Building bridges across the Atlantic

Our Transnational Academic Partnership with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been flourishing for a decade. Since its establishment in 2014, the Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement & Education (known as “BRIDGE”) has become one of our most successful and robust strategic partnerships.

  • A road view of the UIUC campus

    A decade of collaborative impact

    BRIDGE was established to foster mutual collaboration and investment between the University of Birmingham and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The vision was to deliver breakthrough research and address shared global challenges including global health, sustainability, and education access and equity. The last 10 years have seen us deliver on the promise of that vision, fostering some 115 collaborative projects across dozens of academic disciplines, producing 110 joint publications, and investing over $1.1 million into joint seed funding for work that are tackles these major global challenges.

    More about the BRIDGE partnership

Going from strength to strength

The recent 10 year milestone was also a chance to commit to an even stronger bond going forward, with the announcement of an investment that includes $400,000 to establish strategic research partnerships with the Global South, focusing on global health, sustainability, and education access and equity.
  • The main bridge at Ironbridge at sunset

    Sowing the seeds of collaboration

    Bringing together a new cohort of research partners

    The BRIDGE Seed Fund offers $200,000 of annual funding to kick-start research projects between our two universities. This year, more projects than ever are being supported - 12 in total, ranging in focus from human rights, to transport, to modern theatre.

    About our latest collaborations

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