This month TWIST features updates from our recent workshops and fellows, opportunities, and information on Institute of Advanced studies funding programmes. |
View from a Vanguard
IAS Vanguard fellow Dr Sydney Calkin talks about our recent workshop Spatiality and Abortion:
“The referendum to repeal the 8th is the first step in a long journey to making abortion access a reality for Irish women. Campaigner Ailbhe Smyth reminded us that the campaign is just “one point in a continuum”. Our workshop sought to address legal reform of Irish abortion law and the gap between law and real-life access.”
Programming Hierarchical Self-assembly with DNA-Coated Colloidal Particles
This jointly supervised 3-year collaborative PhD project between Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti, School of Chemistry, and Professor Vinothan N. Manoharan, (Wagner Family Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Physics at Harvard University), was planned during Professor Manoharan’s visit to Birmingham last summer as an IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellow and will be supported by our Research Investment Scheme.
Challenges to Wellbeing: The Experience of Loneliness and the Threat of Epistemic Injustice in the Clinical Encounter
Institut D’Études Avancées de Paris – Call for the “Brain, Culture and Society” program 2019–2020
The Paris Institute for Advanced Study welcomes applications from international scholars and scientists in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, cognitive sciences, and neurosciences for a research stay of five or ten months during the academic year 2019–2020 within the framework of its “Brain, Culture and Society program”. Fellows will be given the opportunity to work freely on the project of their choice, at the interface between the sciences of the brain, the humanities, and the social sciences. Full details can be found at their website.
Upcoming Workshops and Events
12 –14 March
Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Process Tracing
Workshop leader: Dr. Markus Siewert, IAS Vanguard Fellow
This workshop is open to Early Career members of staff. Participants will gain profound knowledge of QCA and Process Tracing as innovative tools for their own research, will offer space to discuss key analytic pitfalls when applying QCA and Process Tracing, and will help researchers to develop innovative research designs.
19–27 March
3rd UBIAS Intercontinental Academia, Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics
Location: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
This workshop will bring together a network of future research leaders to collaborate on paradigm-shifting cross-disciplinary research, mentored by eminent researchers from across the globe.
21 June
Adversities, Trauma and Resilience in Periods of Transition
Workshop Leader: Dr Janine Natalya Clark.
‘Periods of transition’ has been broadly defined to cover: societies who are in transition from conflict to peace; communities who are in transition after natural disasters; and individuals who are in transition after having experienced trauma. This workshop aims to foster an inter-disciplinary discussion on the concept of resilience and its meaning in these different contexts.