use. However, despite the vast literature on brain stimulation, the field is still in its infancy and there is still little consensus on the best protocols. This workshop will bring UK and international experts together with UoB researchers and NHS practitioners to overcome the current difficulties in this rapidly developing field.
4 September

Perspectives and experiences of intersectoral systems-based approaches to childhood obesity prevention

Workshop Leader: Prof Peymané Adab, Institute of Applied Health Research

Childhood obesity is a growing problem worldwide, and is linked with multiple health, emotional and social problems, but so far approaches for preventing the rising trend have had minimal success. This workshop seeks to bring together UoB researchers with related non-academic partners to explore community-based and systems-wide approaches to obesity prevention.

Children’s Engagement with Digital Technologies: Implications for Health and Wellbeing

Workshop Leaders: Prof Peter Kraftl and Prof Julie Taylor and Dr Victoria Goodyear

This Children and Childhoods Network (CCN) workshop will explore intersections between two of CCN’s major research themes – technology, and health and wellbeing – with the aim of better understanding how to make the best of the university’s research strengths to address these clear global challenges. The date is being planned for the autumn term and if you would like to register your interest, please email Lauren Rawlins.
Greg Salter

Representing Home: Art, Visual Culture, and the Interdisciplinary Study of Home

Workshop Leader: Dr Greg Salter, School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music

As debates around home continue to feel distinctly vital, this workshop will bring together researchers working on questions of home across a range of disciplines to explore and exchange ideas on how art and visual culture might be a focus for interdisciplinary work in this area.
Spring 2019

Anonymity: Past, Present and Futures unknown

Workshop Leader: Prof Jonathan Reinarz, , Institute of Applied Health Research

This workshop will explore how one lives in a world without anonymity. After all, Google knows everything! It will also explore how and why some people have in the past lived anonymously and others try to continue to do so today.

Jonathan is keen to hear from researchers from all disciplines who would like to explore this defining feature of twenty-first century culture – if your research connects with this theme, please contact Jonathan.
Get in touch
Telephone: 0121 414 5908

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT