Singing, dancing, moving and joining in; enabling positive experiences for children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities

Friday 8 December 2023 (18:30-19:45)

Students and staff at the University of Birmingham are welcome to join this activity.

Facilitator for the event

Helen Bradley, SPMLD pathway lead on the MA Inclusion programme at the University of Birmingham

Helen was trained as a teacher of infant children and children with SPMLD and then as an educational psychologist. She then worked as a clinical psychologist with children and adults with learning disabilities.


Nicole Shaw

Nicola is a teacher within primary special school, teaching a class of PMLD students. She is responsible for PMLD, Informal curriculum and PE across the whole school. Her main areas of interest are PE for children and young people with PMLD and SEN and supporting staff to increase and enable these opportunities for these children and young people.

Louise Helsby

Louise is a teacher in a SEN/D school and a leader at an inclusive Rainbows group. She is studying for a Masters degree in SPMLD at the University of Birmingham. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her goddaughters and going to the theatre!

This activity can be accessed via Zoom using the following link, which will be open during the session: